I know what you're all thinking,
"Hermana Robles, why are you thinking about love
stories?" Or something along those lines and the importance of having a
"locked heart" on my mission.
Pues, si.
But, let me tell you about the greatest miracle EVER
And basically, this may be all I'll email about today.
Dylan. Oh man.. Dylan! So remember how I mentioned that he
was just "so golden" last week? Yeah, well.. So true! Probably more
gold than that calf people used to worship back in the days of Moses!
Dylan is literally the walking miracle of the enabling power
of the Atonement. He has strengthened my testimony like nothing else. I don't
even know where to begin. This last week was just the best. We taught him some
of the best lessons this past week. The Spirit was evidently present, and the
strongest. I can't even express how I felt in those lessons. So sublime. So
sacred. Powerful, and filled with charity. The best thing is that he recognized
it in the first lesson. He's so intelligent, and he's recognizing it more and
After that lesson, he expressed a few things regarding the
Word of Wisdom. He's doing his best to completely cut cigarettes before the
12th of Sept. We had a few members with us and asked him if he wanted a
Priesthood blessing.
Austen, our WML gave him such a beautiful blessing to help
give him comfort and strength. I just love the Priesthood! It's been such a
blessing in my life, especially on my mission.
After Austen gave Dylan his blessing, Dylan expressed that
as soon as Austen placed his hands on his head, he felt a surge of energy flow
through his body. That he'd never felt anything like it before, and that he
knew the Priesthood is real, and so powerful.
Since the blessing, Dylan's gone from 10 cigarettes a day,
to 7, to 5, to 3, and is slowly but surely letting go of them. THIS ALL HAS
HAPPENED WITHIN THE PAST WEEK! We've been at his place everyday giving him
things to help him, and our members have too. The guys even brought him church
clothes to wear on Sunday and just been in constant touch with him.
It's so great that the ward has been in unity to help Dylan
quit. Such a huge testimony builder. I expressed to him that I possibly
couldn't imagine what he's going through and the massive amounts of self
mastery that he has. In order for me to support him, I was going to give up
something that's been a struggle for me too, and that I just love so much-
desserts. I found myself committing to that before thinking it through.. but
not surprised. I would do such a thing. It's cool cause Sis Ballif also committed
to doing it, and that 3 of us are keeping each other on tabs each night and
sharing scriptures to help.
Each lesson we've taught him this past week has been so
great! I can't even fathom it.
However, yesterday's lesson taught me and strengthened both
my testimony and conversion more than I expected.
We "homecourted" him at our Stake president's
home. The McCombies are seriously my mission parents. They remind me of mom and
dad. It's insane. After church, we all went to their home and had dinner followed
by a lesson. We taught the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Easily the most powerful
lesson of my mission. Wish I had time to really go into detail. We spoke about
how living the Gospel of Jesus Christ is a lifestyle- the lifestyle to real
happiness. The spirit once again stronger than ever. I remember just powerfully
testifying and saying things I wasn't planning to say, or even expecting. I
knew the Spirit was working through my companion and I to Dylan. When we
checked for understanding, he in return taught us through the things he said
that he learned. He recognized that without the Lord, we are nothing. That the
best and most intelligent thing we could do is let God take hold of the
steering wheel in our lives, and TRUST. He understood that repentance isn't an
event, but a process. it clicked! Everything clicked.
This is something I have such a strong testimony of. I know
that God loves each of his children and is working in their lives. That his
plan is better for us than what we think ours is. That our wants and desires
should always point to him. I love him with all I have in me, and he surely has
the streering wheel in my life.
I invite you all to allow him in your hearts if you haven't.
Have a great week!
Hermana Robles
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