Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Hola Diciembre!

Mon 12/1/2014 1:14 PM

This past week was grand. Each week on the mission gets better though! 

 This past week consisted a lot of tracking, finding, and spreading the word about He Is the Gift. It's such a good video. I hope you all get to watch it, and share it with everyone!


So we had a good Thanksgiving. I actually didn't stuff myself. By the way. I ate the greatest cheesecake ever. Props to Brother Mortenson!

 We went to the Conant's after, and I know that Bro. Conant sent mom and dad videos of us, and us being super weird, but aside from that. I had such a valuable experience. 

There's a 15 year old and his mom living with them. This boy just found out that he has Leukemia, and the closest hospital close to him to treat it is here in the valley, so the Conant's have them living with them. Well, his Thanksgiving, he spent in his room. We asked for the boy to join us that night, and we sang I Am A Child of God to him. Our roommates in English, and us in Spanish. The Spirit was so strong, and I realized how blessed I have it to be healthy and have the things I do.


Sometimes, we tend to complain about little things we lack in life, when we should focus more on those big blessings we have. That's what's important. Out Heavenly Father loves us so much, that he's blessed us with families. We need to realize those important things, rather than the little things we don't have.


So sorry for the super short email, but I hope you all have a great week, and look for the blessings in your lives!!

Oh, and Happy 1st day of December!
Con mucho amor,

Hermana Robles


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