Monday, August 25, 2014

"Following The Yellow Brick Road"

Mon 8/25/2014

As a missionary, I've gained a few nicknames.
"Cloudia" followed me to WA, but others emerged. The sisters we live with have a member whom I get along with well. I guess I'm like a daughter to him. Anyway, he refers to me as a "munchkin". I guess 'cause I'm short or something. Well, Bro Conant gave me advice the other night. to "follow the yellow brick road". Never seen the Wizard of Oz, so someone needs to explain this concept to me or something. 

I've also been referred to as the "Latina princess". I guess the sister missionaries and our mission President's wife are a fan of my hair. The sisters I live with call me "Pocahontas", due to my hair.
Oh wait. It gets better!

I got referred to as a "Utah-rd" the other day! YEAH! What is this?! Apparently, people from other states call us that. Go figure. 

As far as a spiritual moment, I had a few good ones. I'm low on time, so this email will be kinda short.
We had Zone conference this week, and it was so good! What I took the most out of it is that I need to be fearless and bold. I know, I'm nothing close to bold, and I'm fine with it. I do need to be with some of our investigators in order for them to commit to the invitations we've given them though. 
Oh, I learned how to say "Elder" in Russian! I forgot how to though, but I learned!

We had a training with Elder Johnson from the Gen. Authority. It was about missionary work, and the importance of hastening it. I realized I shouldn't let a moment pass me by, and that I need to serve with all my soul, heart, and strength!
Member help is also important, so help those missionaries! Acknowledge them! The Lord does his work in his own way, at his own time. This is where patience comes into play. I've gained that a ton out here. I love it.

We taught the Restoration to this investigator, and his kids. He claims he's my "number one fan". It's creepy, but the lesson went well! All the cute kids sat on the hood of his car, and we taught the Restoration. The kids loved it so much! It was the cutest thing!

I gained a 6th sense. Smelling Latinos. We'll be walking around, and I'll smell "Latino" from a house. We'll go, and knock on a door, and a Latino appears! It's a gift (;

Our member's dogs escaped, so we went to the rescue! We chased dogs around the block for a good half hour. i was trying to get a dog to sit, and he didn't respond to anything I said. I sang the hymn "Paz, Calmense", and the dog freakin' sat! Power of a missionary! It was funny though!

Anyway, i love everyone, and I cannot believe Danny began his Senior Year today! He's not supposed to be that big! Can't believe David's in 6th grade now! Stop growing!

Mucho amor,

Hermana Robles

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