I'm in complete awe. Everything this past week has just
blown me away. Not only that, but time totally blew away. It's super
My mind is so blown, and I am just so content to be a
missionary! There's nothing better.
Transfer calls always bring me anxiety, but at the end of
the day I know that it's where the Lord wants me and I totally feel that the
Lord has cut me a ton of slack and favored me in the sense of what my
assignment for this upcoming transfer is.
I'm sweeping into the area out in the valley, training a new
missionary, and still the STL- but for the East Valley zone! I'm content on
life. I pictured to end my mission exactly how it turned out. It was my ideal
situation, and I think the Lord was pleased with granting me the desires of my
heart! So, I'm basically on cloud 9. No big deal. Actually, huge deal! I'm
ending in the valley!
It's so crazy. I began my mission sweeping into the valley,
and to end it by sweeping it again is just the icing on top of a delicious tres
leches cake. Life is good.
So crazy to think this is my last full transfer. Enough of
that though. I'm so stoked for this upcoming transfer and to leave the place I
was "born" into the mission into a strong area. I seriously can't
stop grinning. Like, my face hurts cause that's all I've done since I found out
last night. I'm so spoiled.
My new address:
15318 E. 22nd
Spokane Valley, WA 99206
Conference was so good! I love that our Heavenly Father
answered every single one of my questions through his servants! So neat about
the 3 new apostles! I about fan girl each time I see President Nelson, and
think about the time he touched my elbow and grabbed my hand. I also have this
really weird obsession for Elder Dallin H. Oaks. Maybe because
"Robles" is the Spanish version of "Oaks"? I dunno. He's
just so boss. I love Elder Oaks.
We had 2 of our investigators watch conference with us!
James and Josef.
Y'all know enough about James. All I can say about him at
this point is that the ball's in his court. He just has to pick what he does
with it. Hopefully it's the gospel (:
Josef is legit. Sis Ballif was sick, so we had her stay all
day with a member, and I worked out ways and went out on splits with several
members and we just worked.
I was with a member Caley for about the entire day. How I
love her! We street contacted all over EWU's campus and spoke to a ton of
people and got awesome contacts. So neat how easy it is to do the work on
campus. We had legit conversations with people on the gospel and how Christ's
true church is here on earth and all of the blessings that we have access to.
We met Josef, and holy smokes was he so prepared! Ah. I'll
miss him! He's had so many situations that have led him to God and Christ. He's
looking for something to quench the spiritual famine he feels that he has. He
identified us as servants of the Lord and knows that we were led to him because
he asked him for some help.
He attended Institute the following day, and loved it!
Participated a ton.
The following day, we taught him the Restoration, and it's
neat how many things he was able to identify that were different from what he
believes in. He expressed that he noticed differences and we were bold and
loving and told him the correct principles. It's neat, because he instantly
accepted it. Usually most people hesitate, but he didn't. After the First
vision was recited, all he said was, "WOW!". So long story short,
he's on date for November 7th, and he LOVED conference. It was so neat! He
refers to us as his "Sisters in Christ". Hahah He's great! Has so
much potential!
I loved this last transfer! I learned so much! Sis Ballif
has taught me so much, and I enjoyed our time together. She has easily become
such a great friend to me. I love her so much. I was so blessed to have
I'm super stoked to see what this transfer will bring. I
cannot believe how quick time is flying, so maybe I'm just not going to believe
it at all.
My thoughts are way scattered, so hopefully my email gave
you some sort of update. I love you all! Nos hablamos la proxima semana!
Ps. Mom, the elder in my zone whose brother is serving in
grandma and grandpa's town contacted them and they have a set appointment! I'm
so content! (:
Con amor,
Hermana Robles
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