I've felt so exhausted this past week, and words cannot
express how good it feels! I don't know. I feel good about my efforts when I
get home, get ready for bed, and am able to pass out within seconds. I feel
that that's when I've completely given my time to the Lord and he helps me
recognize that I did enough that day.
So, cool experience. I so made a gangster cry. Actually, it
was the spirit that did it, but I was an instrument, and I just thought that
was cool. We were working in Spo-Compton one night, and our appt with Dylan
fell through, so we just walked around. We found this guy named Raymond, and he
was just up to gangster stuff. Spoke to him about the Plan of Salvation, and he
softened his heart, and totally cried due to the Spirit. He's trying to quit
drinking, and we invited him to quit. I asked him of I could take his bag
filled with alcohol, and he said, "You ain't takin' my alcohol from
me." We had a good talk about alcohol, and he committed to quit. It was
gnarly. So yeah. I felt legit, nbd.
Oh my heck. Dylan!!! Ah!
He has just been battling with Satan like crazy! He's been
trying to cut down and quit smoking, but each time we leave a lesson, the
Spirit comes in knocking on his door and tempts him. We helped him recognize
that, and we've just been doing all we could possibly do to help him. We call
him every 4 hrs to help him, and stopping by to give him the friendly reminder.
It's super cool because our ward including himself and other of his supporters
in the area prayed and fasted for him. We've been praying for his desire to
smoke to completely leave him so that he'll progress and be able to be
interviewed for baptism this upcoming Saturday. He called us Sunday night and
told us he went down to just 1. We knew the Lord was answering our prayers. We
received a call from him yesterday and he said, "Sisters, I can do it.
I'll be able to quit before Saturday. I'm losing my desire to smoke, and I know
that trusting God has played a role in this." We couldn't believe what we
heard. We totally did a little victory dance as he was telling us about this.
Dylan, is breaking the chains of temptation, and watching him go through this
has been such a great testimony building experience. With God, everything is
possible. He is loving the Lord, and has turned his heart to him.
It's so awesome the support he's getting from everyone. So
many people support and love him. People he doesn't even know!
One of our members came up to him Sunday and gave him a ton
of ties from his mission, and told him that every new member could use new
ties. It touched me heart. it's awesome to watch the charity we all hold for
one another. Dylan is such a miracle. So prepared.
I'd talk about James as well and the best lesson we had with
him, but I'm out of time! However, he has learned how to trust in God, and
through the Spirit we discerned that need of his, and have helped him meet it.
It's such a privilege to be a part of all these miracles!
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