Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Feliz Navidad!

Mon 12/22/2014 12:24 PM

Okay, so Christmas is this week.. So weird. I can't get over how much it doesn't feel like it. There's no snow, and the forecast here calls for no snow this week. Also, not being bundled in the typical Christmas shopping makes a huge difference.
I'm stinkin' gonna miss Jose de Jesus so much! As I went to say "bye" to him, he said to me, "Oh. You're getting drafter Hermana Robles." He has kids in the Army, so that was the only way he understood this whole transfer thing. It was so funny. I'll miss him and his beautiful Red Nova.

However, what sealed it for me was the caroling we've done. With this new area, our District went caroling and we found some amazing miracles. The Spanish Elders got a new investigator out of it. We caroled and did a "Blitz" in their area. Along with that, we made so many peoples' day! It's amazing how caroling soften people's hearts. Oh, and we went in the daytime, which was way out of my comfort zone. I would have never done that, but we saw miracles! We sang to a family who just moved in from Iraq. We all couldn't communicate, but they took pictures with us and they went to the trunk of their car and pulled out two plates of an Iraqi dessert- Baklava. It was super good. It was so sweet of them! We made new friends! They asked for us to return, and we left them with a prayer. It was so heart touching.

What touched me the most was when we got invited in to sing to the kids at the Boys and Girls Club. They all referred to us as the "Glee-rs". Missionary style. All these kids crowded around us, and we caroled Hymns to them. They loved it! Before we knew it, people were taking pictures of us. Seeing all these kids struggling but forgetting their situations and singing with us touched my heart. It showed us all the meaning of Christmas, and that this is what truly needs to happen each day, not just once a year. We all left feeling so much love and happiness in our souls.


Hermana Boman and I have been exploring and trying new parts in this area. We went to this place called the South Hill, and got not only a ton of walking in, but many lessons, and gospel conversations as well. There's this street called Rockwood Blvd. My dream house lies there.. Aside from that, we were walking to try an LA's house in the freezing rain. I saw this lady go outside and sit on her porch, and I felt the Spirit tell me to go and talk to her. After we tried the LA's home, I told my compa that we had to go talk to this lady. We then met Kathy. A non Spanish speaker, but she still was worth our time and being out in the pouring rain. We shared He is the Gift with her, and bore our testimonies on it. I felt prompted to share my favorite scripture- Ether 12:27 with her, and her heart really softened. I told her that I don't know what she may be going through, but that the Lord is aware of it and wants her to know that He loves her, and she's not alone, and will never be alone. She said to me, "This is exactly what I needed at this time. You gave me the faith I've been needing. Especially today." She cried, and gave us the biggest hug. I know that I'm here to touch people's lives. I've always wanted to help people, and the mission is fulfilling that for me. This is the greatest thing in the world.

I've also been able to meet a ton of people who know others that I do. Dad, you'll love this one. Alejandra's dad. Julio Cabeza de Vaca has a cousin named Herbert Torres. Guess what. He's my branch missionary leader! We somehow made the connection. He told us he's from Ecuador, and I explained our family's history with Ecuador. He also knows a something Vidal. He was a mission pres in Peru, and I've heard you talk about this guy. I just can't remember the first name.. Point is, that I've met so many people here who know people that you and the family know and are friends with. It's so cool! I'm glad you have friends, 'cause they've treated us so well and fed us Peruvian food and such. I've met so many Peruvians here and our branch President, Pre. Condon knows that I've been transferred here to become bffs with the non-member Peruvians. I'm so excited. I love Peru and talking about it, and these people do too! So stoked to "chill" with los Peruanos!


The branch and members in our area are so great. Super missionary minded! We went to our Stake Pres' casa last night, and holy cow. I've never seen a family so into missionary work. They pray to find Latinos to talk to about the gospel and invite them to stuff! It works, 'cause they find them! They're so willing to help us! It's incredible! They're having us and our zone over to their place for breakfast Christmas morning. They then invited Hna Boman and I to come over for dinner that night 'cause they're having a Latino family over. We've formed strong friendships with them and the members already. It's great! We have soooo many plans with members for Christmas eve and day! Matter of fact, we're making tamales with a member tonight to prepare for the 24th! 


We've been sharing Matthew 2:8-10 with members this week. King Herod wasn't worthy to see the star, but the wise men were. When they saw the star that showed of Christ's birth, they "rejoiced exceedingly". We need to be worthy to constantly see that "star". We shouldn't drive ourselves away and let the worldly things take over that. I hope you all keep this in mind not just this season, but throughout the upcoming year as well.


I love you all so much, and hope that you have a Feliz Navidad!


Familia and Janessa, 

I'll see you Thursday at 11am!! (12pm UT time). I'm so excited to see you!!!! <3


Con mucho amor, 

Hermana Robles



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