Monday, June 8, 2015

Transfer Time: Where the Anxiety Gets Real, and the Humor Flows.

Mon 6/1/2015 3:07 PM

Hello to a new transfer! The transfer where I hit my year mark. I can't believe that!

We got transfer calls last night. 
We certainly weren't expecting what went down to do so! 


So basically, we changed our minds mid-week when we found out a Spanish sister was coming out this transfer. That's when Sister Ellis and I realized we were getting split. Not only did that lead up to that conclusion, but I got a call from President Mullen.

Usually when Pres. calls, well, many people dread it. When I answered, he told me he needed to speak to me. I didn't wanna expect the worst, I mean, I forgot to invite a few people to be baptized this past week, but the Atonement should cover me! I promised to do better for the upcoming week! I was honestly nervous out of my mind! 

He asked me to help him with something. He asked me what my thoughts would be on him combining the Spanish work with English and having the Spanish sisters do both. He asked about previous areas I was in and if I thought it'd be something that could be done. So he basically told me to help him out with the Spanish transfer calls. Won't lie, I felt cool! I was nervous about it because I didn't wanna ruin anything about the work, but it'd be so good for the Spanish missionaries because they deserve to see their success in the English work that they've been doing too! Pres and I are buds. He asked me not to mention anything about it until after transfer calls, so here I am! Honestly, I didn't think it'd affect me since I figured I'd stay another transfer in English.


On that note, here's what's going on with me. I am staying in Cheney YSA, training a new missionary, and am a solo Sister Training Leader. I'm rather nervous, and I didn't think there could be any more responsibility added to me. When we "fear busted" with the new greenies this morning, President came up to me and told me he had a referral for me. He gave me this Latino name and the info, and I was so confused. Especially since the Spanish elders were covering the Southwest Spanish work. I asked him why he was giving me a Spanish referral when I was doing English work. His response: "Hermana, didn't you know you're doing Spanish and English work now?" So I found out I'm covering two areas. The Spanish branch, and the Cheney YSA work. So I'm back to sweeping the Southwest Spanish area on top of that. I'm hoping it doesn't get anymore crazier than that.. Knock on wood. I'll definitely have tons to manage, and be busy like crazy this transfer. I don't even know where to begin, but I can start off with a prayer and a tub of Fro-Yo to calm me down from the craziness. I have tons of meetings this upcoming week. New Missionary and Trainers' Meeting, MLC, ward meetings, and Elder Daniel Johnson of the 70 is coming to our mission. Good thing the Atonement can help me get through it! Actually, add an extra 10 oz to the cup of Fro-Yo I need..


Apart from all that craziness, we had a super great week!

So all in all, there was a ton of parties in Chi-Town this weekend. So many drunk people. Like, soooo many!

I've had some super humbling experiences this past week. We were in a tri-panionship. One of the sisters in our zone had her comp go back to Temple Square. She finished her time here, so she went back to her original mission. So we had to incorporate her things to ours, and help her find people to go out with her, and fix schedules around and living conditions. It was sudden,in the moment stuff, and we all got humbled down quite a bit!

We also had a crazy Saturday, filled with opposition and so much stress. The first thing we did was got down and prayed. Our numbers weren't what we hoped for in the beginning of the day, and we just felt the adversary dragging us down. To us, it's not a successful day if we don't teach at least 3 lessons each day. As the day was passing by, we had nothing. We were super discouraged, but miraculous things happen when you pray and act immediately to search for answers. We went out and worked, and got 6 lessons, and our numbers for everything spiralled up. It was incredible. The power of prayer really worked in our favor! God is SO aware of each of us. I also received a few answers to some important questions I've had lately, so that was comforting. My testimony and knowledge of personal revelation grew.


I'm heartbroken that I won't be with Sister Ellis, because we learned so much from each other, but God knows others need to teach us and that we need to teach them. I'm excited for this transfer!!


Have a great week everyone!! (:


Con amor/ Love,


Hermana/ Sister Robles 


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