From what I've seen and been told, so many changes occurred
in everyone's lives this last week. Isn't time such a funny, bittersweet,
blessing we have?
The Lord is so great.
This past week was filled with tender mercies from the Lord.
I've recognized his hand in everything, and I've realized how easy it is to
when you truly look to do so. We can see his hand in every aspect of our lives.
We just have to decide whether or not we want to.
The week flew. I think I've finally decided that it feels
like December rather than November. Moving up! However, I do have moments where
I feel like I'm stuck in the Summer 2014 time frame.
So, let me tell you a little bit about my new companion! Her
name is Hermana Flores. Super long name, so I like to cut it down to just
Flores. Keeps me from getting my tongue tied. She's fresh out the MTC, and she
has a huge heart. I love that, because I just love expressing my love to
people. It's perfect! It must be a Latin thing (; Which leads me to this.
President gave me a Native companion! The other Spanish sisters are jealous. In
this mission, you don't just put two Spanish natives together when others are
still trying to learn the language. I lucked out. I felt that my Spanish was
diminishing just from one transfer of doing pure English work. It was a nice
break. Anyway, she's from Gilbert, AZ. Her mom originally from Mexico. She
graduated High School last Summer, and she just wants to work hard and give
what she can offer to the Lord. I love that, because I've been praying for
someone who wants that as a companion. Especially this transfer.
She's so great. Such a kind person who I love and am happy
to work with. We know we are together for a reason, and that we have much to
learn from each other. She's convinced she's with me because we have the
complete opposite personalities. She has what I call "quiet dignity".
She's shy, and well.. I'm not. We balance each other out well. I am so blessed
to be training her!
Funny little experience we had last week. We were doing our
grocery shopping, and she turns to me and tells me that she needs some
"chile". So I told her we'll go find some. As I was walking to the
hot sauces (Tapatio, Cholula, Valentina, etc), she turned to me and told her
she's a real Mexican and how she needed to buy actual Jalapenos. It was
hilarious to me. I realized how much of a wimp I truly am when it comes to hot
sauces, or spices. I mean, I can barely eat Hot Cheetos as it is! So yeah. We
make each other laugh!
Let me tell you about Tom.
Now this was the greatest miracle of the week. I still can't
fathom it. After MLC (Mission Leadership Council), I went to pick up Hermana
Flores who spent time with the Spanish sisters in the valley while I went to
the meeting. We went to the mission office to get some supplies, and as we
pulled p, we saw a man walking on the side of the street right next to the
building. Before we talk to someone, I always tell Hna Flores, "We talk to
everyone!", and we book it. She's still working on getting over her fear
of talking to people, but hey, what missionary isn't? We went up to this man
and said "hi". He was surprised that strangers were talking to him
and asked if he knew us. I said, "You do now! I'm Sister Robles!" and
shook his hand. Before I go on, it was pouring at that time (side note). This
man introduced himself as Tom, and we talked about our purpose as missionaries.
He began to sob, and poured out his problems to us. He asked if we could go
into a bldg, and luckily the mission office was 15 steps away from us, so we went
in there and it was super noisy. All the ZLs were in there with the Senior
missionaries getting supplies for their zones and all that fun stuff. Amidst
the noise, we spoke to Tom about the Atonement and the poor man weeped. He
expressed how he has faith in Christ and how he's looking to expand that, but
he feels so abandoned. The Spirit instantly told me to gather everyone and pray
with him. So we did. All the missionaries gathered with us and Tom and he
offered the most heartfelt prayer I have heard on my mission. I was moved to
tears. The Spirit then prompted me to ask him if he wanted a Priesthood
blessing, and so I asked him. he agreed. We got a few of the Elders together
and they gave him one. It was such a testimony builder of the Priesthood. The
Spirit was so strong, and these elders didn't even know what was going on in
his life and still said exactly head on that he needed.
After the blessing, Tom poured his heart out. He told us
that he was on his way to permanently end his problems. To take his life away
when he approached him. Because of Hna Flores and I, he received an answer to
his prayer. His last prayer of what would have been his mortal life. He wanted
to know if God was there and if he loved him, and we approached him right as he
ended it. I testify that God is aware. He is so aware of all of us. This
experience was the greatest tender mercy i've received. God lives. Christ
I have such a testimony of this gospel that I cannot deny. I
know it is so true with all my heart, and it blesses families, and brings us to
great knowledge of our divinity and our destination as well as purpose in this
life. I am so grateful for that!
So, President and I had a chat this week. He found out that
Janessa is passing through WASPO on her way back home from a trip. Guess what
he did? He gave me permission to have dinner with her and her family this
upcoming week, and share a message with them!
I am soooo stoked! I get to teach my best friend on
Thursday! Great wait to ring in my year mark (: So, that's a huge deal to me.
I'm so excited.
I love you all, and hope you continue to see the Lord's
hands in your lives!
Con amor,
Hna Robles
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