Monday, July 13, 2015

Held Back By Number Sixteen.

Mon 7/13/2015 9:56 AM

We're staying together another transfer (:

So exciting.

President basically told me my transfer call a few days prior.

Usually that doesn't happen because we don't find out 'til Sunday nights.

This past week was physically draining. I have been having the worst toothaches. I was examining my mouth the other day, and I found something interesting as I dug through. I FOUND A NEW TOOTH! My wisdom tooth grew in.. Apparently I wasn't supposed to get my wisdom teeth extracted until after the mission, but Good ol' number 16 decided to grow in beforehand. That's where the pain began to kick in. I immediately called the sister in charge of the mission medical and we called the dentist.

President Lopez from the Spanish branch in the valley is a dentist, and so I went in for a check up. Turns out good ol' wisdom tooth #16 needs to be extracted ASAP. WE set up and appointment and he gave me a ton of meds to consume prior to the surgery.

I'll be going in at 9:30 am today WA time. I'll be held back in bed for about 4-7 days. Depending on how I'm feeling. I'm going to be on bed rest, and be with some members. We have the best members ever! Several have been willing to let me rest in their home and are so alert of us and willing to help us in every possible way.

Sister Flores will need a companion while I'm out, and so many members have been willing to go out with her, and I think that's what our areas need to gain the missionary spirit. We had been praying to help our wards get more enthusiasm for doing missionary work, and I guess it's taking me going into oral surgery to make it happen. The pain has increased so much throughout the week. It's been unbearable. Thanks number 16.

So the reason I found out early about my transfer call was due to the plans I'd have to make so my companion figure out her schedule and preparing things. I feel so bad, because she's still a greenie, and I'm having her take over the area completely while I recover. The Lord knows this is what she needed to grow though, so then again maybe I'm more excited for her than feel bad.

This email will be short since I have to head out soon for the surgery.

I'll tell you about my highlight to the week though!

Jose de Jesus. He passed his interview, and was baptized this past Saturday. Clara Walton drove up to watch it and support him. Time was limited since it was a baptism after another, so we didn't get to take pictures with him in all white. I remember watching him step out and making his way into the chapel, and looking at him in all white. I felt the spirit soooo strong and cried being the crier I am. I had waited about a year for this day, and to watch him enter the waters of baptism was probably the happiest day of my mission. The way we found him was the biggest miracle of my mission. He was glowing s the baptism service proceeded. He kept smiling and threw me a thumbs up. I didn't expect this day to arrive, but the Lord sure did. Jose de Jesus totally looked like Elvis with his jumpsuit on. He even popped his collar. It was so funny He cracks me up.

After he was baptized, the first thing he said was, "Am I good?" He's so funny! He said he felt so good! It's so great to watch the one you come to love be dressed in white. Jose de Jesus has totally hanged my mission, and been such a light to it. Nothing beat that experience, and to watch him glow after he entered the waters of baptism. He received the gift of the Holy Ghost yesterday, and his next step will be baptisms at the temple. I'm so stoked to be able to attend with him when he goes through for the first time. It all paid off, and it was the greatest honor to teach him and bring him closer to Christ. He's a changed man, and I testify that it is a fruit of the Atonement. I know that with all my heart.

I'm so excited for this upcoming transfer. 3 more to go! (:

Hope you all have a great week. Love you!

Con amor,

Hermana Robles

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