Tuesday, July 21, 2015

The Recovery.

Mon 7/20/2015 12:30 PM

Cómo están?

So nothing too crazy happened throughout this week. I mean, my greenie and some members took over the area for several days, so I'm proud of her.


Both Dr. Lopez and President Dymock wanted me out for 5 whole days! FIVE! What is this?! It was just a little surgery.

So, I was just out for 4 and a half, and called it good (:

I felt so ineffective because all I got to do was lay, sleep, write in my journal, and watch LDS movies or anything of that sort. I watched Meet the Mormons like twice. Almost went on my 3rd time, but I realized something huge in the midst of all this.


Firstly, how amazing our members are to aid one another when someone's in need of help. I was with the Burnetts and McWhirks and rotated days. It was so great to be with them and counsel each other on different things. Our relationships certainly deepened. Their families spoiled me more than I deserved to be. 


Secondly, how I cannot let myself sit around and do nothing with my time when the time comes to go home. Time is such a precious gift that God has given us, and if we're wasting it by doing nothing productive and just sitting around, what does that say about our gratitude? I am so guilty of this. That's all I did before the mission. I could have done so much good in this world, but hey. We all learn from our mistakes, don't we? That's the beauty of the Atonement. 

However, I did have the chance to talk to the Hygienist and Dental Assistant about the gospel, as well as the Pharmacists and everyone we encountered while I was out. Sure I looked all bummy with my face swollen and my bummy clothes, but I think my name tag may have added some sort of power to it all. Just because I had to be on rest, doesn't give me an excuse to not be a missionary. The point is, we shouldn't be "sleeping through the Restoration". 


 I think the funniest thing was text my companion once I got out of surgery and said, "Tell President Obama I'm okay." When I meant to say "President Dymock". 


Thirdly, I think this small time was set apart for me to take a breather and figure out what to do with my future. It was highly needed. I was able to contemplate, study, and pray on what steps I need to make, and I'm a step closer on deciding on a few things. It's incredible how much God is willing to help us when we follow his commandments and simply ask and act. 


So Leo and Leoniel were baptized this past weekend! They had waited so long to do this, and they were finally able to do so. Coralia isn't in the picture anymore, but I can bet you 100 blessings, she's baptized by now as well. It was so great to watch Hno Candelario Lopez baptize them both. The Spirit was so strong!


Oh my gosh. So President Dymock is allowing the Spanish missionaries to take turns and do a Spanish temple session. We were the first ones to get to do it over the weekend. Everything was weird to listen to in Spanish. It was great! But I love that I got to be with the members from both the branches I served in. It was such a highlight. I couldn't stop grinning. I was able to gain guidance through that session. If I can remember correctly, D&C 88:116 was my answer. One of my new favorites. It's so important to trust God and his plan. 

Also, President and sister Dymock ask that you check out our mission FB page: Washington Spokane mission President Dymock.
We also have roommates now, so it's a "spiritual party".
Alright, eso es todo.

 I invite you all to really trust God, at whatever point your relationship is with him.
Love you all!
Happy Birthday Danny! I haven't forgotten!! <3

Con amor,


Hermana Robles

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