Mon 10/19/2015 6:24 PM
It's been such an ODD week.
Super, super, insanely quick. I just can't even.. Hahah
inside joke.
Familia, I noticed you got my itinerary info, so that's
depressing. Nessa, thanks for the reminder (;
I don't really know how to feel at this point in my mission
as a response, but time certainly is.. I don't know. ? Unexplainable, so I'll
leave it at that.
Instead, how about I tell you about my week! (:
I've loved everything about being here, like usual. I feel
that the area is really strengthening, which makes me so happy. I'm still
trying to figure out why I'm really in the valley.
I am still on cloud 9 about being here.
We received this referral for this awesome guy named
Ricardo. I think the sisters had him as a referral in the past, and he just
wanted a Spanish Bible. We took him a copy of the Bible in Spanish as well as
the Book of Mormon. I was actually on exchanges with one of the YSA sisters
that day, so I got to teach in full Spanish the whole time. I feel bad for the
poor English sisters in the Zone having to go on exchanges with me because they
don't know what to do as far as the Spanish work since they don't speak the
language, but it's all relative.

Anyway, I was with Sis. Lebow, a new sister in the mission,
and we contacted Ricardo. He was just outside his house, so we just approached
him, and I mentioned that we had a copy of the Bible he requested to us in
Spanish. We also gave him a copy of the Book of Mormon. He was so happy about
it. He said he'd immediately read the Book of Mormon, because he was more
intrigued by it over the Bible since he read it enough and met with people of
many religions in the past.
he's so adorable. Probably grandpa's age, and it kinda took
me back to thinking about Grandpa's conversion story, and so I saw Ricardo just
like I would grandpa. It made all the difference.
I immediately went into HTBT-ing him and taught him the
Restoration. He absolutely loved everything. He said it made sense, and he
discerned several needs. He expressed a spiritual hunger that he hasn't been
able to fill his whole life, and how badly he wants to. I instantly put him on
date for November 14th, and he agreed! It was so tender! Sis. Lebow bore an
awesome testimony on Joseph Smith that really brought the Spirit in. He loved
the Restoration, and came to church yesterday. It was so neat how it all
happened! he's totally ready! I pray we can help him. He's experienced life, so
I think he's understanding how the gospel can fill his spiritual needs. He
expressed that he'll be at church next week!
It was neat, after our lesson, he put down his cigarette,
and told us he was going to quit smoking and that he really wants to. We told
him we were going to help him with that!
That's probably one of the biggest things about the week!
Otherwise, we've just been working our missionary selves off. We're constantly
go, go, go, and I ain't even mad about that (:
Aside from that, we gave some service over the weekend, and
Jose de Jesus was with us. he loved it! It was so happy. I was so happy!
We've been sharing Matthew 20:30-34 with people this week
and helped them recognize that we can help people see them as God sees them,
but that it's vital to have compassion most importantly just like Christ did.
Also, Hermana Brown is the best. I just love her! She's
progressing a ton, and we just have the best time together. It's such a great
time! We're just such great friends! (:
Rosa moves this week, so I'm gonna cry.
I also got called by my first name today when I went
shopping as the lady looked at my debit card. I about cried.
Favorite line comes from little Taylor Pyper as we taught
sharing time in primary yesterday. We asked the kids who we should all share
the gospel with in relation to missionary work. She said, "JESUS
CHRIST!!" So that was the best. I love kids.
Hope you all have a great week, nos hablamos la proxima!
Con amor,
Hermana Robles