So we received this phone call last night from the APs. It's
very unlikely for them to call unless something is going on. I answered the
phone and they asked me how I was doing. Well, of course I wasn't doing fine at
that moment because I knew something was going on. They told me that President
felt strong about this and that my companion and I were getting swept out of
our area. We needed to be packed and out of our place by 6:30. I about fainted.
My heart shattered and I had to gasp for air. I couldn't believe what they were
telling me. A million things ran through my mind and I didn't know what to
think or what to do next. Who to call to arrange everything. I asked the APs if
they were serious, and I heard one of them laughing his head off in the
background. The other said, "Nope, but we'd like for you to give a
training at Zone Conference on Tuesday." That's our APs for ya. By giving
me a huge scare, they eased their way into making me say "yes" over
training 3 zones combined at tomorrow's Zone Conference. They're cleaver.
P-day wasn't that long ago, so I don't have that much to
update on.
However, I had a really neat experience while partaking of
the Sacrament yesterday that changed a lot for me.
It's vital that we always remember and focus on the
importance of the Savior's Atonement and what that means in regards to taking
his name upon us and remembering him always. We tend to just take the bread and
water, and call ourselves good for the week, and let the Atonement help us
start over. Yes it's important to recognize that, but also to ponder on the
significance of the sacrament and what exactly that means. It's the only
ordinance we repeatedly do for ourselves. We can't take that for granted. If we
do, well, I invite you to wholeheartedly repent and change that (: I'll be the
first to admit that I've had to do that several times. Now remember that
repentance is not a negative thing. It's simply humbling ourselves down and
allowing for the Atonement to change us once we make restitution with our
With that stated, I whipped out a sticky note and titled it
"Ways the Atonement Strengthened Me This Week." It was incredible to
be able to instantly jot down what it was that made it possible. I'll share a
few things. I had the strength and will to let Mark go, I taught lessons with
power and authority, I gained charity for each person I spoke to because I
asked for it, I was enlightened through different missionaries and at MLC
through the Spirit. I was able to remember the things I needed to train on at
Zone Training on Friday, Self mastery became more of a possibility than
struggle, and I was able to repent through partaking of the sacrament. By the
end, I felt so good! So relieved. I then thought to myself, "Well, I've
recognized these things, but now what do I have to stop doing, and begin
doing?" It was great to recognize that instantly and let go of anything I
held back in my heart from the Lord. So I invite you all to think and really ponder,
"What do I need to quit doing, and now start doing?". You'll
recognize your answer.
I love the concept of "self government". President
has made that a huge thing in our mission this past week. We're adults. We can
govern ourselves and make decisions to help us grow, so now we're putting that
to the test. We have boundaries in this mission, but he's allowing us to govern
ourselves and pick our own consequences. He trusts us. That's how our Heavenly
Father is. He does the same. He wants us to grow and develop ourselves.
Mom and dad, I know you both have gone through that a ton
the past year.With me leaving on a mission, and now Danny moved off to college.
I get it. I finally understood. You've "trained" us and guided us to
make the right decisions based off the doctrines and principles of Jesus
Christ's gospel, and you trust that we'll make the right choices and ultimately
be happy. You've done your part, and now it's up to us to either follow it, or
stray away. I can tell you that I've learned the happiest, and easiest way is
through God and Christ. Through their gospel. It's the ultimate key to
happiness. So thank you.
I hope you have a great week, and pray that I don't mess up
on this training tomorrow. Training a zone is do-able for me, but 3 combined..
I don't know. I'll probably trip over myself or something.
Love you all!
Con amor,
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