Monday, April 20, 2015

Authority at it's Finest.

Mon 4/20/2015 12:28 PM

Before anything,

I'm getting transferred! Yep! I'm out of the Spanish work! I guess President felt that it's time for me to do English work with the YSA (Young Single Adult) in this college town called Cheney. So, there I'll be for at least a transfer. So I served around that area when I was in the South West, but we weren't in that area all that often. I've been in the area, tried potential Latinos, but that was about it. Now I'm serving in the YSA ward there, so I'll be in Cheney 24/7. Oh, and I'm sweeping the area. Not much of a surprise. President must think I'm a decent "sweeper" since I've done so to each area I've been transferred into. My new companion's name is Sister Ellis. I'll meet her for the first time tomorrow. We spoke over the phone this morning, and she sounds so great! I can tell we'll get along well. Oh yeah, and I got called to be the Sister Training Leader for my zone, so yeah. I guess you could say I feel pretty stressed. But look at the bright side, I could have been training adn doing all that again, right? Anyway, I'm stoked! It'll be cool to work outside of the Spanish work. However, I'm going to miss the branch like crazy, and working with young adults will be a huge transition from Latin families. It'll be good for me. I'm honored that the Lord impressed President Mullen to put me where I need to be. 


I also just realized that Mother's Day is next month. That was weird. I'll be with a new companion to Skype home, so that'll be cool!


So being out in the valley was so great! I truly needed that! I got to see Jose de Jesus, and he is so set about being baptized! He's doing it this Summer, so I am so happy and proud of him! He's applying everything he reads int eh Book of Mormon to his life, and it's all just kicking in for him. He's come such a long way from when Hna Walton and I first began teaching him. He told me, "Hna Robles, the Spirit told me i need to be baptized, so I know it's the right thing to do." I about cried. We also read in 1 Ne 12 with him, and he thought that each time the word "vision" was in, that it related to MLK's "I have a dream speech" and his "vision" for America. We had to explain the difference between the two. I sure miss teaching him. He was so fun to teach, and i learned a ton from him in return!


I also visited Kristina and her kids Oscar and Esmerelda. It was so touching! We all jumped for joy when we saw each other, and it was just so gratifying! We taught them about the Tree of Life and Lehi's dream, and how they should hold fast to the iron rod (scriptures, prayer, church- tools) especially when life's "mists of darkness" try to over power us, blind us, and cause us to let go of the rod and not reach our ultimate goal which is the tree to partake of the fruit. Their "tree" they decided was the temple and to be sealed together as a family for all time and eternity. They are progressing so much, but simply need some support behind them. I promised I'd be back for their sealing. I wouldn't miss it for the world. I am so proud of them, and I love them so much!


We visited Rosa. Oh how I LOVE Rosa. She has truly blessed my life. We talked about the time I hid her cigarettes, and how Hna Walton and I had done a "dessert fast" to help her quit smoking. It's been working, 'cause all she's doing is those e-cigarette things. She's cutting down on the nicotine, so that's a huge deal! We talked about her testimony, and she told me, "Hna Robles, you helped me gain my solid testimony of Joseph Smith." You made me understand how he must be a true prophet due to the role he had in helping translate and bring forth the Book of Mormon. I about cried again. I was so touched, and it was so nice to be able to see those people whose lives I had touched in an area I was in. It was a huge testimony builder. I just love being a missionary SO MUCH!


Russell M. Nelson came to the WA-SPO mission! We all took a picture as a mission with him by the temple, and seeing him and meeting him in person confirmed to me even more that God calls modern prophets and apostles to lead His church. The Spirit that was felt when he spoke was incredible. I can't even explain what that was like! Dad, I asked him if he remembered you from the time you spent with him in Cuzco, and he held my hand, grabbed my elbow, looked at me so lovingly, and with a bright smile said, "of course". I felt like jelly. I seriously didn't wanna wash my hand nor my elbow ever again. i accidently washed my hands, but then also realized how gross I'd be if I didn't wash my elbow, so I washed that too.. But I still got touched by a general authority! He and Elder Clark who just got called as a 70 gave beautiful talks, and I realized how much my Father in heaven loves me. Each talk and thing they gave and said was exactly what I needed. He surely does minister to us through his servants. 


We also gained a new investigator this last week by being in the right time at the right place. His name's Ryan. He's a young Latino. In his 20s. So we randomly went up to him and asked if he knew any Latinos around. He said that he was, then held up his forearms and tattooed on them said, "brown pride". It solidified it for us. He had attended LDS church services years ago but wanted to return and see how it'd bless his life. He was super open. We had an awesome street lesson with him, and the Spirit was so strong. Everything was so great, until we said "bye". Darn Ryan leaned in, and gave me the biggest hug. I jumped. It was funny. The worst part was that he didn't even give my comp a hug, so it was just weird and stuff! Hna Whipperman and I laughed so hard on our way back to the car. So awkward. 


Well, I'll update you on my first week in the YSA next week!

Que tengan una buena semana!
Love ya'll!

Con amor,

Hna Robles

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