Monday, May 11, 2015

Dia De La Madre, Y gritos Mexicanos!

Mon 5/11/2015 2:01 PM

Well, Skyping was easily the greatest thing ever!

Seriously the highlight to my week (:

It was the biggest tender mercy!


This email might be short because I honestly don't know what to include everyone on! 


We obviously worked a whole lot this last week. We had MLC where all the leaders in the mission get together and are trained by President, Sister Mullen, and the APs on what to train the missionaries on in Zone conference. It was such a powerful meeting. Super filled with the Spirit! A huge thing we focused on was hope, and the importance of having it. I was always that kind of person who would say that I hated getting my hopes up because it just sucks when something doesn't turn out the way you want it to. It hurts when something turns out that way, but something huge I came to know is that when we have hope in God, we're trusting him and showing him that. We're letting him take hold of the steering wheel and giving our will to him, but trusting that he's guiding it down curved lanes or simply straight ones with a purpose. That the reason he gives our lives plot twists are because he knows what is best for us, and will help us grow as humans to be able to fulfill our eternal purpose. I learned that it is okay to get my hopes up and if something doesn't work out, that it isn't because God is condemning me or something, but because he knows that i need a lesson to learn from that outcome, or because it simply wasn't best for me at that time, or even at all. I've seen that so much throughout my life, and the blessings of something being put on pause, or eliminating from my life, because it truly was what was going to help me grow as a human being. I've also seen that on my mission, and I'm understanding the purpose of it even more. It's tough, but i'm learning, and as i trust God more, I love him more, and those things don't become burdens to me anymore. 


I gave a talk yesterday, so that went well. I guess I forgot to mention that during Skype.


I already mentioned about the whole experience we had at the Rodriguez yesterday. I just love them beyond words could express. They are such a great example of what a family should be. Hno Rodriguez treats his wife like such a queen, and she treats him like a king! They are just the cutest thing ever, and I admire their marriage so much! Taught me a huge lesson and on how it should be. How important it is to be an equal companionship.


Have a great week! 

I can't believe the fam is going to Peru again!

I'm so jealous!

Love you all!

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