It's been a trying week, but yet super refining.
I've come to discover that Satan just rages on missionaries
when it comes close to departure time. I certainly don't blame him. I feel that
that's especially the time where one just wants to give all they possibly can
before time runs out. At least, that's what's been happening to me. The neat
thing is that I've felt so much love from so many people. Even those from back
home without them knowing they have.
I just love our mission President and his wife! They just
LOVE the missionaries, and do so much for us. I remember giving him a call and
asking him for help to comfort me after my companion had done what she could,
and he and Sister Dymock immediately had us over at their house and helped me.
He gave me an incredible blessing, and it was just awesome how in tune he is to
the Spirit, and how good he is at radiating Christ-like love to us! I felt
God's love so strong through that blessing. It's just so neat how God never
abandons us when we need him most. My testimony grew even deeper. I love
trials. Is that weird to say?
Hermana Brown says "hi". So neat that her family
knows ours! Small world!
Had one of the most spiritual exchanges of my mission this
past week with S. Santiago. It was insanely awesome, but I can't really go into
detail cause I gotta go!
I also chopped about 4 inches of my hair off.
Also, Jose de Jesus got a church calling, and he forgot to
sign his baptism paper thing that certifies it, so that was hilarious. Maybe I
had to come back to catch that.? So yeah.
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