Okay, so this week was filled with stuff.
I met my "baby". From the moment I saw her, I just
loved her to death! I knew she was going to do great things and that she would
make a big impact on the Spanish work out here.
I'll tell you a bit about her.
Her name is Hermana Whipperman. You should hear the Latinos
try to pronounce her name. It kills me. It's a great one! She just graduated
Summer of 2014, and she's from good ol' SLC ,UT. Si, another Utahn! She has red
hair if you haven't seen already. I don't know what's with the Lord and giving
me red-headed companions, but I love it! It's grand. She is such a hard worker,
and I'm so glad that the Lord answered my prayers and gave me a diligent
companion. She reminds me of Hna Walton in the sense that she has the greatest
desire to learn Spanish and that she's also super spunky and also a dancer.
Just like her "grandma" (; Oh, and she's a U of U fans it's meant
to be!
I found out that grandma is doing the BOM challenge with mom
and I. I hope that it gives her the desire to listen to the missionaries! Such
an awesome miracle! I am so stoked and filled with love!
Hope you all have a great week! Love you!
Hna Robles
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