Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Becoming A Mother

Mon 2/2/2015 12:30 PM

Okay, so this week was filled with stuff.

I met my "baby". From the moment I saw her, I just loved her to death! I knew she was going to do great things and that she would make a big impact on the Spanish work out here.

I'll tell you a bit about her.

Her name is Hermana Whipperman. You should hear the Latinos try to pronounce her name. It kills me. It's a great one! She just graduated Summer of 2014, and she's from good ol' SLC ,UT. Si, another Utahn! She has red hair if you haven't seen already. I don't know what's with the Lord and giving me red-headed companions, but I love it! It's grand. She is such a hard worker, and I'm so glad that the Lord answered my prayers and gave me a diligent companion. She reminds me of Hna Walton in the sense that she has the greatest desire to learn Spanish and that she's also super spunky and also a dancer. Just like her "grandma" (; Oh, and she's a U of U fans it's meant to be!

I am so excited to work with her. She has blown me away as I've trained her! It's like she came pre-trained! She sure beats me from when I first came out. This last week was her first week, and she has been on fire. She's absorbed everything, and I am just so impressed. I know that we'll do great work out in the North. We've both been trying so figure this area out together, and we're slowly getting the hang of it. I learned the importance of a companionship even more. Sometimes, I just have to shut my mouth and hand things over to her. She may be receiving revelation for the area that I may not. Our companionship is about becoming one.

 Something so cool happened. So we were at dinner at a member's home this past week. The Womacks. Bro Womack and I were talking, and somehow we led to the topic of his mission. Get this. He was companions with my cousin Farid!! It was insane to find out! Such an awesome experience. We talked about how great Farid is and whatnot. I felt a little closer to home. 


I found out that grandma is doing the BOM challenge with mom and I. I hope that it gives her the desire to listen to the missionaries! Such an awesome miracle! I am so stoked and filled with love!

 We had a lesson with this family. The Lopez. Their girl, Krystal really wants to be a missionary. She introduced us to her friend and she bore her testimony. She's 9. It was so cute!

Hope you all have a great week! Love you!




Hna Robles

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