Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Feliz Navidad!

Mon 12/22/2014 12:24 PM

Okay, so Christmas is this week.. So weird. I can't get over how much it doesn't feel like it. There's no snow, and the forecast here calls for no snow this week. Also, not being bundled in the typical Christmas shopping makes a huge difference.
I'm stinkin' gonna miss Jose de Jesus so much! As I went to say "bye" to him, he said to me, "Oh. You're getting drafter Hermana Robles." He has kids in the Army, so that was the only way he understood this whole transfer thing. It was so funny. I'll miss him and his beautiful Red Nova.

However, what sealed it for me was the caroling we've done. With this new area, our District went caroling and we found some amazing miracles. The Spanish Elders got a new investigator out of it. We caroled and did a "Blitz" in their area. Along with that, we made so many peoples' day! It's amazing how caroling soften people's hearts. Oh, and we went in the daytime, which was way out of my comfort zone. I would have never done that, but we saw miracles! We sang to a family who just moved in from Iraq. We all couldn't communicate, but they took pictures with us and they went to the trunk of their car and pulled out two plates of an Iraqi dessert- Baklava. It was super good. It was so sweet of them! We made new friends! They asked for us to return, and we left them with a prayer. It was so heart touching.

What touched me the most was when we got invited in to sing to the kids at the Boys and Girls Club. They all referred to us as the "Glee-rs". Missionary style. All these kids crowded around us, and we caroled Hymns to them. They loved it! Before we knew it, people were taking pictures of us. Seeing all these kids struggling but forgetting their situations and singing with us touched my heart. It showed us all the meaning of Christmas, and that this is what truly needs to happen each day, not just once a year. We all left feeling so much love and happiness in our souls.


Hermana Boman and I have been exploring and trying new parts in this area. We went to this place called the South Hill, and got not only a ton of walking in, but many lessons, and gospel conversations as well. There's this street called Rockwood Blvd. My dream house lies there.. Aside from that, we were walking to try an LA's house in the freezing rain. I saw this lady go outside and sit on her porch, and I felt the Spirit tell me to go and talk to her. After we tried the LA's home, I told my compa that we had to go talk to this lady. We then met Kathy. A non Spanish speaker, but she still was worth our time and being out in the pouring rain. We shared He is the Gift with her, and bore our testimonies on it. I felt prompted to share my favorite scripture- Ether 12:27 with her, and her heart really softened. I told her that I don't know what she may be going through, but that the Lord is aware of it and wants her to know that He loves her, and she's not alone, and will never be alone. She said to me, "This is exactly what I needed at this time. You gave me the faith I've been needing. Especially today." She cried, and gave us the biggest hug. I know that I'm here to touch people's lives. I've always wanted to help people, and the mission is fulfilling that for me. This is the greatest thing in the world.

I've also been able to meet a ton of people who know others that I do. Dad, you'll love this one. Alejandra's dad. Julio Cabeza de Vaca has a cousin named Herbert Torres. Guess what. He's my branch missionary leader! We somehow made the connection. He told us he's from Ecuador, and I explained our family's history with Ecuador. He also knows a something Vidal. He was a mission pres in Peru, and I've heard you talk about this guy. I just can't remember the first name.. Point is, that I've met so many people here who know people that you and the family know and are friends with. It's so cool! I'm glad you have friends, 'cause they've treated us so well and fed us Peruvian food and such. I've met so many Peruvians here and our branch President, Pre. Condon knows that I've been transferred here to become bffs with the non-member Peruvians. I'm so excited. I love Peru and talking about it, and these people do too! So stoked to "chill" with los Peruanos!


The branch and members in our area are so great. Super missionary minded! We went to our Stake Pres' casa last night, and holy cow. I've never seen a family so into missionary work. They pray to find Latinos to talk to about the gospel and invite them to stuff! It works, 'cause they find them! They're so willing to help us! It's incredible! They're having us and our zone over to their place for breakfast Christmas morning. They then invited Hna Boman and I to come over for dinner that night 'cause they're having a Latino family over. We've formed strong friendships with them and the members already. It's great! We have soooo many plans with members for Christmas eve and day! Matter of fact, we're making tamales with a member tonight to prepare for the 24th! 


We've been sharing Matthew 2:8-10 with members this week. King Herod wasn't worthy to see the star, but the wise men were. When they saw the star that showed of Christ's birth, they "rejoiced exceedingly". We need to be worthy to constantly see that "star". We shouldn't drive ourselves away and let the worldly things take over that. I hope you all keep this in mind not just this season, but throughout the upcoming year as well.


I love you all so much, and hope that you have a Feliz Navidad!


Familia and Janessa, 

I'll see you Thursday at 11am!! (12pm UT time). I'm so excited to see you!!!! <3


Con mucho amor, 

Hermana Robles



Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Every New Beginning Comes From Some Other Beginning's End.

Mon 12/15/2014 12:10 PM

"I'm going, going. To Cheney, Cheney!"

We got transfer calls last night, and our hearts totally broke, yet we're content for some changes.
I'll be serving in another area that I guess has really been struggling, but I know the struggles there really will help me grow and strengthened my testimony even more. It'll be good. I know I have something to offer to that area, and I'm excited to work hard with Hermana Boman.

Hna. Walton will stay in the valley and be training a new missionary from Hawaii. We wish we could have spent her last transfer, Christmas and New Years together, but it was "time to say goooooodbye". 
 So this new area covers like 4 or 5 different cities. It's like the middle of nowhere, but a huge area that is kind of close to downtown Spokane. It takes us about 30 minutes to drive to church which is in the downtown area. From the valley, it's 40ish minutes away. Sister Boman and I get to live in a shed with farm animals and stuff in the middle of nowhere, so that'll be a huge adjustment. We don't have roommates except for the chickens and cows, and stuff. However, we will be in a member's land, so we have members across the street! we will be "sweeping" this area. So neither of us know anything about this area or what work has been going on in it. We have to rely on the area book in order to get around, so we get to literally start on our own. The Lord must really trust us that much if he's placing all these people and this whole area in our hands. I know it won't be easy, but I'm excited to give it my all.



My heart will forever be in the Valley. I love the members so much, and our investigators. Being there for 6 months truly was such a highlight to my mission. I'm excited that Hermana Walton gets to work with all of our people in the valley, because we have so much progression going on. Jose de Jesus is really progressing, and 2 of Kristina's kids are on date for baptism for the 27th. I'm so excited for them! Ugh. The cutest kids ever.

Okay so here's one of the funniest things that Jose de Jesus said. He's hilarious. He says that I say "elegant" prayers and that I do super "nice" ones. So I prayed after one of our lessons, and he turned to me and said, "Hermana, you're not composing a book here!" We went caroling to his place, and his drunk sister in law came out and danced as we caroled to her. She got them out of the house, and we all sung together. It was grand.

 Our entire zone went caroling this whole past week, and it was such a blast. We're all super close. There's huge changes going on in our zone, and we're all going to miss each other. Seriously though. The mission is super duper fun. There's a time to have a blast, and a time to really get down and serious. People usually have this perspective that missionaries don't have fun, but what I love that Pres. Mullen really emphasizes on is for us all to just be ourselves. That's why we're sent to where we are- for our personalities and what it has to offer. 

 So one of the cutest things happened. Kristina's kids Oscar and Esmerelda are getting ready for baptism. We've been teaching them the lessons and Daniel's 2 kids have been joining in on them. They are so darn smart! After one of the lessons, Daniel's little girl Adreanna raised her hand and asked "Can I say the prayer?" She did it! She had never prayed aloud before, and she did it so well! It's amazing how receptive to the gospel kids are. They are just so stinkin' cute!


Dad, here's something you'll be proud of. I learned how to check and put air into tires! I know, I should have known that already, but it was so cool to do! It was super easy. I'm getting better at this "car stuff". I also drove on the freeway out here in WA for the first time this past week. Anyone who knows me well enough, knows that the freeway mortifies me. Imagine having to do it in a place where you know nothing about or where you're going, AND I didn't kill us! I know. Miracle, right?


Oh! Familia, you guys are seriously so great! I received the package that Aunt Melanie sent this last Monday. Totally made my day!! You are all so great! The little gifts and letters made me suuuuuuuper happy! It was the cutest thing ever! So thank you so much!


Okay, so I don't have the complete info yet, but I'll give you the info to when I'll get to Skype home on Christmas.
I'll see you guys next Thursday! Can't believe how fast that came! 10 days 'til Navidad!!

How's everyone's "gift" to someone else gone?

 I love you all so much! Have a great week! (:

Con amor,

Hermana Robles

Thursday, December 11, 2014


Mon 12/8/2014 1:35 PM

I just love the holiday season!

Sadly, it doesn't seem like Christmas is coming up whatsoever for some reason.


Transfer calls are this upcoming Sunday and I cannot believe it. This transfer FLEW. It's so sad. 
Hna Walton and I think we're getting switched, but we hope Pres. keeps us together for her last transfer. According to the cutest little girl, "We make a good team", and we totally do!



We had AMAZING lessons this past week. 

We had a Specialized training, and through applying it right after, we got 3 new investigators. This is such a huge deal for us, 'cause it's so hard to get an investigator in the Spanish work in this mission. We've either talked to every Latino, or they are just sticking to their religion.   

The lessons we had with each of them were SO GOOD. The Spirit had never been that strong in our lessons. It was amazing. They all agreed to baptism.


With the holiday season, I decided I'll be giving a gift to Christ. It's to give myself completely to the will of the Lord. "Change happens only if you unconditionally surrender yourself to the will of the Lord." I've seen change happen in myself through doing so. The crazy thing is how fast time goes when one is completely focused on the work.

It's so funny. Jose de Jesus had us over the other day and said to us, "I had a thought come into my mind that I never thought would before, and it was to be baptized. I don't know about you hermanas, but I think it was the Spirit." He is so hilarious. He really wanted to get baptized the old fashioned way. So like Christ was. He is so darn hilarious. All the missionaries are bffs with him. They all love him. He's hilarious though!


So we have a member who taught me an important lesson. Totally touched my heart. She's not doing so well financially, and as she was driving down a busy road, she saw a lady who is always sitting on the same bench and wears the same thing each day. It's easy to tell that she's just living in poor conditions, and it's so sad how many people avoid her. Many know that she's not the nicest person, 'cause she likes to throw things at them and say rude stuff. So this member is mortified of her. She had scary occurrences with her, but the other day, she rolled down her window, called this woman over, and gave her her favorite, and warmest coat. As she was telling us about it, tears filled our eyes. She said her favorite part that touched her profoundly was when this woman said, "Thank you so much. God bless you." 


I also witnessed someone give a lady in need a doll house for her little girl that she really wanted. It just warmed up my heart so much.


Sometimes we don't notice those in need. We should help those who are in need. Not just this season, but everyday.

I invite each of you to think about a gift that you have. Not necessarily something material, but it could be a talent. Use that gift you have and share it with someone in need. Think of a gift you could also give to Christ this upcoming Christmas. I promise you'll see huge changes within yourself. Missionary promises are legit, so really.. Do it (:


I hope you all have a great week! I love you all so much!

Con amor,

Hermana Robles

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Hola Diciembre!

Mon 12/1/2014 1:14 PM

This past week was grand. Each week on the mission gets better though! 

 This past week consisted a lot of tracking, finding, and spreading the word about He Is the Gift. It's such a good video. I hope you all get to watch it, and share it with everyone!


So we had a good Thanksgiving. I actually didn't stuff myself. By the way. I ate the greatest cheesecake ever. Props to Brother Mortenson!

 We went to the Conant's after, and I know that Bro. Conant sent mom and dad videos of us, and us being super weird, but aside from that. I had such a valuable experience. 

There's a 15 year old and his mom living with them. This boy just found out that he has Leukemia, and the closest hospital close to him to treat it is here in the valley, so the Conant's have them living with them. Well, his Thanksgiving, he spent in his room. We asked for the boy to join us that night, and we sang I Am A Child of God to him. Our roommates in English, and us in Spanish. The Spirit was so strong, and I realized how blessed I have it to be healthy and have the things I do.


Sometimes, we tend to complain about little things we lack in life, when we should focus more on those big blessings we have. That's what's important. Out Heavenly Father loves us so much, that he's blessed us with families. We need to realize those important things, rather than the little things we don't have.


So sorry for the super short email, but I hope you all have a great week, and look for the blessings in your lives!!

Oh, and Happy 1st day of December!
Con mucho amor,

Hermana Robles