Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Yo Se Que Vive Mi Señor

Mon 4/6/2015 12:30 PM

It's April 6th, and it's snowing in WASPO. This state is officially more bipolar than Utah. Pues, que puedo hacer pero trabajar?


Thanks for the birthday wishes. You're all so great! (:


Okay, so I just wanna take a moment and praise my companionship. We are on fire! We got 90 GCs this week, and that's such a huge deal! I've never hit 90 as a missionary, and to do that in a week, well that's pretty huge. However, we decided to completely start all over in our area. 
I was pondering the other day on how much our area was improving and how many people were coming out of the woodwork, but I just couldn't understand how it completely died down and how suddenly these people just wanted to give up on everything despite all we were trying to help them with and despite the Spirit they were feeling. It takes quite the toll on missionaries when people we grow to love, just give up, but they do have their agency, and we respect that. But we're completely starting all over, and even though it's tough, I have faith that miracles will emerge from it. We've been seeing quite a few through street contacts we've had, so that really strengthens our faith and testimony.



Conference was so great! I felt so spiritually nourished! I went to conference with a few questions, and something huge I got out of it was that the main purpose of being in this mission and facing the things I have and am are so I could realize my divine worth and through finally knowing of that and seeing what role I play in this plan that God has for us , I'm preparing myself for the future that awaits me. So I could add to the kingdom that my Father in Heaven has awaiting for me, and that I could help others realize that they are of so much worth. Especially in the eyes of God. I realized that I couldn't really help people see or understand that until I myself finally understood it. It just makes sense! I came to the conclusion that I may just plant seeds my whole mission, and drew to the conclusion that it's okay. Because that's how life is. Something may not result how we want them to, and we have other plans or visions in our mind that we want, but our Father in heaven KNOWS what will suit us better, and how we'll learn from those experiences. He knows what will help us reach our divine potential, and we have to trust him and believe that what he has planned for us is much better than what we think we need. We have to align our will to his with a softened heart. I noticed how through doing so, one sees the bigger picture. I cannot believe how stubborn I used to be about those things, and how caught up I was in worldly things before hand, but everything has changed for me. I'm grateful for how putting my life on hold and giving my will to the Lord's has opened my eyes beyond what I expected it to. I'm converted. 


Because I understand things to a greater extent than before, I've come to appreciate Jesus Christ and his Atonement even more than I had before. One of the things I took away from conference that I absolutely loved so much was about the infinite power of the Atonement, thus, making this one of my favorite quotes, "One of God's greatest gifts to us is to try again." How correct and soothing is that!? Sometimes, we don't realize that we can have more chances. That's part of God's plan. That we will make mistakes, but be able to learn from them, let it change us for the better, and not do it again. That's where the Atonement comes into play. Christ was so willing to die for each one of us, so that not only would we be able to live with our families and a loving heavenly father again, but so we can change. So that we can accept his sacrifice and allow for his grace to change us to become like Christ- perfect. Sure we won't be completely perfect; we're all human, but that's the purpose, so help shape us so that after this life, we can be. Our future is as bright as our faith. That's demonstrated through our actions, and our willingness and desire to change our hearts. Our hope for the Savior must overcome our doubts. Whatever they may be. I still can't comprehend how Christ could have been so willing to sacrifice his life, and his will to atone for all of us. He clearly loved God so much that he was so willing to step up to that plate, and "partake of that bitter cup". Christ was obedient. So my question is, why can't we be? This was hot head on during conference. I just have such a deep love for my Savior. He calms my fears, and wipes away my tears. He heals my troubled heart. He's my best friend, and he completely understands. Yo SE sin ninguna duda en mi corazon, que vive mi Señor. That's my wish for all of you, and for the people in this mission. To feel of his love and comfort even more. For our testimonies to be even more stronger. To gain one if we don't have one, but most importantly, to accept our Savior as our redeemer. 


I just love the gospel so much, and it really is such a simple gospel. We just tend to make it harder than it really is, and it shouldn't be that way. This gospel is the light that we have on this dark and dreary world. Why do we fail to sometimes disregard that, and continue to walk in the darkness? It's simple. I know that we all have struggles and weaknesses, but it's especially then when we should turn to our Father in Heaven and pray to him. When we should be humble enough to listen to, accept, and act on his counsel. Even if we find it silly. 


I love each of you so much, and I wish you all nothing but the best. You're each sons and daughters of a loving heavenly father who LOVES us more than we can comprehend. I just hope we're each willing to comprehend it and take it into our lives as we move through this journey together. Lift the afflicted up, and demonstrate that charity that Christ has for us to them. 


I am so grateful for the restored gospel, and for the testimony I have that's still continuing to grow. I'm so grateful for families and the love and happiness it brings into our lives!! I love my Father in heaven and my Savior so much. I honestly don't think I could express it enough, and even though I'm so imperfect, I know they have their arms stretched out to me to comfort, guide, and strengthen me as I learn from my imperfections. I hope you all had a great Easter, and I invite you all to contemplate the bigger picture and think about where your faith lies. I love you all, and wish you a great rest of your week! 


I'll be celebrating tomorrow with a good birthday dinner, and with talking to as many people as I possibly could about the joys of this gospel, and on how they can obtain that (: I have an awesome companion who spilled the secret that I'll be filled with a day of surprises and such, so that'll be interesting!




Con muchisimo amor,


Hermana Robles

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