Monday, April 27, 2015

Bienvenidos To College Life: Missionary Style.

Mon 4/27/2015 12:30 PM

AL righty. 

Another week come and gone. It's insane. Quickest thing of my life. 
Oh yeah, I kind of forgot that we get to Skype home in 2 weeks, so I promise I'll get that figured out this week! Sorry familia!


Before anything, I'll tell you about my new companion (:

So her name is Sister Ellis. She's from a small town around Nashville, Tennessee. I pull the famous, "Are you from Tennessee? Because..." Line on her because it's hilarious and I think I'm funny. She gets a good laugh. She's so cool. She just got baptized a little over a year ago, and she immediately realized that it would be wise of her to serve a mission, so here she is! She's the only member in her family, so I can't really imagine how it must be for her, but her family is supportive of her being on a mission, and i think it's awesome. It's super cool that she's out here on a mission. She has such a strong testimony, and I admire and respect her so much for taking that leap of faith and going on a mission. She's your typical country girl, and just the sweetest thing. She has this cool little southern accent, and it's funny. Cause she doesn't think she has one. Her birthday so happens to be today! Good thing we're into the same stuff, cause we're going shopping and getting Fro-yo. Like the good ol' days back home! 


So this new area is certainly a whole new world. I feel like I'm working with my friends. I'm on campus a ton , tracking and talking to people, and I honestly feel like I'm a college student. People sometimes take us to the cafeteria on campus and feed us. It's so weird. It's different working English and with YSA students. A ton of them just finished High School or their missions, and they sometimes forget that we're missionaries and only limited to do some things. We do have a crazy amount of activities that occur several times a week which is so cool and effective because our members bring their friends to them all the time. It's like a little hang out but with a spiritual twist. i love it. it's a blast. I love the ward here. They're so missionary minded, and always going out with us as well as supporting us. The Lord sure gave me a break because the people here are super receptive and willing to listen and have lessons with us. It's nice having so many potentials around on and not just having to pick out just a certain group to work with. The members are always giving us referrals, which I love so much! I've never received so many from members in my mission, which is awesome! It's like having a little break in the work. We still give it our all, but it's like everything is just being handed over to us, which is weird. I know I shouldn't get comfortable, 'cause I'll be in the Spanish work again in at least 2 transfers. I'm still trying to figure out why I was transferred here. Same with Pres. But God knows though!


Oh my gosh. So last week, we were getting a little tour of campus from a LA, and I saw a HUGE herd of Latino students. I felt like I was in missionary heaven. At least for Spanish speakers in this mission. THIS NEVER HAPPENS. I'm going to make my way into their herd and baptize them all! Just you watch! (;


I'm out of time, but we had some awesome miracles happen this last week with so many people hungry to see if this church is true. I am so excited to be here!

Hasta la próxima!




Sister Robles

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