Monday, August 4, 2014

I Stand All Amazed ( 8/14/2014) Taken from Claudia's e mail

Whoever said mission life would be tough was right. It's so tough! However, it's easy at the same time. I know, I don't make any sense.
This past week was the toughest I've had on the mission, and possibly even ever. The stress was real, as Jake Adams would say.
Who knew that Satan worked 5 times as hard when a baptismal date was around the corner. He's a sneaky soul. My faith was tried quite a bit. I did learn that that by trusting in the Lord. we seek to know his will and do what he requires even when he allows for something else to occur. I had faith he'd help me out, and he did in the end. I just love him so much. He's been my best friend throughout my time in WA. 
So, Jose also struggled. He called us the day of his Baptismal interview to tell us that he had bad news. He got a new job offer in a city 3 hours away. He thought he wouldn't be able to be baptized because we didn't have our church located in that city. Luckily for Jose, we have churches everywhere! (But not as much as in Utah!) That part was covered, but he gave us other news. The place he was originally going to live at wasn't going to work out for him, and he had no where to go. We had to find him a new place in less than 3 hours. We were STRESSED. Eventually, a member accepted him in, so we went to help him move a few things there. I explained to him the night before that Satan would work really hard to test him, and make the baptism not happen. The Spirit prompted me to do so, and turns out it was exactly what he needed to hear. The Elders who serve in the branch with us were the greatest help. They went to Jose's old place and gave him a blessing. The Spirit was soooo strong. Never felt it that strong before, and I obviously cried. I'm such a baby. Jose did too, so "es okay". As we all helped him load up his car, we got a text saying that the member's house wouldn't work out. Turns out their single daughter was living there, and Jose would be breaking the Law of Chastity by living under the same roof with a woman he wasn't related to or married to. We were back to square one. We had nothing going. We still had to find talks, and do a ton of scheduling to make Friday's baptism happen. We didn't even know if he'd be able to be baptized because he didn't have a place to go. Interesting how things work out. Jose received notice that the woman living at his apartment moved out with her boyfriend. He also passed his interview! (Making the long story short) 
Friday came along, and we went to visit Jose before his baptism. He's a backer at the only Latin bakery in the Valley. He gave us free bread and all sorts of good Mexican desserts. I thought of David and that sweet bread thing he likes. He was super excited. He was working on his birthday/ baptismal cake.
That evening, Jose was baptized. All of our stress, doubts, and tears were worth watching him immerse into holy waters and start all over. This is why I'm here. To bring souls to our Father. He radiated, and I knew he realized that too.
There's this video Hermana Walton and I love to show our investigators and members. It's called Earthly Father, Heavenly Father. It's basically about our father here on earth, and our father in heaven. I thought about how tough it was for dad to let me go on a mission. I'm the only daughter, and I can imagine letting a child go for a year and a half- 2 years must be tough. I can't even imagine how difficult it must have been for our father in heaven to let his son, Jesus Christ go, and atone for our sins. A father's love truly is infinite. As is our Heavenly Father's. I'm glad I'm taking time out of my life to help others come to our Father in heaven, and to know they're not alone. All their sins and pains were felt by Christ. I love my redeemer, and I know he lives.
Hermana Walton and I went tracting yesterday. We've been so busy with visiting Jose, and members, as well as getting referrals, that we never really got to go around houses and knock on doors without knowing who'd answer. Usually Hermana Walton takes lead, but she had me do it yesterday. It was.. Interesting. No one wanted to hear anything, and I got some interesting responses. My favorite was this lady who opened her door and told us she was doing homework. She asked us if what we had to say was important. We said, "Well, we think God is important!" She slammed the door on us. She'll draw to him some day." She needs Jesus. Actually, we all do! 
We had a mini-missionary with us this weekend. Jenny Gonzalez! She's so cute. Remember how her dad and cousin didn't really wanna hear of the gospel? Well, they did! The Spirit was felt so strong in that lesson! I bawled, and she bawled. Her cousin did too! Everyone in that room felt the Spirit so strong, and I know her dad's a step closer. I love miracles, and eternal families! Yay!
I am so grateful for this gospel, and eventhough being a missionary is tough, it's well worth it. Don't get me wrong, I sometimes wish I could be doing my own thing, but it's not about me, it's about the Savior.
When live gives you lemons, don't let them squirt you in the eyes.
I love you all so much, and I hope you have a great week! (:

Mucho amor,

Hermana Robles

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