Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Gray Hairs..

On Mon, Sep 8, 2014 at 12:25 PM, Claudia Robles <claudia.robles@myldsmail.net> wrote:

Yeah, Hermana Walton found my first gray hair.

I guess the mission is stressful? Actually. Let me rephrase that. THE MISSION IS STRESSFUL.

I found it hilarious that I already have gray hairs. I'll pretend that I'm not inheriting them from dad.


I cannot believe that David turns 12 this upcoming week. I thought he was 10.. I miss him so much though! I miss his silly little remarks, and the love he brings into my life. I miss my brothers. 

This past week wasn't too crazy. Compared to other stories I've heard, it was normal.

Funny thing. There's this place called Abelardos. It's like the Beto's or Rancheritos of WA. We would go there to get our little "Mexican fix". Well, we went a few days ago, and it was closed! It was the closest I had to Utah, and poor Hermana Walton was really craving a burrito that day. At Zone training, the Elders found out it got closed from us, and they basically cried. Whenever Hermana Walton and I drive past it, we hold a moment of silence. I think we're funny.

We saw Jose last week! There's this corn bread we absolutely love that he makes, and he surprised us by making us some. THE MAN MADE US OUR OWN BIG LOAF OF BREAD. It's his way of saying "thanks for saving my soul". We're content with it. I know I'm making it sound like I eat a lot and am a fatty, but I'm not huge like I make it sound. I can still ration my food well. You'd be proud dad. 


It rained and was freezing the beginning of last week! I realized my skirts don't cut it. I froze like no other. My hair was practically frozen, so I realized that winter here won't be a breeze.


This week, I learned to put others first. Especially my companion. It's important to put your companion first. Whomever they may be. A happy companion makes for a happy day, and vise versa. I guess this will come in handy when I get married or something, but one truly does feel better when they put others first, and I've seen my love for those who surround me grow even more. 

 There was this Latin festival over the weekend. There was all sorts of entertainment, and it really makes me proud to be Latina. I love my culture, and how loving we all are with each other. However, it was sooooo hard for me to not get up and dance to the bachata, cumbia, salsa, and all the other good dances.


Sorry for the short email, but I'm out of time!

 I hope everyone has a great week!

Mucho amor,

Hermana Robles

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