Monday, January 26, 2015

Humor, and Surprises.

Mon 1/26/2015 12:23 PM

One of the biggest things I've learned on the mission is that the Lord has a GOOD sense of humor. Let me tell you why.

Well, I gave you all my "false prophecies". We were so convinced that was happening. We were convinced that there was no way i would sweep an area again after I had done so just last transfer. I had just redecorated our place and completely unpacked all my stuff. We were all super convinced that I would stay in my area. This is where the Lord's humor comes into play.

We got transfer calls last night, and guess what. I'M SWEEPING A NEW AREA, AGAIN. Hahahahah I know, knee slapper!

So I'm officially making my way up to the North. Oh it gets better. I'm having a baby!
Okay. Let me explain this mission lingo. When you train a new missionary, you become a parent. So yes. I'm training a new missionary fresh off the MTC. I get to meet her tomorrow morning at a new missionary and trainers' meeting. I'm excited, but nervous. I hope I don't corrupt her with my awkwardness. 

It's funny. Every new area I've gone into, I've swept. Swept my 1st as a greenie, swept the Southwest, and now the North. Oh, and now I have to repack. This is all funny to me. i'm so stressed, but I feel so privileged that the Lord trusts me so much with all these areas, and with a new missionary. I really am honored, and cannot wait to bring more souls back home!

It seriously feels like just yesterday I was at that trainer and trainee meeting meeting Hermana Walton for the first time. It was honestly one of the happiest days of my mission. I'll never forget our first moment together. Driving in the car, and seeing a HUGE cockroach crawl down her back as she drove.. The rest was history. You can imagine how that panned out. She's on her way back home right now. It was so hard to have to say "bye", but she has another mission back home to fulfill. She became a sister to me. Never a dull moment in our companionship. i love her so much. She's great. 


Someone pointed out to Sister Boman that her and I are the "oldest" Spanish hermanas in the mission, so that was weird.


Okay, so guess what people decided to do yesterday? Use their agency and come to church (: We finally had investigators at church! (: 3 of them! We got texts from them telling us they were outside, and we did the greatest little victory dance. We were so happy! But really. SO HAPPY! Sacrament meeting was super spiritual yesterday. The spirit was so strong, so we're so glad our investigators attended. 

One of our Investigators Maria went and did Fam History with us this past week. She's a pastor at another church, but she was interested in this. She felt the Spirit so strong when she found a missing relative from Italy and found all her info from online sources. Especially as she put her family's information in to Family Search. We will be teaching her about temples and how it plays into Genealogy and why we as LDS members care so much for it. Sadly I won't be there for the lesson, but hna Boman will. She's great. I was also able to find birth documents from our own family. It was super neat!

 Steve receives the Melchizedek Priesthood this upcoming Sunday during Stake Conference! He's come a long way. He is so dedicated. Fully converted to the Lord and his will. He's made a complete 360 in his life. It's such a miracle to witness. We get to be there to watch him get sustained. We're stoked on life!
So not only is Sunday Stake Conference, but a little Seahawk told me it's also the Superbowl. Spokane is completely decked out in Seahawk stuff. People here are die hard fans. We're even gonna buy little Seahawk t shirts today cause we'e cool like that. Sorry dad. i know you're a Pats fan, but I'm kinda obligated to jump on the Seahawks' bandwagon out here. Yeah, so go 'Merica. That's all i have to say about the game.
We get to clean the inside of the temple this upcoming Friday. We got permission to do so, and I know it's going to be a fulfilling experience. We're excited to do that with our members!

 President sent out an email to the mission, and I invite you all to jump on board with what we're gonna do. "This coming transfer, we are going to have a great experience with the Book of Mormon.  As a Mission, we are going to read the entire Book of Mormon in one transfer beginning on January 27th.  You will need to read 13 pages each day to finish.  This way of studying the Book of Mormon will give you new insights and inspiration about the Book of Mormon.  It will also bring great power into our Mission (and in building our ship) as we unitedly read the Book of Mormon this transfer.  This is very doable.  The Mission has done it before and had a phenomenal experience.  I invite each of you to start at the beginning of the Book of Mormon on January 27th no matter where you are today in your study of the Book of Mormon.

 Please invite your families, friends, ward members and non-members to join in with us. Email them today to invite them.  I promise you will feel the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon as your read it.  We will read it in 42 days.  Joseph Smith translated it in about 65 working days.  Ask yourself – could a man have written this book?  I testify that a man could not.  It is a gift from God.  I promise you will feel the power and truthfulness of the Book of Mormon as you read it and put Moroni’s promise to the test."
I know this will enhance your testimonies. I am so excited to do this challenge and see the results. It'll be so great! So I invite you all to do this. Read prayerfully (: I promise blessings will come from this. Put God first. (:

 I hope you all have a great week. I love you all! Siguan adelante!


Con amor,


Hermana Robles


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