Monday, April 27, 2015

Bienvenidos To College Life: Missionary Style.

Mon 4/27/2015 12:30 PM

AL righty. 

Another week come and gone. It's insane. Quickest thing of my life. 
Oh yeah, I kind of forgot that we get to Skype home in 2 weeks, so I promise I'll get that figured out this week! Sorry familia!


Before anything, I'll tell you about my new companion (:

So her name is Sister Ellis. She's from a small town around Nashville, Tennessee. I pull the famous, "Are you from Tennessee? Because..." Line on her because it's hilarious and I think I'm funny. She gets a good laugh. She's so cool. She just got baptized a little over a year ago, and she immediately realized that it would be wise of her to serve a mission, so here she is! She's the only member in her family, so I can't really imagine how it must be for her, but her family is supportive of her being on a mission, and i think it's awesome. It's super cool that she's out here on a mission. She has such a strong testimony, and I admire and respect her so much for taking that leap of faith and going on a mission. She's your typical country girl, and just the sweetest thing. She has this cool little southern accent, and it's funny. Cause she doesn't think she has one. Her birthday so happens to be today! Good thing we're into the same stuff, cause we're going shopping and getting Fro-yo. Like the good ol' days back home! 


So this new area is certainly a whole new world. I feel like I'm working with my friends. I'm on campus a ton , tracking and talking to people, and I honestly feel like I'm a college student. People sometimes take us to the cafeteria on campus and feed us. It's so weird. It's different working English and with YSA students. A ton of them just finished High School or their missions, and they sometimes forget that we're missionaries and only limited to do some things. We do have a crazy amount of activities that occur several times a week which is so cool and effective because our members bring their friends to them all the time. It's like a little hang out but with a spiritual twist. i love it. it's a blast. I love the ward here. They're so missionary minded, and always going out with us as well as supporting us. The Lord sure gave me a break because the people here are super receptive and willing to listen and have lessons with us. It's nice having so many potentials around on and not just having to pick out just a certain group to work with. The members are always giving us referrals, which I love so much! I've never received so many from members in my mission, which is awesome! It's like having a little break in the work. We still give it our all, but it's like everything is just being handed over to us, which is weird. I know I shouldn't get comfortable, 'cause I'll be in the Spanish work again in at least 2 transfers. I'm still trying to figure out why I was transferred here. Same with Pres. But God knows though!


Oh my gosh. So last week, we were getting a little tour of campus from a LA, and I saw a HUGE herd of Latino students. I felt like I was in missionary heaven. At least for Spanish speakers in this mission. THIS NEVER HAPPENS. I'm going to make my way into their herd and baptize them all! Just you watch! (;


I'm out of time, but we had some awesome miracles happen this last week with so many people hungry to see if this church is true. I am so excited to be here!

Hasta la próxima!




Sister Robles

Monday, April 20, 2015

Autoridad en su máxima expresión

Mon 4/20/2015 12:28 PM

Antes que nada,
Me transfieren! ¡Yep! Estoy fuera de la obra en Español! Supongo que el Presidente consideró que es el momento para que haga el trabajo Inglés con la YSA (Jóvenes Adultos Solteros) en la Ciudad Universitaria de Cheney. Así que, ahí voy a estar por lo menos durante un traslado. Anteriormente serví por esa zona cuando estaba en el Suroeste, pero no estábamos en la Ciudad Universitaria muy a menudo. He estado en la zona, intentado conseguir potenciales investigadores  latinos, pero eso fue todo. Ahora estoy asignada a servir en el Barrio de Jóvenes adultos solteros allí a tiempo completo, así que voy a estar en Cheney 24/7. Ah, y estoy nuevamente “barriendo” la zona. No es una sorpresa. El Presidente debe pensar que soy un "barrendero" competente, ya que es lo que he hecho en cada una de las áreas a las que he sido transferida . El nombre de mi nueva compañera es Hermana Ellis. Me reuniré con ella por primera vez mañana. Hablamos por teléfono esta mañana, y ella parece tan genial! Les puedo decir que nos llevaremos bien. Ah, sí, y además me llamaron para ser el líder de entrenadoras de las hermanas de mi zona, así que podría decir que me siento muy estresada. Pero viendo siempre el lado bueno, yo podría haber estado entrenando y hacer todo eso de nuevo, ¿verdad? De todos modos, estoy feliz!  Va a ser interesante  trabajar fuera de la obra en Español. Sin embargo, voy a extrañar La Rama muchísimo, y además  el trabajo con los jóvenes;  será interesante el acostumbrarme a todo nuevo. Será bueno para mí. Me siento honrada de que el Señor inspiró a Presidente Mullen a asignarme donde tengo que estar.

También me doy cuenta de que el Día de la Madre es el mes que viene. Eso se siente raro. Estaré con una nueva compañera cuando hablemos por  Skype, así que será muy bueno!.

El  estar en el valle de nuevo, fue  tan grandioso! Realmente necesitaba eso! Llegué a ver José de Jesús, y él está tan bien decidido a ser bautizado! Lo hará este verano, así que estoy muy feliz y orgullosa de él!  Él está aplicando todo lo que lee en el Libro de Mormón a su vida diaria, y todo simplemente depende de  él. Ha recorrido un largo camino desde que Hna Walton y Yo empezamos a enseñarle. Él me dijo: "Hna Robles, el Espíritu me dijo que tengo que ser bautizado, así que sé que es lo que debo que hacer." Yo estaba a punto de llorar. También leímos 1 Nefi 12 con él, José pensaba que cada vez que aparecía la palabra "visión" esta, se refería a Martin Luther King cuando decía en su famoso discurso, "Tengo sueño"..  y su "visión" para Estados Unidos. Tuvimos que explicar la diferencia entre los dos. Claro que echo de menos a enseñarle. Esas experiencias eran tan divertidas al enseñar, y También aprendí un montón de él a cambio!

También visité Kristina y sus hijos Oscar y Esmerelda. Fue tan conmovedor! Todos saltamos de alegría cuando nos encontramos de nuevo, y fue tan gratificante! Les enseñamos sobre el árbol de la vida y el sueño de Lehi, y la forma en que debemos aferrarnos a la barra de hierro (escrituras, la oración, las herramientas de iglesias), especialmente cuando en la vida los "vapores de tinieblas" tratan de apoderarse de nosotros, cegándonos, y provocando que por esa causa nos desprendamos de la barra de hierro  y no podamos llegar a nuestra meta final que es el árbol de participar de la fruta. Ellos decidieron que su "árbol" era el templo y sellarse juntos como una familia por todo el tiempo y la eternidad. Ellos están progresando mucho, pero simplemente necesitan un poco de apoyo. Le prometí que estaría de vuelta para su sellamiento. No me lo perdería por nada del mundo. Estoy muy orgullosa de ellos, y los amo tanto!

Visitamos Rosa. Oh cómo amo a Rosa. Ella ha bendecido mi vida. Hablamos del tiempo cuando escondí sus cigarrillos, y cómo Hna Walton y yo habíamos hecho un "rápido postre" para ayudarla a dejar de fumar. Ha estado funcionando, porque todo lo que está haciendo son eso llamado cigarrilloselectrónicos. Ella está reduciendo la nicotina, por lo que es un gran avance! Hablamos de su testimonio, y ella me dijo: "Hna Robles, Ud. me ayudó a ganar mi sólido testimonio de José Smith." Me hiciste entender cómo debe ser un verdadero profeta, debido al papel que tenía en ayudar a traducir y sacar a luz el Libro de Mormón. Me hizó llorar de nuevo. Me conmovió, y era tan agradable ser capaz de ver a esas personas cuyas vidas había tocado en un área que estaba. Fue un gran fortalecedor de mi testimonio. Me encanta TANTO!  ser una misionera.

Russell M. Nelson llegó a la misión WA-SPO! Todos nos tomamos una foto como misión con él por los alrededores del Templo, y al verlo y conocerlo en persona pude confirmar aún más que Dios llama a profetas y apóstoles modernos  para dirigir su Iglesia. El Espíritu que se sintió cuando nos habló fue increíble. No puedo ni explicar cómo que era!  Papá, le pregunté si te recordaba de aquel tiempo que lo conociste y compartiste con él en Cuzco Perú, y él me cogió la mano, agarró mi codo, me miró con tanto amor, y con una sonrisa brillante, dijo, "por supuesto que recuerdo a su Padre". Me sentía como gelatina. Yo en serio no me quería lavar la mano ni el codo nunca más. i accidentalmente lavé las manos, pero luego también me di cuenta de lo grave que sería si no me lavo el codo, así que me lo lavé también .. Pero todavía me quedé conmovida por una autoridad general! Él y Elder Clark, que acaba de ser llamado como 70 dio discursos tan hermosos, y me di cuenta de lo mucho que mi Padre que está en los cielos, me ama. Cada mensaje o discurso que ellos dieron y dijeron era exactamente lo que necesitaba. Seguramente hace ministrar a nosotros a través de sus siervos.

También obtuvimos un nuevo investigador esta última semana por estar en el momento adecuado en el lugar correcto. Ryan de su nombre. Él es un joven latino. En sus 20 años. llegamos guiados a él y le preguntamos si conocía a algún latinos alrededor. Dijo si, luego se levantó y sus antebrazos tenían un tatuaje que decía, "brown pride". Se solidificó por nosotros. Había asistido a los servicios religiosos de la iglesia hace años, pero quería volver y ver cómo la el evangelio bendeciría  su vida. Él estaba muy abierto y receptivo. Tuvimos una lección impresionante en la calle con él, y el Espíritu era tan fuerte. Todo era tan grandioso, hasta que nos despedimos. Ryan se inclinó y me dio un gran abrazo. Salté. Fue divertido. La peor parte fue que ni siquiera le dio un abrazo a mi compañera!, por lo que fue tan extraño. Esas cosas! Hna Whipperman y yo nos reímos tan duro en nuestro camino de regreso al coche. Fue tan incómodo.

Bueno, Les contaré de mi primera semana en la próxima semana en mi nueva asignación en YSA

Que tengan una Buena semana!

Les quiero a todos!

Con amor

Sister Robles.

Authority at it's Finest.

Mon 4/20/2015 12:28 PM

Before anything,

I'm getting transferred! Yep! I'm out of the Spanish work! I guess President felt that it's time for me to do English work with the YSA (Young Single Adult) in this college town called Cheney. So, there I'll be for at least a transfer. So I served around that area when I was in the South West, but we weren't in that area all that often. I've been in the area, tried potential Latinos, but that was about it. Now I'm serving in the YSA ward there, so I'll be in Cheney 24/7. Oh, and I'm sweeping the area. Not much of a surprise. President must think I'm a decent "sweeper" since I've done so to each area I've been transferred into. My new companion's name is Sister Ellis. I'll meet her for the first time tomorrow. We spoke over the phone this morning, and she sounds so great! I can tell we'll get along well. Oh yeah, and I got called to be the Sister Training Leader for my zone, so yeah. I guess you could say I feel pretty stressed. But look at the bright side, I could have been training adn doing all that again, right? Anyway, I'm stoked! It'll be cool to work outside of the Spanish work. However, I'm going to miss the branch like crazy, and working with young adults will be a huge transition from Latin families. It'll be good for me. I'm honored that the Lord impressed President Mullen to put me where I need to be. 


I also just realized that Mother's Day is next month. That was weird. I'll be with a new companion to Skype home, so that'll be cool!


So being out in the valley was so great! I truly needed that! I got to see Jose de Jesus, and he is so set about being baptized! He's doing it this Summer, so I am so happy and proud of him! He's applying everything he reads int eh Book of Mormon to his life, and it's all just kicking in for him. He's come such a long way from when Hna Walton and I first began teaching him. He told me, "Hna Robles, the Spirit told me i need to be baptized, so I know it's the right thing to do." I about cried. We also read in 1 Ne 12 with him, and he thought that each time the word "vision" was in, that it related to MLK's "I have a dream speech" and his "vision" for America. We had to explain the difference between the two. I sure miss teaching him. He was so fun to teach, and i learned a ton from him in return!


I also visited Kristina and her kids Oscar and Esmerelda. It was so touching! We all jumped for joy when we saw each other, and it was just so gratifying! We taught them about the Tree of Life and Lehi's dream, and how they should hold fast to the iron rod (scriptures, prayer, church- tools) especially when life's "mists of darkness" try to over power us, blind us, and cause us to let go of the rod and not reach our ultimate goal which is the tree to partake of the fruit. Their "tree" they decided was the temple and to be sealed together as a family for all time and eternity. They are progressing so much, but simply need some support behind them. I promised I'd be back for their sealing. I wouldn't miss it for the world. I am so proud of them, and I love them so much!


We visited Rosa. Oh how I LOVE Rosa. She has truly blessed my life. We talked about the time I hid her cigarettes, and how Hna Walton and I had done a "dessert fast" to help her quit smoking. It's been working, 'cause all she's doing is those e-cigarette things. She's cutting down on the nicotine, so that's a huge deal! We talked about her testimony, and she told me, "Hna Robles, you helped me gain my solid testimony of Joseph Smith." You made me understand how he must be a true prophet due to the role he had in helping translate and bring forth the Book of Mormon. I about cried again. I was so touched, and it was so nice to be able to see those people whose lives I had touched in an area I was in. It was a huge testimony builder. I just love being a missionary SO MUCH!


Russell M. Nelson came to the WA-SPO mission! We all took a picture as a mission with him by the temple, and seeing him and meeting him in person confirmed to me even more that God calls modern prophets and apostles to lead His church. The Spirit that was felt when he spoke was incredible. I can't even explain what that was like! Dad, I asked him if he remembered you from the time you spent with him in Cuzco, and he held my hand, grabbed my elbow, looked at me so lovingly, and with a bright smile said, "of course". I felt like jelly. I seriously didn't wanna wash my hand nor my elbow ever again. i accidently washed my hands, but then also realized how gross I'd be if I didn't wash my elbow, so I washed that too.. But I still got touched by a general authority! He and Elder Clark who just got called as a 70 gave beautiful talks, and I realized how much my Father in heaven loves me. Each talk and thing they gave and said was exactly what I needed. He surely does minister to us through his servants. 


We also gained a new investigator this last week by being in the right time at the right place. His name's Ryan. He's a young Latino. In his 20s. So we randomly went up to him and asked if he knew any Latinos around. He said that he was, then held up his forearms and tattooed on them said, "brown pride". It solidified it for us. He had attended LDS church services years ago but wanted to return and see how it'd bless his life. He was super open. We had an awesome street lesson with him, and the Spirit was so strong. Everything was so great, until we said "bye". Darn Ryan leaned in, and gave me the biggest hug. I jumped. It was funny. The worst part was that he didn't even give my comp a hug, so it was just weird and stuff! Hna Whipperman and I laughed so hard on our way back to the car. So awkward. 


Well, I'll update you on my first week in the YSA next week!

Que tengan una buena semana!
Love ya'll!

Con amor,

Hna Robles

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Cumpleaños y otros compromisos mas..

20 años!!.
Bueno, eso fue tan rápido. Me siento como si acabara de cumplir 18. Tuve un gran cumpleaños, así que gracias a todos!

El lunes pasado, nos fuimos de compras (ninguna sorpresa), y los Elderes insistían diciendo que no vayamos  al Centro de Estaca (donde nosotros, pasamos gran parte de nuestro PDAY). Obviamente yo sabía que algo estaba pasando. Llegamos en el momento en que nos pidieron, y todo fue normal.
Pensé que sólo estaban jugando conmigo o algo así, ya que siempre lo hacen y son un poco raros tomando el pelo así.

Yo estaba jugando con  una pelota de voleibol por ahí con otra hermana, y por alguna razón las luces parpadeaban y se apaga. Las puertas se abrieron, y todos los Elderes (Misioneros varores) vinieron a cantar "Feliz Cumpleaños" con un pastel y velas. Honestamente pensé que era para otra persona porque mi cumpleaños no era hasta el día siguiente, así que miré alrededor del salon esperando a que alguien pase y se ponga frente a el pastel, hasta que se hizo evidente que era para mí. Yo estaba teniendo uno de mis momentos. Ustedes sabes cómo es… De todos modos, fué muy dulce de parte de ellos!  Ellos lo dejarón sobre una mesa, y para mi sorpresa, hicieron el "Haka" para mí. Fue super emocionante, y halagador. Bueno… En realidad, era aterrador. Todos ellos se veían tan intimidantes al hacerlo, pero supongo que es como el baile es? No sé. Lo bueno es que lo tengo todo en mi cámara, porque Hna. Whipperman es tan lista, y ella sabía lo que venía, así que ella agarró mi cámara y grabó. Ella es admirable. Tengo una lava impresionante Lava de Mama Sosa. Ella es como la madre de nuestra zona. La amamos tanto. Ella nos engríe y mima tanto. Ella nos enseñó cómo hacer el Hula, por lo que es genial. Me encanta que nuestra zona es tan diversa culturalmente hablando y lo mucho que aman las diferentes culturas. La noche de mi cumpleaños, unos misioneros de las  Islas Marshall nos llamó, y cantarón una canción muy bonita de las Islas Marshall para mí utilizando su  Ukelele. ¡Fue increíble! Tenemos una muy estrecha zona- que me encanta.
Siempre pasamos buenos momentos!

Tristemente, las llamadas de transferencia son este próximo domingo. Honestamente, me siento como que he estado con mi compañera por sólo una transferencia. Podríamos simplemente entrar en nuestra tercera juntos. Pero siento un poco como que yo iré a servir en habla Inglesa. Sólo tenemos 3 hermanas de Español, y un compañerismo ha estado trabajando como un trío de misioneras por más de un periodo de  transferencia, y, sinceramente, no creo que pasen otro más de este modo. Es bastante improbable. No vamos a tener otra hermana de Español 'hasta julio.
No me importa ir a servir en Inglés, aunque (: Sería genial.

Este próximo fin de semana también tendremos a  Elder Russell M. Nelson del Quórum de los 12 apóstoles que viene a visitar nuestra misión. Estamos tan felices! Todos vamos a llegar a estrecharle la mano y saludarle. Creo que nunca voy a lavarme las manos después me estrechar la suya. Tal vez ese es el "extra" que necesitamos tener  todos los latinos aquí para ser bautizados!  No puedo creer que cumpliré 10 meses de este fin de semana, pero eso es sólo otro número que no me importa y no hay  de qué preocuparse. Sin embargo, me motiva a trabajar más duro.
Es sólo cuestión de ser paciente con el trabajo y el ritmo de su movimiento.

Creo que una de las cosas más importantes que sucedieron esta semana fue Rubén. Al final pudimos conseguir en una primera lección con él ya que está tan ocupado con las citas médicas y tal. Tuvimos a Hna Torres con nosotros en esa lección, y nos enseñaron sobre la Restauración. El Espíritu fue súper fuerte. De inmediato nos miró y dijo: "Yo sé que esto es cierto, y yo necesito esto para mi familia". Él no entendía algunas cosas, por lo que se le explicó de nuevo. Él nos dijo que los misioneros le habían visitado antes y se le había enseñado esto, pero que ahora  lo entendió de manera sencilla. Es interesante que “Por alguna razón, siento tan fuerte que debemos seguir con El. Además que por alguna razón tengo que asegurarme de que gane un testimonio de este evangelio. No sé por qué me siento tan firme acerca de esto. Es diferente que con otros investigadores que he tenido, así que se niegan a dejar que te rindas. La única cosa difícil para él es que tiene la familia que se opone a ella, por lo que he estado tomando sus ejemplares del Libro de Mormón de distancia. Es muy triste, pero sólo seguir dándole nuevas copias. Lo pusimos en la fecha de esa lección para el 2 de mayo, pero es posible que necesitemos postergarlo un par de semanas debido a su comprensión de las cosas.
Él tiene unos pocos asuntos de salud relacionado con contratiempos, pero está bien, porque vamos a tener paciencia con él (: Enseñar la Restauración fortalece mi testimonio de este evangelio más y más cada vez Es increíble Es algo que nunca quiero dejar de hacer. Todo el mundo merece tener la oportunidad de descubrir por sí mismos si esto es cierto o no.

Me tengo que ir, pero espero que todos ustedes tengan una gran semana! Voy a estar fuera en el valle de los intercambios de mañana, así que estoy súper feliz! Podré a ver José de Jesús, los Mortensons, y José Ramos nuestra recién convertido!
Sí (:

Con amor,

Hna Robles

Birthdays and Other Important Dates.

Mon 4/13/2015 12:30 PM

I am 20! ... Well, that came by quick. I feel like I just turned 18. I had a great birthday, so thanks everyone!

Last Monday, we went shopping (no surprise), and the Elders kept telling us not to go to the Stake Center (where we as a zone spend pday afternoons). Obviously I knew something was up. We showed up on the time they asked us to, and everything was just normal. I thought they were just messing with me or something, because they always do and are weird like that. 

I was hitting a volleyball around with another sister, and for some reason the lights were flickering on and off. The doors opened, and all the elders came in singing "Happy Birthday" with a cake and candles. I honestly thought it was for someone else since my birthday wasn't 'til the following day, so I looked around the room waiting for someone to step up to the cake, until it was made obvious that it was for me. I was having one of my moments. You know how it is. Anyway, it was really sweet of them! They set it down on a table, and to my surprise, did the "Haka"  for me. It was super cool, and flattering. Actually, it was scary. They all just looked so scary doing it, but I guess that's how the dance is.? No se. The cool thing is that I got it all on my camera, because Hna. Whipperman is so sneaky, and she knew what was coming, so she grabbed my camera and recorded it. She rules. I got an awesome Lava lava from Mama Sosa. She's the mom of our zone. We just love her so much. She spoils us. She taught us how to do the Hula, so that's cool. I love how culturally diverse our zone is and how much they love different cultures. The night of my birthday, the Marshallese Elders called us, and sang a cool song to me in Marshallese using their pretty little Ukelele. It was awesome! We have a really close zone- which I love. It's always a good time!


Sadly, transfer calls are this upcoming Sunday. Honestly, I feel like I've been with my companion for just a transfer. We might just enter into our 3rd together. I kinda feel like I'll go English speaking. We only have 3 Spanish sisters, and one companionship has been in a trio a transfer, and I honestly don't think they'll keep that going for another one. It's pretty unlikely. We won't get another Spanish sister 'til July. I wouldn't mind going English speaking though (: It'd be cool. 


This upcoming weekend we'll also have Elder Russell M. Nelson from the quorum of the 12 apostles visiting our mission. We're so stoked! We'll all get to shake his hand and whatnot. I'm never going to wash my hand after I shake his. Maybe that's the "extra" that we need to get all the Latinos out here baptized! Therefor, I'm not jinxing it! My comp keeps reminding me that I hit 10 months this weekend, but that's just another number I don't care to worry about. However, it does motivate me to work harder. It's just a matter of being patient with the work and the pace of its movement. 


I think one of the biggest things that happened this week was Ruben. We were finally able to get in a first lesson with him since he's been so busy with doctors' appointments and such. We had Hna Torres with us in that lesson, and we taught the Restoration. The Spirit was super strong. He immediately looked at us and said, "I know this is true, and I need this for my family". He didn't understand some things, so we explained it again. He told us that missionaries had visited him before and taught this, but that we explained it so simply and in a way that he could understand it that made it click for him. For some reason, I feel so strong that I can't let him go. That for some reason I have to make sure he gains a testimony of this gospel. I don't know why I feel so strongly about that. It's different than with other investigators I've had, so I refuse to let him give up. The only tough thing for him is that he has family who is opposing it, so they've been taking his copies of the Book of Mormon away. It's so sad, but we just keep on giving him new copies. We put him on date that lesson for May 2nd, but we may need to push it back a few weeks due to his understanding of things. He has a few health related set backs, but it's okay because we're going to be patient with him (: Teaching the Restoration enhances my testimony of it and this gospel more and more each time. It's amazing. It's something I never want to let go of. Everyone deserves to have the opportunity to find out for themselves if this is true or not.


Have to go, but I hope you all have a great week! I'll be out in the valley for exchanges tomorrow, so I'm super stoked! I get to see Jose de Jesus, the Mortensons, and Jose Ramos our Recent Convert! Yay (:


Con amor,


Hna Robles 


Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Yo Se Que Vive Mi Señor

Mon 4/6/2015 12:30 PM

It's April 6th, and it's snowing in WASPO. This state is officially more bipolar than Utah. Pues, que puedo hacer pero trabajar?


Thanks for the birthday wishes. You're all so great! (:


Okay, so I just wanna take a moment and praise my companionship. We are on fire! We got 90 GCs this week, and that's such a huge deal! I've never hit 90 as a missionary, and to do that in a week, well that's pretty huge. However, we decided to completely start all over in our area. 
I was pondering the other day on how much our area was improving and how many people were coming out of the woodwork, but I just couldn't understand how it completely died down and how suddenly these people just wanted to give up on everything despite all we were trying to help them with and despite the Spirit they were feeling. It takes quite the toll on missionaries when people we grow to love, just give up, but they do have their agency, and we respect that. But we're completely starting all over, and even though it's tough, I have faith that miracles will emerge from it. We've been seeing quite a few through street contacts we've had, so that really strengthens our faith and testimony.



Conference was so great! I felt so spiritually nourished! I went to conference with a few questions, and something huge I got out of it was that the main purpose of being in this mission and facing the things I have and am are so I could realize my divine worth and through finally knowing of that and seeing what role I play in this plan that God has for us , I'm preparing myself for the future that awaits me. So I could add to the kingdom that my Father in Heaven has awaiting for me, and that I could help others realize that they are of so much worth. Especially in the eyes of God. I realized that I couldn't really help people see or understand that until I myself finally understood it. It just makes sense! I came to the conclusion that I may just plant seeds my whole mission, and drew to the conclusion that it's okay. Because that's how life is. Something may not result how we want them to, and we have other plans or visions in our mind that we want, but our Father in heaven KNOWS what will suit us better, and how we'll learn from those experiences. He knows what will help us reach our divine potential, and we have to trust him and believe that what he has planned for us is much better than what we think we need. We have to align our will to his with a softened heart. I noticed how through doing so, one sees the bigger picture. I cannot believe how stubborn I used to be about those things, and how caught up I was in worldly things before hand, but everything has changed for me. I'm grateful for how putting my life on hold and giving my will to the Lord's has opened my eyes beyond what I expected it to. I'm converted. 


Because I understand things to a greater extent than before, I've come to appreciate Jesus Christ and his Atonement even more than I had before. One of the things I took away from conference that I absolutely loved so much was about the infinite power of the Atonement, thus, making this one of my favorite quotes, "One of God's greatest gifts to us is to try again." How correct and soothing is that!? Sometimes, we don't realize that we can have more chances. That's part of God's plan. That we will make mistakes, but be able to learn from them, let it change us for the better, and not do it again. That's where the Atonement comes into play. Christ was so willing to die for each one of us, so that not only would we be able to live with our families and a loving heavenly father again, but so we can change. So that we can accept his sacrifice and allow for his grace to change us to become like Christ- perfect. Sure we won't be completely perfect; we're all human, but that's the purpose, so help shape us so that after this life, we can be. Our future is as bright as our faith. That's demonstrated through our actions, and our willingness and desire to change our hearts. Our hope for the Savior must overcome our doubts. Whatever they may be. I still can't comprehend how Christ could have been so willing to sacrifice his life, and his will to atone for all of us. He clearly loved God so much that he was so willing to step up to that plate, and "partake of that bitter cup". Christ was obedient. So my question is, why can't we be? This was hot head on during conference. I just have such a deep love for my Savior. He calms my fears, and wipes away my tears. He heals my troubled heart. He's my best friend, and he completely understands. Yo SE sin ninguna duda en mi corazon, que vive mi Señor. That's my wish for all of you, and for the people in this mission. To feel of his love and comfort even more. For our testimonies to be even more stronger. To gain one if we don't have one, but most importantly, to accept our Savior as our redeemer. 


I just love the gospel so much, and it really is such a simple gospel. We just tend to make it harder than it really is, and it shouldn't be that way. This gospel is the light that we have on this dark and dreary world. Why do we fail to sometimes disregard that, and continue to walk in the darkness? It's simple. I know that we all have struggles and weaknesses, but it's especially then when we should turn to our Father in Heaven and pray to him. When we should be humble enough to listen to, accept, and act on his counsel. Even if we find it silly. 


I love each of you so much, and I wish you all nothing but the best. You're each sons and daughters of a loving heavenly father who LOVES us more than we can comprehend. I just hope we're each willing to comprehend it and take it into our lives as we move through this journey together. Lift the afflicted up, and demonstrate that charity that Christ has for us to them. 


I am so grateful for the restored gospel, and for the testimony I have that's still continuing to grow. I'm so grateful for families and the love and happiness it brings into our lives!! I love my Father in heaven and my Savior so much. I honestly don't think I could express it enough, and even though I'm so imperfect, I know they have their arms stretched out to me to comfort, guide, and strengthen me as I learn from my imperfections. I hope you all had a great Easter, and I invite you all to contemplate the bigger picture and think about where your faith lies. I love you all, and wish you a great rest of your week! 


I'll be celebrating tomorrow with a good birthday dinner, and with talking to as many people as I possibly could about the joys of this gospel, and on how they can obtain that (: I have an awesome companion who spilled the secret that I'll be filled with a day of surprises and such, so that'll be interesting!




Con muchisimo amor,


Hermana Robles