Friday, October 2, 2015

Keeping the Torch Lit.

Mon 9/28/2015 12:30 PM

So, I wanna start off with possibly my new favorite quote. This comes from your very own President Dieter F. Uchtdorf. I love that man. He's one of my favorites.


He quotes:

"This race of discipleship is not a sprint; it's a marathon. And it makes little difference how fast we go."

 I know. Doesn't it scream my name? I'm always about going quick, and sprinting to my next goal or destination, etc. I think one of the greatest things I'm learning in this "race of discipleship" is that it's not necessarily the destination and reaching it as quick as we can that matters, but the in-between that does. In the midst of the race, so much occurs. One may have a setback, lack of motivation, a surge of momentum occur, or simply give up. I think the biggest thing is that in-between and learning something from that. From those setbacks that occurred as one is trying to reach the destination. About how those things add to the progression we need and strive for that will help us finish strong. About what the Lord sees fit to help us reach that and gain strength to continue for what lies ahead. All I can say is that the race and tribulations that occur and training that was needed to get done beforehand that just makes reaching the destination that much sweeter!


With that said, one of those building blocks for me this past week was patience and in making it a joyful experience. Again, Pres. Uchtdorf quotes, "Patience requires actively working towards worthwhile goals and not getting discouraged when results don't appear instantly or without effort." It's about enduring it well! Patience is one of the toughest things for me, hence why God allows mine to be exercised a little more than others. It's a blessing though! I have a love/hate relationship with being put out of my comfort zone and not having that instant gratification. 


This past week was awesome. Sister Ballif is the best. Our members are the best. This area is the best. THE GOSPEL IS THE BEST! So many blessings the Lord has bestowed upon me. 

We worked so hard. Spoke to soooo many people. Of course when things go so well, Satan always tries to sneak his way in. 

After an awesome lesson, I felt super hot. I thought it was just due to the awesome Spirit that was there or something, so we kept working that night. After our last lesson at the end of the night, we got home, accounted, and prayed. It all hit me after our prayer. I was sick. I didn't know what it was, so I thought I'd sleep on it. I could not sleep that entire night. I felt sick to my stomach. Sis. Ballif is the best because she kept getting up in the middle of the night to aid me. That morning, I spoke to the nurse in charge of the medical stuff in our mission, and discovered that I caught a stomach bug. So I was out all weekend. Totally sucked. I wasn't having it. However, I was able to physically make it to Women's broadcast, but then couldn't handle anything else. Haven't been able to eat or anything. Awesome members took care of us. I love our YSAs. Sis. Ballif got to work and find miracles, so it was awesome. So that's where my patience came into play. Patience with myself.

I'm feeling better though!


Okay real quick. Huge miracle that happened yesterday! James! He randomly showed up to church. We haven't talked to him all week, and he came from OR to church! It was fast and testimony meeting,a dn towards the end, he got up and said, " I'm not a member of the church, but I have a testimony". He bore his, and in the end, said, "I know this church is true." WHAAAAAAAAAT?! It was insane. Sis Ballif and I were in shock. How does that just happen? Everyone was in shock. It was awesome!


So anyway, I'm stoked for conference. Ah. The last one on my mission.. We'll be with members and LAs and all that. It'll be sweet!


Also, last week of the transfer! We find out about calls on Sun.


Love you all!


Con amor,


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