Missionary Superbowl is this weekend! I'm so stoked!
I love General Conference so much! I've already listed like
a million questions I have in mind, that I know I'll have answered through the
prophet and the General Authorities.
I feel like I just went to conference with my friends just a
few months ago. I can't believe it's been a year. It's been a year since I
tried my first street taco..
We decided to go to the temple in the middle of the week
when we realized that it was closing from the 4th-21st, so I didn't get to warn
ya familia. Sorrrrrrrrrrrrrry!
So much went on this past week, but I' have like no time to
type about it all. Forgive me.
Well, we had a family of investigators who we became close
with text us and "take a break" from us. It was so heartbreaking.
They were on a good path, and we wish they would give the gospel a chance, but
they do have their agency. We pray that they'll find the truth about this
gospel and how it'll change and bless their lives for the better someday. We
did what we could, and all we could, so we left it at that.
We had interviews with President and Sister Mullen this last
week, and it was so needed! They are so filled with inspiration for this
mission! I realized as I was talking to them how much I've changed, and my
testimony has grown. I never really realized that until I began to testify of
what I know to be true, and the divinity of this gospel and how much it has
changed my life! I never realized how much my life has been changed for the
better. I am so grateful for taking the step and serving a mission. I've
learned so much that will help me and does help me. I learned how much I do
mean to my Heavenly Father and the huge role I have in building his kingdom.
It's a great feeling. i've been able to study my Patriarchal lesson so much
this week, and the things I've come to discover have been incredible. It
changed everything for me.
Fun fact: In Greek, the word testament means
"covenant". The Book of Mormon is another Covenant of Christ. It
tells us what covenants and ordinances we can make and how. I discovered that
in my study this week.
We have had our numbers increase each day. We had this
"blitz" at Riverfront park yesterday with our district, and we all
went around sharing Because He Lives with everyone. We got 35 Gcs, and it was
awesome! That's 1/2 our goal for the week we got in a day!
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