Prayer has been my best friend this last week. It is easily
the greatest tool, ever.
I've had an array of choices and aid I've been in desperate
need of, and I honestly had no idea how to solve a problem, or what to do. My
first instinct was to get on my knees and offer heartfelt prayers, with the
intention to walk by faith and act to receive and answer.
It is so crazy how well our Heavenly Father knows us. He
knows us to the T- as if to say. He is super aware, and wants to help us.
So first of all, I was humbled down a ton by the scorching,
humid, crazy weather this past week. WA-SPO was on fire. Literally. I felt
suffocated whenever I was outside, which was a lot. We wanted to talk to a ton
of people, and so we decided to walk a lot. We didn't have water on us. Huge
mistake. Never really knew what dehydration was like. Being exhausted, thirsty,
and hot really humbled me down, because that's all it takes to make me grumpy.
i decided that my attitude was what determined the effectiveness of our work
that day, because if I was in a bad mood, it'd probably be contagious to my
companion, and I needed her to be in a good mood so I could survive through. It
was the hottest, and sweatiest week of my life. It was such a humbling
struggle. I begged to endure through as I prayed. It's good to have the Lord on
my side.
I've been reminded of having to get things figured out for
college by one of the sisters whose been out the same amount of time I have.
She helped reality sink in, and I realized that I needed to figure out school
and it's awful because it was stuck in the back of my mind as well as all the
thoughts of home and the future that I packed up there. It unleashed those
thoughts, so I needed to pray to lock them back up. Which led me to a
conversation with President Mullen to be able to re-enroll at the U of U. It
also made me realize I needed to make decisions on my return home date. It'll
be before December 28th. That's all I can tell you at this point. Prayer helped
me make that important decision. It's great how personal revelation can be
revealed to us when we seek and are worthy to receive it.
I also needed to pray to be able to contain myself because
President and Sister Mullen go home tomorrow.
Missionaries usually have certain turning points in their
missions that change them forever. I had another one of those this past week.
My whole mission, I thought about how I'm supposed to change
lives by helping people get baptized, or that I'm supposed to learn from
others. I knew I had to help people come closer to Christ, but I didn't think
that I would ever really impact someone so much. I also had been having a huge
desire to figure out what my "talent" was. I could never claim to
have one, because I never did anything too significant that I felt led me to
claim to have one. This all changed for me within 10 minutes.
We were at Sister Burnett's house this past week giving her
some service. She asked us to help her sort out some clothes. So we did. She
had a talk with my companion about clothing and styling. She gave her some
advice and some of her clothes that she didn't need. She did such a genuine
thing for her. My companion isn't huge into the whole "fashion" and
"shopping" scene. I loved so much that she was able to get something
to add to her wardrobe. We kept complimenting how good she looked when she tried
all these new things on. Sis Burnett expressed to her how I am really into that
stuff and that I was her tool for those things. How I could help her find the
right clothes that would suit her, and teach her different hairstyles and such.
I felt the Spirit testify to me that I've known I've had a talent all along-
this. I felt my prayer answered. We all had such a touching conversation, and
my companion expressed how she has always wanted to know how to match clothes,
colors, do make up and all that, and that she had her prayer answered. It moved
me to tears.
After we returned home and accounted that night, I was able
to help her figure out some outfits and fix her hair all pretty. I always pray
to love my companions and learn from them, and as I offered my service and the
talent I discovered, I not only felt love, but my Heavenly Father's love for
her as I served her. Service is the key to love.
We had a touching conversation the other night about how
we've helped each other. Hna Flores has helped my heart, patience, and humility
grow deeper. She has been an answer to my prayers. She helped me realize how
I'm meant to be in this mission to help her. How the Lord knew that I was
supposed to be her companion and teach her about these things and more that
she'd been struggling with. The Spirit testified to the both of us of the
truthfulness of that, and we cried it out- of happiness that it. I felt for
once in my mission that I'm not here just to help the people around me, but to
help my companion and self. I realized when you aid and love your companion
first, everything else falls into place and works out better. We ought to put
our companions first and love them, as well as express it. I know without a
doubt that we're meant to be companions, and that a reason I was called here was
for Hna Flores. I've been preparing myself throughout the past year with
different companions to be ready to be companions with Hna Flores. I love her
so much. It was the greatest answer to my prayer.
We had many other instances occur to where we had prayers
answered. We were in the right places at the right time.
Our investigator Matthew is on date for July 25th. He
recognized us as representatives of Christ.
I love the mission so much. I could never trade it for
anything. I love being on God's and Christ's team. It's the key to eternal
So, I invite you all to love deeper. Deeper than you think
you can. Charity is gained as we strive for this.
I hope you all have a great week!
Mucho amor,
Hermana Robles
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