Thursday, December 11, 2014


Mon 12/8/2014 1:35 PM

I just love the holiday season!

Sadly, it doesn't seem like Christmas is coming up whatsoever for some reason.


Transfer calls are this upcoming Sunday and I cannot believe it. This transfer FLEW. It's so sad. 
Hna Walton and I think we're getting switched, but we hope Pres. keeps us together for her last transfer. According to the cutest little girl, "We make a good team", and we totally do!



We had AMAZING lessons this past week. 

We had a Specialized training, and through applying it right after, we got 3 new investigators. This is such a huge deal for us, 'cause it's so hard to get an investigator in the Spanish work in this mission. We've either talked to every Latino, or they are just sticking to their religion.   

The lessons we had with each of them were SO GOOD. The Spirit had never been that strong in our lessons. It was amazing. They all agreed to baptism.


With the holiday season, I decided I'll be giving a gift to Christ. It's to give myself completely to the will of the Lord. "Change happens only if you unconditionally surrender yourself to the will of the Lord." I've seen change happen in myself through doing so. The crazy thing is how fast time goes when one is completely focused on the work.

It's so funny. Jose de Jesus had us over the other day and said to us, "I had a thought come into my mind that I never thought would before, and it was to be baptized. I don't know about you hermanas, but I think it was the Spirit." He is so hilarious. He really wanted to get baptized the old fashioned way. So like Christ was. He is so darn hilarious. All the missionaries are bffs with him. They all love him. He's hilarious though!


So we have a member who taught me an important lesson. Totally touched my heart. She's not doing so well financially, and as she was driving down a busy road, she saw a lady who is always sitting on the same bench and wears the same thing each day. It's easy to tell that she's just living in poor conditions, and it's so sad how many people avoid her. Many know that she's not the nicest person, 'cause she likes to throw things at them and say rude stuff. So this member is mortified of her. She had scary occurrences with her, but the other day, she rolled down her window, called this woman over, and gave her her favorite, and warmest coat. As she was telling us about it, tears filled our eyes. She said her favorite part that touched her profoundly was when this woman said, "Thank you so much. God bless you." 


I also witnessed someone give a lady in need a doll house for her little girl that she really wanted. It just warmed up my heart so much.


Sometimes we don't notice those in need. We should help those who are in need. Not just this season, but everyday.

I invite each of you to think about a gift that you have. Not necessarily something material, but it could be a talent. Use that gift you have and share it with someone in need. Think of a gift you could also give to Christ this upcoming Christmas. I promise you'll see huge changes within yourself. Missionary promises are legit, so really.. Do it (:


I hope you all have a great week! I love you all so much!

Con amor,

Hermana Robles

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