Monday, June 8, 2015

The Key to Commitment.

Mon 5/18/2015 2:01 PM

Wish I could travel back to the past 11 months of my mission. Why? Because I just want to relieve through every single day and pretend that my mission will never end.


I'm at an exciting, yet heartbreaking point in my mission where I don't know how to feel about time. Everyone and everything is changing from what I'm hearing, so that's exciting to say the least! I wish I could see the change I've made from June of last year, to this point. That would be cool.


Communication has been a huge factor in my past week. I never realized how important it is. I know, that sounds kind of silly, but you could say I gained a "testimony" of doing so.? There's nothing to worry about, because I am doing so dandy! 


I think I've finally figured out the "WHY" to the reasons behind me bring transferred English and into Cheney. Sister Ellis. I love her so much, and it's amazing how I needed to be her companion at this exact time and place. We are seriously the same person. I'm not kidding. Same personality, and everything. Everything aside from the physical appearances, but you get the point. She is that sister I didn't have, and I think I understand what it's like to have a sister. I don't know if that even makes sense. Point is, that Heavenly Father knew we both had our own personal struggles and were facing different things at the precise time, that he needed us to help each other through. I have never seen the beauties of being so openly communicated with someone. Something we both learned is that we may get along super well, but sometimes we need to have that open communication to help each other out and strengthen one another. We both aren't too huge into talking about our own personal struggles that we realized we needed to in order to help one another become better and strengthened through the Atonement. It was incredible the events that led up to us both realizing that we just needed to help lift the other. Nothing drastic is happening with either of us, but we each have fears and weaknesses. After all, we aren't perfect. We created a safe environment where we could talk about everything and anything, and allow each other to help one another in overcoming those burdens we face throughout our lives as missionaries. At the end of the day, we evaluate how we did, and if we did our best to fulfill goals we had set to strengthen our companionship and relationship with one another since that's something that's so important to the both of us. We have seen a huge progress in not just ourselves and our personal weakness becoming strengths, but also in our work and respect for the Savior. I think i finally really understood the purpose of a companionship, and I realized how important it is to put your companion's needs above your own if you want to have the same done in return. A companionship is about strengthening the other person and working together to bear one another's burdens, and in fulfilling our purposes as individuals. It just clicked to me and I understood how that would pertain to not just my mission, but for what lies ahead. I also realized how mortified I am to enter that stage in my life where I get married and all those fun adult like things that we're supposed to confront. It doesn't mean I'm ready for that commitment too soon, so don't get too excited mom! 

I love my companion though. She is incredible, and I love how close we've become throughout the transfer and how powerful our testimonies are when they're combined together to testify of Christ and his restored gospel. We make a good team!


So aside from that great testimony builder we had, we had quite the week! 

We have this awesome investigator named Adam. He's a 7th Day Adventist, who is easily one of the most humble guys I've met! Super sincere, and full of love for everyone! We were doing Family History at the Library a few weeks ago where I had this strong impression that we needed to talk to this guy who was sitting off and studying. I didn't understand why, but we did it anyway. He was the nicest person ever! We talked to him about our purpose and everything, and he said he'd be into coming to activities! We invited him to FHE, and he came! Then, he came to Institute that Thurs and participated! He asked us to give him material he could study to prepare and he even prayed! Even though concepts he didn't understand were taught that day, he still participated! He even prayed in the end! He asked us who he could talk to because he had so many questions and was so intrigued! We told him he was talking to the right person-us! We had a lesson last Tues on the Restoration, and it was SO good! He was so humble and sincere in his prayer! We were so afraid to invite him to be baptized, but we did anyway, and he surprisingly said yes despite his claim to being biased at the moment! He's awesome!!

Ya'll have a great week!


Love you!


Sis Robles

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