This past week was one of the toughest, yet most gratifying
weeks I've had on the field thus far.
Many of my weaknesses have been exposed to me, yet I still
managed to learn from each one of them.
I've struggled physically and emotionally, but I've seen my
relationship with my Father in Heaven grow from that. It's such a blessing, and
he hasn't failed me nor abandoned me. I felt his love stronger in my life that
ever before, and I never want that to disappear nor diminish.
Prayer is such an instrument that we have that I wish I had
used in my life beforehand. Something huge I've come to learn is that our
Father in Heaven ALWAYS answers prayers. It may not be the way we want them, or
when we want them to be answered, but it will always happen in His due time.
That is something I had always struggled with before, but I now understand, and
i wish those who we work with would understand as well. I know that our
Heavenly Father knows what's best for us and when. He will help us when we ask
him to. He has a plan for us, and I wish I had a stronger testimony of that
before I went on a mission. It is so gratifying, and knowing that I am a child
of God means everything to me and more. My Father in heaven has made my
weaknesses strong as I have humbled myself before him. Ether 12:26 is my
favorite scripture because it has helped me remember what to do when I
I have a strong testimony that we have people in our lives
for a reason. That they are used as instruments to teach us and help us feel of
our Heavenly Father's love. This past week was tough like I mentioned, and I
remember specifically praying on the day I needed His love especially. A few
hours later, I received a letter from someone I hold so dear to my heart. This
person told me exactly what I needed to hear. Exactly what my father in heaven
wanted me to know. I was left speechless, and in tears of joy. He wanted me to
feel of his love, so he used someone to radiate that through to me. Thus, making
this scripture one of my new favorites. 3 Ne 12:14-16. It touched my heart so
profoundly, and it made me know that I am doing what I need to be doing. That
despite what I may have gone through, the Lord is still pleased with the work
and hard efforts I'm putting in to his mission. My companion and I haven't seen
much progress in this area yet, and we are struggling with it, but we know that
our efforts will be paid off in the long run. She bore her testimony in
sacrament meeting yesterday, and it was what I needed. She has helped me so
much, and I love her so much for doing so. She knows what I had been going
through, and I know the Lord has also used her as an instrument in my life to
help me.
The Priesthood is such a huge blessing we have on Earth. i
wish more people would recognize that. The Elders in our branch gave me a
blessing yesterday, and it made all the difference. I feel so blessed to have
the Priesthood restored.
So you won't be hearing from me until Thursday of next week.
That'll be our next P-day. We're going to the temple that day. Sorry mom I'll
leaving you waiting so long to hear from me, but es okay (:
Con amor,
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