Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Every New Beginning Comes From Some Other Beginning's End.

Mon 12/15/2014 12:10 PM

"I'm going, going. To Cheney, Cheney!"

We got transfer calls last night, and our hearts totally broke, yet we're content for some changes.
I'll be serving in another area that I guess has really been struggling, but I know the struggles there really will help me grow and strengthened my testimony even more. It'll be good. I know I have something to offer to that area, and I'm excited to work hard with Hermana Boman.

Hna. Walton will stay in the valley and be training a new missionary from Hawaii. We wish we could have spent her last transfer, Christmas and New Years together, but it was "time to say goooooodbye". 
 So this new area covers like 4 or 5 different cities. It's like the middle of nowhere, but a huge area that is kind of close to downtown Spokane. It takes us about 30 minutes to drive to church which is in the downtown area. From the valley, it's 40ish minutes away. Sister Boman and I get to live in a shed with farm animals and stuff in the middle of nowhere, so that'll be a huge adjustment. We don't have roommates except for the chickens and cows, and stuff. However, we will be in a member's land, so we have members across the street! we will be "sweeping" this area. So neither of us know anything about this area or what work has been going on in it. We have to rely on the area book in order to get around, so we get to literally start on our own. The Lord must really trust us that much if he's placing all these people and this whole area in our hands. I know it won't be easy, but I'm excited to give it my all.



My heart will forever be in the Valley. I love the members so much, and our investigators. Being there for 6 months truly was such a highlight to my mission. I'm excited that Hermana Walton gets to work with all of our people in the valley, because we have so much progression going on. Jose de Jesus is really progressing, and 2 of Kristina's kids are on date for baptism for the 27th. I'm so excited for them! Ugh. The cutest kids ever.

Okay so here's one of the funniest things that Jose de Jesus said. He's hilarious. He says that I say "elegant" prayers and that I do super "nice" ones. So I prayed after one of our lessons, and he turned to me and said, "Hermana, you're not composing a book here!" We went caroling to his place, and his drunk sister in law came out and danced as we caroled to her. She got them out of the house, and we all sung together. It was grand.

 Our entire zone went caroling this whole past week, and it was such a blast. We're all super close. There's huge changes going on in our zone, and we're all going to miss each other. Seriously though. The mission is super duper fun. There's a time to have a blast, and a time to really get down and serious. People usually have this perspective that missionaries don't have fun, but what I love that Pres. Mullen really emphasizes on is for us all to just be ourselves. That's why we're sent to where we are- for our personalities and what it has to offer. 

 So one of the cutest things happened. Kristina's kids Oscar and Esmerelda are getting ready for baptism. We've been teaching them the lessons and Daniel's 2 kids have been joining in on them. They are so darn smart! After one of the lessons, Daniel's little girl Adreanna raised her hand and asked "Can I say the prayer?" She did it! She had never prayed aloud before, and she did it so well! It's amazing how receptive to the gospel kids are. They are just so stinkin' cute!


Dad, here's something you'll be proud of. I learned how to check and put air into tires! I know, I should have known that already, but it was so cool to do! It was super easy. I'm getting better at this "car stuff". I also drove on the freeway out here in WA for the first time this past week. Anyone who knows me well enough, knows that the freeway mortifies me. Imagine having to do it in a place where you know nothing about or where you're going, AND I didn't kill us! I know. Miracle, right?


Oh! Familia, you guys are seriously so great! I received the package that Aunt Melanie sent this last Monday. Totally made my day!! You are all so great! The little gifts and letters made me suuuuuuuper happy! It was the cutest thing ever! So thank you so much!


Okay, so I don't have the complete info yet, but I'll give you the info to when I'll get to Skype home on Christmas.
I'll see you guys next Thursday! Can't believe how fast that came! 10 days 'til Navidad!!

How's everyone's "gift" to someone else gone?

 I love you all so much! Have a great week! (:

Con amor,

Hermana Robles

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