Monday, August 11, 2014

"Suga, Suga" (Claudia Robles [])

David loves that song. 
Thought it incorporated well with this past week!
If you haven't seen the pictures yet, I gave up sugar. Desserts. Such a big deal for me. Dessert= Life.
Sorta. Anyway, it was for a good cause! Hermana Walton and I have almost hit our 1 week "sugar less". Our less active is so proud of us, and we're proud of her. She's cutting down from a pack a day, to one or 2 a day. We have faith that she'll get it!

This past week was definitely a lot better. We've had the chance to interact and get to know our members better. They are so great. We wouldn't be able to do all this without their love and support. Yesterday, Hermana Lacasse showed me a FB conversation between her and mom. Yeah, I cried. It was so sweet that she reached out to her! I love that our members have been doing that. i think having that picture as the cover of my missionary agenda helped.
We had dinner with the cutest couple! The Mortensons. They remind me so much of my friends back home, but with more responsibilities and stuff. We got along with them so well! They're hilarious, and just have that personality that one instantly clicks with. I'll be keeping in touch with them for sure. Their testimonies are so strong. They've gone through a lot for 30 year olds. They inspire me, and I just can't express how much I love them!

A little miracle.
We've been "hunting" down one of our Less Actives for like.. ever. We bumped into him the other day as we were visiting an investigator, and he took us to lunch! We got along so well, and he remembered the reasoning why he got baptized. He's trying to get work off to attend church. We were so happy! Plus, the burritos he fed us were top notch!

Jose finally got conformed yesterday! 
Long story, but he had an emergency he had to attend, and didn't get to attend church the day after his baptism. A missionary's worst nightmare. He made it up to us by giving us a referral, and bringing a friend to church. *Wiping tears* He's such a good missionary! Funny thing. He can't remember Hermana Walton's name. Each time we call him or see him, he just says, "Robles, como estas?!" Then he looks over at Hermana Walton, and smiles. My poor companion.. He'll get her name soon enough!

The sisters looooooove playing pranks on me. It's cause I'm Latina.. Kidding. Cause I'm a "greenie". Sister O'Very is ALWAYS finding ways to scare me! Well, she loves to creep on me when I'm sleeping. It's torturous. So, I was sound asleep, trying to get some "beauty rest", 'cause missions can 'cause us to give up on our appearances, when I suddenly felt something tug on my leg. I jumped twice my height! Darn Sister O'Very. 

Oh, we got transfer calls last night! 
I'm staying in Spokane Valley another transfer! YEEEEEEAAAAAH! It's like receiving another mission call. We get super anxious, and our hearts drop. I'm staying, along with Hermana Walton. We're comps for another 6 weeks! Good thing I love her soooooo much, and we crack each other up. Did I mention we make music videos? Yeah.. We have to entertain ourselves sometimes. The sisters in the apartment love it. Get this. Sister Walton got called as the Sister Training Leader. I'm so excited for her! Bring on the stress!

Last thing. We went on exchanges this weekend, and Sister Metcalf and I encountered this lady. She told us she's a "C & E Catholic". "Christmas and Easter". I thought it was funny.

Anyway, I love you all so much, and hope all is well back in good ol Dub J.

Have a great week!]

Mucho amor,

Hermana Robles

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