Thursday, January 15, 2015

Strengthening Week

Thu 1/15/2015 4:18 PM

I thought this past week would DRAG on since I had to wait out over a week until P-day, but it flew! Missionary time flies. 

This past week was honestly so great. We had so much go on though.

Something we do after Weekly Planning is "Comp inventory". Hna Boman and I decided that we were going to list each other's strengths. I loved taht we did this so much. I realized all the million reasons she is so great, and why I love her. I felt more love towards her as I shared her strengths with her. I constantly pray to love each of my companions more each day, and it happens.


That afternoon, she got super sick. She was throwing up all afternoon and night. We had to cancel our plans, and I stayed behind to take care of her. We couldn't go on splits because we didn't have anyone available. As she was sick, I updated our Area Book, and made a ton of calls and did those little things that would help out with bigger tasks. I realized that it's tough to do things on our own without a companion. That's why the Lord gives them to us (: that night, i had an hour left until we had to plan for the next day, and I was caught up on everything, so guess what I decided to do while hna Boman slept? Exercise! Yay. I did workout videos for that hour, and I've been doing them each night since. Well, after we plan for the next day that is. It's nice to be able to take some time to do something that relieves your stress. 

So, Kristina's kids got baptized! President gave me permission to go to the valley and be at the baptism. It was the greatest thing! I was so happy! It was nice to see the old branch, my investigators, and members. One of the hermanas in the branch told me that her and her sister have this nickname for me. It's "the doll". Apparently I have porcelain skin. The funny thing about that was that I got an ugly zit the next day, soo that was funny.

I realized that even though my current area may not be progressing, I did good things in the valley. If we didn't find Kristina, she wouldn't have come back to the church, progressed, and been that example to her kids that gave them the desire to be baptized. She told me how much of a difference hermana Walton and i had made in her life. She calls us her missionaries. It touched my heart, and made me know that I can and will do the same in this area even if I don't see the progress quick. I need to keep working hard and being diligent, and obedient.

 President received inspiration to change our goals for the mission. As a mission, we're trying to get 70 baptisms a month. It requires much hard work, and we're working so hard. 


We invited so many people to church, and they all agreed to go. Once Sunday came around, no one did. People's agency...

We have a family of investigators. The Bautistas. Missionaries have been working with them for so long, but it's just not clicking. They're LDS minus the baptism. They are so great. We love them so much. We had a lesson with Pres McCombie's family, and he told Ernesto the dad that he knows he'll be baptized one day. That he's meant to get a calling to be a leader in the church. We taught them such a good lesson the other day, and the Spirit was ridiculously strong. We want them to have the gospel so bad. Like, SO BAD. This had been possibly the greatest lesson we had ever taught on our missions, and when we invited them to be baptized, they said no because they feel they have a mission in their Catholic church. I had never been so heartbroken before. I love this family so much, and I want this for them.I know how much the gospel will bless their lives, but they just need to realize it. I tried so hard to hold back the tears when they said no to baptism. We're going to keep working hard with them though. It's amazing the amount of charity i've gained for each of the people I've worked with.


i'm doing all i possibly can in order to reach out to people. I know this gospel blesses lives and families. i want to testify of that. I believe it with all my heart. 

I hope you all have a great week.


I won't have P-day 'til Tues due to MLK day. On holidays, we work. So I'll hear from ya Tues!

This upcoming week is the last week of the transfer. so crazy!!

Love you all!


Con amor,

Hermana Robles

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