Thursday, April 16, 2015

Birthdays and Other Important Dates.

Mon 4/13/2015 12:30 PM

I am 20! ... Well, that came by quick. I feel like I just turned 18. I had a great birthday, so thanks everyone!

Last Monday, we went shopping (no surprise), and the Elders kept telling us not to go to the Stake Center (where we as a zone spend pday afternoons). Obviously I knew something was up. We showed up on the time they asked us to, and everything was just normal. I thought they were just messing with me or something, because they always do and are weird like that. 

I was hitting a volleyball around with another sister, and for some reason the lights were flickering on and off. The doors opened, and all the elders came in singing "Happy Birthday" with a cake and candles. I honestly thought it was for someone else since my birthday wasn't 'til the following day, so I looked around the room waiting for someone to step up to the cake, until it was made obvious that it was for me. I was having one of my moments. You know how it is. Anyway, it was really sweet of them! They set it down on a table, and to my surprise, did the "Haka"  for me. It was super cool, and flattering. Actually, it was scary. They all just looked so scary doing it, but I guess that's how the dance is.? No se. The cool thing is that I got it all on my camera, because Hna. Whipperman is so sneaky, and she knew what was coming, so she grabbed my camera and recorded it. She rules. I got an awesome Lava lava from Mama Sosa. She's the mom of our zone. We just love her so much. She spoils us. She taught us how to do the Hula, so that's cool. I love how culturally diverse our zone is and how much they love different cultures. The night of my birthday, the Marshallese Elders called us, and sang a cool song to me in Marshallese using their pretty little Ukelele. It was awesome! We have a really close zone- which I love. It's always a good time!


Sadly, transfer calls are this upcoming Sunday. Honestly, I feel like I've been with my companion for just a transfer. We might just enter into our 3rd together. I kinda feel like I'll go English speaking. We only have 3 Spanish sisters, and one companionship has been in a trio a transfer, and I honestly don't think they'll keep that going for another one. It's pretty unlikely. We won't get another Spanish sister 'til July. I wouldn't mind going English speaking though (: It'd be cool. 


This upcoming weekend we'll also have Elder Russell M. Nelson from the quorum of the 12 apostles visiting our mission. We're so stoked! We'll all get to shake his hand and whatnot. I'm never going to wash my hand after I shake his. Maybe that's the "extra" that we need to get all the Latinos out here baptized! Therefor, I'm not jinxing it! My comp keeps reminding me that I hit 10 months this weekend, but that's just another number I don't care to worry about. However, it does motivate me to work harder. It's just a matter of being patient with the work and the pace of its movement. 


I think one of the biggest things that happened this week was Ruben. We were finally able to get in a first lesson with him since he's been so busy with doctors' appointments and such. We had Hna Torres with us in that lesson, and we taught the Restoration. The Spirit was super strong. He immediately looked at us and said, "I know this is true, and I need this for my family". He didn't understand some things, so we explained it again. He told us that missionaries had visited him before and taught this, but that we explained it so simply and in a way that he could understand it that made it click for him. For some reason, I feel so strong that I can't let him go. That for some reason I have to make sure he gains a testimony of this gospel. I don't know why I feel so strongly about that. It's different than with other investigators I've had, so I refuse to let him give up. The only tough thing for him is that he has family who is opposing it, so they've been taking his copies of the Book of Mormon away. It's so sad, but we just keep on giving him new copies. We put him on date that lesson for May 2nd, but we may need to push it back a few weeks due to his understanding of things. He has a few health related set backs, but it's okay because we're going to be patient with him (: Teaching the Restoration enhances my testimony of it and this gospel more and more each time. It's amazing. It's something I never want to let go of. Everyone deserves to have the opportunity to find out for themselves if this is true or not.


Have to go, but I hope you all have a great week! I'll be out in the valley for exchanges tomorrow, so I'm super stoked! I get to see Jose de Jesus, the Mortensons, and Jose Ramos our Recent Convert! Yay (:


Con amor,


Hna Robles 


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