Monday, September 22, 2014

Watched Over Mon 9/22/2014 2:44 PM

This week was insane. So much happened. 

 Yes, I was in my very first car accident. SCARY.

I was in an exchange with sister Haynes. Fun fact. She was in my Algebra 2 class Sophomore year, so we know a lot of the same people. Really fun. 

 Anyway, we were driving to our dinner appointment, and I saw this red van pulling out of a parking lot. Looked like they were going to get into the lane next to us. Little did I know they were trying to get into our lane. The car in the lane next to us let them through, but they didn't see us coming, and rammed into us as we were passing by. I was the passenger, and got all the impact. I honestly was shocked. I just remember things going blank. All I remember was seeing sirens go off, and talking to the Elder in charge of transportation about the accident. We pulled into the parking lot and spoke to the police, firefighters and the Elders in charge of the car stuff. We found out the people who hit us are members of a different ward. They were on their way to the hospital. Their little girl had a rock stuck in her ear. So sad. They were totally calm about the accident. They cared more about us because we were crying. So yeah. We were actually on our way to meet up with the Elders in our branch cause they were gonna follow us to our member's place. They helped us out so much, and tried to calm us. It was kind of them.
The accident. Notice that my door wasn't scratched up, but just dented. The door behind me was scratched up. Super weird. All the pressure from the impact affected the door behind me rather than me. I truly was watched over. I am so lucky to be alive! The lord truly watches over his missionaries!!


I went to the hospital to get myself checked. Super sore and bruised, but I'll be okay. I might get to go to the chiropractor. All that I care about is that I can still go out and work. Apparently I was so lucky. I should have been more hurt due to the impact. We were going 40mph, and the van was about 15. It was a strong hit though. I know I was watched over, and that the Lord was protecting Sister Haynes and I. Same with the other family. I lost it when I was 4 little kids hop out of that van. I really hope they're all okay.


Aside from that, everything went great! We met with an investigator. Receited the 1st vision, and the Spirit was sooooo strong. She acknowledged it! We felt the Spirit testify to invite her to baptism. We have a date now scheduled for Oct 25th. We're so excited for Brandy! She knows this is what she needs in her life! She's willing to do what she needs to make it happen.


We also had a less active come to church yesterday. She's so great! She knows she needs to come back. She's willing to work hard, and make it happen. It's so cute. She was super nervous, but felt right at home when she came to church. Our branch is full of the most loving people! I love our members soooo much. They're like family to me. Which makes me happy that I'll be serving another transfer (6 weeks) here in the valley (: I know there's a lot of work that needs to be done, and I'm excited to give it my all. 


I learned how to play twinkle twinkle little star on the violin. Sister Lacey Lopez is teaching me how to play. I'm learning and doing so many things I never thought I would have back home. I love it. I truly feel that I'm becoming the "woman" I want to be. It's pretty darn cool. 


Sister O'Very left this morning. She should be back home by now. It was so sad to have to let her go. She impacted my mission for the better. She was such an amazing missionary. I love her so much. Dropping her off was so tough on me.


I've seen my testimony grow and my relationship with God enhance. I am so lucky to be a missionary, and to be alive! I know I have more work left to do, and that this is the right thing to be doing with my life. I love that I can help others come to Christ. i know he lives, and through him, we can all become better each and every day. I love this gospel so much, and I don't know what I'd do without it. It's something I always want to be in mine and my family's life. I KNOW the Lord blessed his missionaries. Truly. I cannot believe how lucky I am. I'm so grateful for the love and happiness the gospel has brought into my life. It's so great! So happy to know families can be together forever! 


Hope everyone has a great week! 

 Mucho amor,

Hermana Robles

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