Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Getting "old" ( Mon 9/15/2014)

I'm really not getting that old, but I hit my 3 month mark this Thursday, and i honestly cannot believe how quick time is passing by!


Just a talk that has really changed me. It's by Neal A Maxwell. "The Atoning Blood of Christ". So good. I invite you all to read it. 

Super sweet miracle! Our less active who took us to lunch weeks ago randonly shot us a text, and asked us for the church info. Why? HE WANTED TO COME TO CHURCH! Hna Walton and I victory danced. We were so happy! We've been trying to get him there for months, and he finally decided to. He came yesterday (: 


Funny experience. We decided to take the bus and use it as a finding activity. We parked our car at the bus station, and made our way. We have a few gospel conversations, with people, and one person was interested. We exchanged info. Well, we soon realized that where we were headed was almost out of our huge zone, so we decided to get off. We didn't really know where we were going, and what bus to catch to make our way back to our car. Oh, we were 4 miles away. We were clueless, so we.. Walked. Sad, but it was the most I've walked since I've been out here. Did I mention it was hot outside. It was one interesting, uphill experience back to our car.

We spoke to several people, but here's a real miracle. This man, Mark called us out from his front porch. We went over to talk to him, and learned that he has a strong faith in Christ. He told us straight up that he loves LDS members. He's worked around them his whole life. He told us how he can see a "glow" about each of us. we explained that it's the Spirit. He accepted a BOM.


Sorry. I'm out of time, but I'll bullet what we did this week.

 - Ate Thai food with the District. So good

- Eating Indian food.
Well other cool stuff happened, but I'm out of time. So sorry!

 Mucho amor,


Hermana Robles



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