Tuesday, January 20, 2015

The last week of the transfer!

Tue 1/20/2015 12:32 PM

We get transfer calls this upcoming Sunday, and here's our "false prophecies":

 We have Hnas Walton and Phipps going home. So 2 new Spanish missionaries are coming into the field. So bittersweet. Here, missionaries train for 12 weeks. Hna Walton is leaving her "baby" Hna Santiago who has only been out 6 weeks ( 1 transfer). She still has another transfer to train. So, Hnas Boman, McDougal and I are training regardless. Unless, we get some sort of crazy plot twist. One of us will just train for one transfer rather than 2. We just don't know who yet. It'll be crazy. We think I'm staying in the South West area, and Hna. Boman is going to the blessed Valley. We'll find out Sunday night though (:


Since I last wrote Thursday not much has gone on to be honest. so this will be super short.

We've done a ton of finding and trying formers. We're not "catching" anything, but we are trying so hard. We found someone who asked us to come back tomorrow so we're praying we could help her feel the Spirit and recognize how important our message is!


We have a Recent Convert left by the old sisters. his name is Steve! We're working with him a lot and he's working to get the Melchizedek priesthood. Steve is a man whose heart is fully changed and converted. We are so proud of him, and excited to help him. Plus, he always feeds us. His family is great.
 Well, I'll report next week! Love you all!


Con amor, 

Hermana Robles

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