Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Basking in the Spirit

This week was CRAZY. So much happened, but I'll do my best to break it down.
Hermana Walton and I are on week 2 of our "dessert fast". We're doing so good. So proud of each other!
Another fun fact: I hit my 2 month mark as a missionary today! I LOVE IT! (:

We met this Less Active named Kristina. We walked past a house, and had this impression that we needed to return and knock on the door. Of course we followed it, and knocked. There, we met Kristina. We found out that she's less active, and that she had been praying fervently to receive a sign from the Lord. After speaking to us, she said we were a sign from the Lord that she needs to shape up and get back to church. She's doing just that! It's such a miracle! We're so happy for her, and she agreed to come to church with us!

That evening, a huge storm struck! The power was out in half the city. It was insane. Well, we were still working, and went around looking for Latinos. The Lord blessed us because that storm caused everyone to be out on their porches. We found two Latino families whom we spoke to. We gained a family of investigators! The Lord has been answering our prayers!

 The following day, the sisters in our zone went out for lunch at this place, Qdoba. Good stuff. Anyway, all 8 of us ordered and went up to pay. As we did, the cashier told us that all our meals had already been paid for. Otro milagro! (:

We had another lesson with the Gonzalez family. That family is seriously so special, and my love for them is huge! The Spirit is always felt so strong whenever we teach them. We taught them about Alma 32 and how we could strengthen and nourish our faith. By far, the best lesson I've helped teach. It was soooo powerful. I know Hugo (the dad), felt the Spirit. Their entire family did. I felt prompted to invite them to be baptized, and I did. THEY ALL SAID YES! Jenny texted us the following day, and told us she found her dad reading from the Book of Mormon. I KNOW they will be sealed to each other as a family. I am so excited to see where they're headed. We have another lesson with them tomorrow. I can't wait. They're family to me, and I really want them to know of the truthfulness of the gospel.

 Saturday was HUGE. I know the majority of our members sent mom and dad friend requests on FB. There's a ton of pictures they took of us "in action". We got to work with our Branch President's family that entire morning. The Lopez are so great. Sister Lacey Lopez organized this entire morning for us. She sought our her neighbors who needed help and scheduled lessons with them. We know miracles will arise from it! We did service with their entire family for their neighbor who just got diagnosed with cancer. Never done so much yard work in my life, but it was worth it, and loads of fun. That's something I wanna do when I return home in a good 16 months.

Afterwards, we had Sister Mortenson with us, and visited La Michoacana. Jose was working there and made a cake for a baby shower. We were invited to it, so we went! Hermana Walton and I are baby clothes shopping today, so we can drop it off to the lady who held the shower. We're excited. No one in that baby shower was LDS, so it was a great missionary opportunity.

We met this Cuban family there. They're refugees. They told us their story, and it broke my heart, They literally have nothing, and I wanna help them out in anyway I can.
Our members are awesome! Yesterday, we found out some of our members went and gathered a ton of stuff. We dropped it off at the Cuban family's home, and they were super happy. I have never seen anyone so grateful before. They didn't expect it, and were practically in tears. Dad, I don't know how you balanced everything as an immigrant 13 years ago. I hold so much respect for you, and love you so much. You sacrificed so much and worked so hard to keep our family in good shape. Seeing how this family was dealing through this, touched my heart so profoundly! 

We met this man, Larry over the weekend. He really needed to hear of the gospel. I felt prompted to invite him to be baptized, and he accepted to do so once he found that this gospel is true. He tried to put his arms around my companion and I, and told us that he was trying to bask in the presence of the Lord that he felt give off from us. It was so cool! I'm so happy that he recognized the Spirit present. Agh. I just love being a missionary so much!

 As I was studying this week, I came across Mosiah 23:10. I'm re-reading the B.O.M, and I love it!

This scripture was seriously meant for me! I realized that the Lord is using me as an instrument to bring people to the truth. It relates a lot to me. This scripture was an answer to my prayers. 

The sisters from the branch showed me some of mom's pictures in Machu Picchu. I am so happy that she got to be there! I hope the family has the desire to listen to missionaries. I know how much the gospel will bless their lives like it has done to mine. I'm so happy to know she got to spend time with them.
Another thing. Mom, I am so grateful that you "pushed" me to finish my Personal Progress. It has helped me beyond what I expected. I wear my medallion loud and proud. I've seen the blessings it has brought me as a missionary. I am working with our Branch President's daughter on hers, and am so happy I completed mine! So, please send me my Personal Progress from back home? I love you so much, and thank you for helping me finish it!

I'm excited that the boys finally get to eat real food now that mom is coming home. Eat healthy! 

I love you all so much, and you're all in my prayers. I've seen the sacrifices each of you have made, and I really admire it. Have a great week!

Con todo mi amor,
Hermana Robles

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