Friday, October 30, 2015

Making the Happy Life.

Mon 10/26/2015 5:01 PM

It's been a trying week, but yet super refining.

I've come to discover that Satan just rages on missionaries when it comes close to departure time. I certainly don't blame him. I feel that that's especially the time where one just wants to give all they possibly can before time runs out. At least, that's what's been happening to me. The neat thing is that I've felt so much love from so many people. Even those from back home without them knowing they have. 
I just love our mission President and his wife! They just LOVE the missionaries, and do so much for us. I remember giving him a call and asking him for help to comfort me after my companion had done what she could, and he and Sister Dymock immediately had us over at their house and helped me. He gave me an incredible blessing, and it was just awesome how in tune he is to the Spirit, and how good he is at radiating Christ-like love to us! I felt God's love so strong through that blessing. It's just so neat how God never abandons us when we need him most. My testimony grew even deeper. I love trials. Is that weird to say?


Hermana Brown says "hi". So neat that her family knows ours! Small world!

Oh my gosh. So funny thing that happened this week. Hermana Brown and I get pretty competitive with each other. Like, we will race each other to the car, house, etc. That's how we bond. It's a great time. Anyway, we were leaving our place after dinner for a lesson, and so we raced each other to the car. The grass was wet due to the rain that's been hitting us lately, and so as I was running in my boots, I felt myself slowly slipping. I couldn't give up, and I didn't care if I fell, but I found myself falling, and before I knew it, I was on cold wet grass laughing my head off, and Hna Brown laughing at me. We got in the car, and turned the heater on blast. I needed my tights to dry before we got to our lesson. So yeah. My competitiveness totally stabs me in the back!


Had one of the most spiritual exchanges of my mission this past week with S. Santiago. It was insanely awesome, but I can't really go into detail cause I gotta go!


I also chopped about 4 inches of my hair off. 


Also, Jose de Jesus got a church calling, and he forgot to sign his baptism paper thing that certifies it, so that was hilarious. Maybe I had to come back to catch that.? So yeah.


President had me started on "My Plan" this past week, and it's weird because I have to think about non-mission related stuff, so yeah.

Anyway, love you all!

Hope you have a good one.

Sorry my emails aren't as detailed anymore, but yeah.
Con amor,


Hermana Robles

Monday, October 26, 2015

Not Getting Even, But Odd.

Mon 10/19/2015 6:24 PM

It's been such an ODD week. 
Super, super, insanely quick. I just can't even.. Hahah inside joke.

Familia, I noticed you got my itinerary info, so that's depressing. Nessa, thanks for the reminder (;

I don't really know how to feel at this point in my mission as a response, but time certainly is.. I don't know. ? Unexplainable, so I'll leave it at that.

Instead, how about I tell you about my week! (:
I've loved everything about being here, like usual. I feel that the area is really strengthening, which makes me so happy. I'm still trying to figure out why I'm really in the valley.

I am still on cloud 9 about being here. 

We received this referral for this awesome guy named Ricardo. I think the sisters had him as a referral in the past, and he just wanted a Spanish Bible. We took him a copy of the Bible in Spanish as well as the Book of Mormon. I was actually on exchanges with one of the YSA sisters that day, so I got to teach in full Spanish the whole time. I feel bad for the poor English sisters in the Zone having to go on exchanges with me because they don't know what to do as far as the Spanish work since they don't speak the language, but it's all relative.

Anyway, I was with Sis. Lebow, a new sister in the mission, and we contacted Ricardo. He was just outside his house, so we just approached him, and I mentioned that we had a copy of the Bible he requested to us in Spanish. We also gave him a copy of the Book of Mormon. He was so happy about it. He said he'd immediately read the Book of Mormon, because he was more intrigued by it over the Bible since he read it enough and met with people of many religions in the past. 

he's so adorable. Probably grandpa's age, and it kinda took me back to thinking about Grandpa's conversion story, and so I saw Ricardo just like I would grandpa. It made all the difference. 

I immediately went into HTBT-ing him and taught him the Restoration. He absolutely loved everything. He said it made sense, and he discerned several needs. He expressed a spiritual hunger that he hasn't been able to fill his whole life, and how badly he wants to. I instantly put him on date for November 14th, and he agreed! It was so tender! Sis. Lebow bore an awesome testimony on Joseph Smith that really brought the Spirit in. He loved the Restoration, and came to church yesterday. It was so neat how it all happened! he's totally ready! I pray we can help him. He's experienced life, so I think he's understanding how the gospel can fill his spiritual needs. He expressed that he'll be at church next week!

It was neat, after our lesson, he put down his cigarette, and told us he was going to quit smoking and that he really wants to. We told him we were going to help him with that! 

That's probably one of the biggest things about the week! Otherwise, we've just been working our missionary selves off. We're constantly go, go, go, and I ain't even mad about that (:


Aside from that, we gave some service over the weekend, and Jose de Jesus was with us. he loved it! It was so happy. I was so happy!
We've been sharing Matthew 20:30-34 with people this week and helped them recognize that we can help people see them as God sees them, but that it's vital to have compassion most importantly just like Christ did.

Also, Hermana Brown is the best. I just love her! She's progressing a ton, and we just have the best time together. It's such a great time! We're just such great friends! (:

 Rosa moves this week, so I'm gonna cry. 
I also got called by my first name today when I went shopping as the lady looked at my debit card. I about cried.

Favorite line comes from little Taylor Pyper as we taught sharing time in primary yesterday. We asked the kids who we should all share the gospel with in relation to missionary work. She said, "JESUS CHRIST!!" So that was the best. I love kids.

 Hope you all have a great week, nos hablamos la proxima!

 Con amor,

Hermana Robles

Monday, October 12, 2015

A Week In Paradise.

Mon 10/12/2015 12:20 PM

This past week was just so happy! I don't think I've ever been so happy to be a missionary before. 

Actually, I have my whole mission, but I truly believe that being in your old area has a ton to do with it. 


Before I get to that point, I have to boast on how great Cheney was and especially the YSAs. I don't think I've ever felt so loved before. Or much less been able to notice the results of my hard work really even pay off. They totally answered that prayer for me.

After FHE, they all went around telling me something they loved/ appreciated that I did for them. To hear everything they had to say and notice the amount of difference I made in their lives and much less the ward was so touching. I think the thing that touched me the most was probably knowing that I taught people, and not lessons. That they were able to feel God's love through me, and that I was able to love them so easily. Sister Ballif too expressed such sweet words towards me. I was a mess. Just cried for a few slight moments. I felt it was a huge answer to my prayer because I've been praying to God and asking him to help me feel good about my efforts. He loves me. I didn't realize how much of an impact I made. Cheney YSA's forever engraved in my heart.


I'm sorry. This will be pretty short.


So I'll tell you a bit about my new companion. She's Hermana Brown. From San Tan Valley, AZ. She's so sweet. Huge heart, and just really wants to work. I love that so much. I've learned much from her already.


It's been so neat to be able to be back in the valley. I believe God is giving me a second chance to help the work out here and to be with some of the people that have impacted my life greatly. It's been awesome to feel more desire to work than ever and the amounts of love I've grown for each person, and the area itself. Sometimes we tend to take those we love for granted, you know? It was fun to watch everyone's reactions as we showed up to their houses to introduce ourselves as the new missionaries in the branch. They then realized that my time out here is shorter than they thought due to the fact that it's been about a year since I was last out in the valley. So much happiness in a week.

We worked so hard. We had a TON of lessons, and it was nice to be able to fully speak and use my Spanish. I didn't realize how choppy my Spanish had gotten. Man, I'm just sooo happy to be back! (:


I did get super sick again this past week. Super high fevers, and awful flu symptoms. I felt that someone had stepped on my chest, and I just had the worst time breathing. I was recommended to hit the Instacare, but we had Zone conference that day, and I wasn't going to ditch out on the training I had to give. I resorted to a better medication. A Priesthood blessing. It totally made all the difference. I recovered in a matter of days, and am still recovering. The Priesthood is seriously the best!


It was the best to teach all my Recent Converts, and former investigators. Really, just everyone! We taught Jose de Jesus just like the glory days, and from catching up with him, I noticed how much he's grown. It made me extremely happy! It's incredible what the gospel does to lives! He's active in the church and everything. He's wiser, and just grown a ton! 

We exchanged stories on our side of how we found him, and what led to that, and he told us his side. Such a beautiful experience. 

We then read in the scriptures and discussed the importance of "likening" it to our lives. He then told us the story of Nephi and his family. He expressed his concern towards Nephi's bow braking, and said, "I think he just needed a stronger bow." I don't know. I just love Jose de Jesus so much! Made me so happy to see the tie mom and dad sent him! He was showing it off to everyone at church yesterday. We were also able to teach Kristina and the kids, as well as Jose Ramos. It's been a privilege to help them enter the waters of baptism (:

I really feel like I was just in the valley 2 months ago. The rest of my mission has been a blur. It's so sad. 

I'm so grateful to be in this wonderful area with wonderful people. I love my calling.


Hope you all have a great week!

Love ya!


Con amor,


Watching It Begin Again

Mon 10/5/2015 12:30 PM


I'm in complete awe. Everything this past week has just blown me away. Not only that, but time totally blew away. It's super weird. 


My mind is so blown, and I am just so content to be a missionary! There's nothing better.

Transfer calls always bring me anxiety, but at the end of the day I know that it's where the Lord wants me and I totally feel that the Lord has cut me a ton of slack and favored me in the sense of what my assignment for this upcoming transfer is.

I'm sweeping into the area out in the valley, training a new missionary, and still the STL- but for the East Valley zone! I'm content on life. I pictured to end my mission exactly how it turned out. It was my ideal situation, and I think the Lord was pleased with granting me the desires of my heart! So, I'm basically on cloud 9. No big deal. Actually, huge deal! I'm ending in the valley! 

It's so crazy. I began my mission sweeping into the valley, and to end it by sweeping it again is just the icing on top of a delicious tres leches cake. Life is good. 

So crazy to think this is my last full transfer. Enough of that though. I'm so stoked for this upcoming transfer and to leave the place I was "born" into the mission into a strong area. I seriously can't stop grinning. Like, my face hurts cause that's all I've done since I found out last night. I'm so spoiled.


My new address:

15318 E. 22nd 

Spokane Valley, WA 99206


Conference was so good! I love that our Heavenly Father answered every single one of my questions through his servants! So neat about the 3 new apostles! I about fan girl each time I see President Nelson, and think about the time he touched my elbow and grabbed my hand. I also have this really weird obsession for Elder Dallin H. Oaks. Maybe because "Robles" is the Spanish version of "Oaks"? I dunno. He's just so boss. I love Elder Oaks. 


We had 2 of our investigators watch conference with us! James and Josef. 


Y'all know enough about James. All I can say about him at this point is that the ball's in his court. He just has to pick what he does with it. Hopefully it's the gospel (:


Josef is legit. Sis Ballif was sick, so we had her stay all day with a member, and I worked out ways and went out on splits with several members and we just worked. 

I was with a member Caley for about the entire day. How I love her! We street contacted all over EWU's campus and spoke to a ton of people and got awesome contacts. So neat how easy it is to do the work on campus. We had legit conversations with people on the gospel and how Christ's true church is here on earth and all of the blessings that we have access to.

We met Josef, and holy smokes was he so prepared! Ah. I'll miss him! He's had so many situations that have led him to God and Christ. He's looking for something to quench the spiritual famine he feels that he has. He identified us as servants of the Lord and knows that we were led to him because he asked him for some help.

He attended Institute the following day, and loved it! Participated a ton.

The following day, we taught him the Restoration, and it's neat how many things he was able to identify that were different from what he believes in. He expressed that he noticed differences and we were bold and loving and told him the correct principles. It's neat, because he instantly accepted it. Usually most people hesitate, but he didn't. After the First vision was recited, all he said was, "WOW!". So long story short, he's on date for November 7th, and he LOVED conference. It was so neat! He refers to us as his "Sisters in Christ". Hahah He's great! Has so much potential!


I loved this last transfer! I learned so much! Sis Ballif has taught me so much, and I enjoyed our time together. She has easily become such a great friend to me. I love her so much. I was so blessed to have her. 


I'm super stoked to see what this transfer will bring. I cannot believe how quick time is flying, so maybe I'm just not going to believe it at all. 

My thoughts are way scattered, so hopefully my email gave you some sort of update. I love you all! Nos hablamos la proxima semana!


Ps. Mom, the elder in my zone whose brother is serving in grandma and grandpa's town contacted them and they have a set appointment! I'm so content! (:


Con amor,


Hermana Robles 

Friday, October 2, 2015

Keeping the Torch Lit.

Mon 9/28/2015 12:30 PM

So, I wanna start off with possibly my new favorite quote. This comes from your very own President Dieter F. Uchtdorf. I love that man. He's one of my favorites.


He quotes:

"This race of discipleship is not a sprint; it's a marathon. And it makes little difference how fast we go."

 I know. Doesn't it scream my name? I'm always about going quick, and sprinting to my next goal or destination, etc. I think one of the greatest things I'm learning in this "race of discipleship" is that it's not necessarily the destination and reaching it as quick as we can that matters, but the in-between that does. In the midst of the race, so much occurs. One may have a setback, lack of motivation, a surge of momentum occur, or simply give up. I think the biggest thing is that in-between and learning something from that. From those setbacks that occurred as one is trying to reach the destination. About how those things add to the progression we need and strive for that will help us finish strong. About what the Lord sees fit to help us reach that and gain strength to continue for what lies ahead. All I can say is that the race and tribulations that occur and training that was needed to get done beforehand that just makes reaching the destination that much sweeter!


With that said, one of those building blocks for me this past week was patience and in making it a joyful experience. Again, Pres. Uchtdorf quotes, "Patience requires actively working towards worthwhile goals and not getting discouraged when results don't appear instantly or without effort." It's about enduring it well! Patience is one of the toughest things for me, hence why God allows mine to be exercised a little more than others. It's a blessing though! I have a love/hate relationship with being put out of my comfort zone and not having that instant gratification. 


This past week was awesome. Sister Ballif is the best. Our members are the best. This area is the best. THE GOSPEL IS THE BEST! So many blessings the Lord has bestowed upon me. 

We worked so hard. Spoke to soooo many people. Of course when things go so well, Satan always tries to sneak his way in. 

After an awesome lesson, I felt super hot. I thought it was just due to the awesome Spirit that was there or something, so we kept working that night. After our last lesson at the end of the night, we got home, accounted, and prayed. It all hit me after our prayer. I was sick. I didn't know what it was, so I thought I'd sleep on it. I could not sleep that entire night. I felt sick to my stomach. Sis. Ballif is the best because she kept getting up in the middle of the night to aid me. That morning, I spoke to the nurse in charge of the medical stuff in our mission, and discovered that I caught a stomach bug. So I was out all weekend. Totally sucked. I wasn't having it. However, I was able to physically make it to Women's broadcast, but then couldn't handle anything else. Haven't been able to eat or anything. Awesome members took care of us. I love our YSAs. Sis. Ballif got to work and find miracles, so it was awesome. So that's where my patience came into play. Patience with myself.

I'm feeling better though!


Okay real quick. Huge miracle that happened yesterday! James! He randomly showed up to church. We haven't talked to him all week, and he came from OR to church! It was fast and testimony meeting,a dn towards the end, he got up and said, " I'm not a member of the church, but I have a testimony". He bore his, and in the end, said, "I know this church is true." WHAAAAAAAAAT?! It was insane. Sis Ballif and I were in shock. How does that just happen? Everyone was in shock. It was awesome!


So anyway, I'm stoked for conference. Ah. The last one on my mission.. We'll be with members and LAs and all that. It'll be sweet!


Also, last week of the transfer! We find out about calls on Sun.


Love you all!


Con amor,


Thursday, October 1, 2015

Cheney Fell That Wo(Man) Might Be and Wo(Man) Are That They Might Have Joy.

Mon 9/21/2015 12:31 PM

The Lord really wants Sister Ballif and I to learn quite a few things. 

These past few weeks have been so hard in regards to the work! We're both constantly on our knees asking God what He wants us to learn from all this. I have been so humbled down, which is great, because Christ was so humble, and well.. I wanna be like Christ!


I was reading Hymns a few days ago, and turned to "Where Can I Turn For Peace". I felt exactly how the hymn described, and what stood out to me was, "Where can I turn for peace? Where is my solace. When other sources cease to make me whole? "He answers privately, reaches my reaching..""In my Gethsemane, Savior and friend." The Spirit hit me so strong, and I remembered that I have a personal Savior. That Jesus Christ understands and that I can cast my burden upon him, and rely on his help to help me feel at peace and feel adequate enough. 

In missionary work, we sometimes have to go through our own Gethsemanes. It never occurred to me for some reason. I thought it'd be so easy and I'd help millions come to the font and enter the waters of baptism. The Lord had another plan for me. A better plan- progression.


During personal study a few days ago, I came across Moses 6:31-36 Enoch felt so inadequate to preach to the people about the Lord's will and what they needed to do. To invite them to repent and line their lives up. He turned to the Lord with this concern, and in response obtained a beautiful answer. The Lord allowed Enoch to view himself through his eyes. To help him know that his weaknesses will help him go forward in the work and allow him to help people come closer to him. He then allowed Enoch to view these people through His own loving, and perfect eyes. Through spiritual eyes. I realized that God wants that for each of His missionaries. He'll never allow us to go through something we can't handle. That these stretches will help us grow towards exaltation. That this will help me prepare for what lies ahead after my mission. to be a mother and wife. He sees a step ahead of us, and I feel so blessed that I can have trials to help shape me.


In 1 Ne 14:11-12, it's expressed that the numbers of the abominable church are much greater than those of the true and living church. It breaks my heart that it's that way, but everyone has their agency. Agency is such a gift, when used correctly. Truthfully, I wish the people in this area would use their to recognize that their lives could improve through the Gospel of Jesus Christ! Just saying. 


I think one of my favorite experiences this past week was with James. He came back for a few days and was on date to be baptized October 3rd, but the Lord still needs to continue to work in his life. Both of our on dates dropped us.. But! Here's the best part. We taught James the Nature of God and how that pertains a lot to who he is and who he can become. You know, exaltation. As soon as we finished teaching him, he prayed to God and told him wholeheartedly that he loved him. It was so powerful! I had never experienced such a thing! It was so sacred! We know that we helped him draw closer to God, and that is enough for us.


We also had this awesome experience where we taught Dylan and as we left his place, we saw a lady on her porch and we spoke to her. She asked what church we're from, and when we answered she said, "Get up here right now" We did and she said, "I've been waiting  months for you to arrive." 


Stay tuned for next week..


Love you all!


Con amor,


Hermana Robles