I'll be honest here.
Huh, we sometimes have tough weeks, and tough experiences to
actually learn something? Say what? Yep. It's super easy to look at these
things like burdens rather than lessons, and to allow it to teach us a thing or
two. Maybe even to count our blessings more, and recognize what we could
possibly improve on. Anyone can easily be the first to ask God, "Why
me?", and I'll be completely honest, I questioned that. However, it
humbled me down a bit, because I realized that I was wrong. That the Lord was
giving me a few trials as a blessing so that I could grow. I repented
With that said, I'll share a bit of what occurred.
All of our progressing investigators dropped us. Okay, I'm
not lying at all, and totally laugh at me if you will, but this was the worst
break up of my life!! Gee, I never thought.. Don't wanna go there, but let me
tell you, when you really love your investigators and they drop you, gosh. It
hurts! So bad. I don't think I've ever hurt that bad. It totally sucked. It was
"the pits"! (Sis Griffith taught me that phrase, and I'm probably
using it in the most incorrect way, but..)
I truly felt like Satan punched me in the stomach. We were
so heartbroken and distressed. It was the toughest thing. So much opposition
all in one week. Don't think I've ever been on my knees begging God to help
that person we'd so dearly come to love that much in my life. We were constantly
praying for him, and at that point, I didn't even care the least bit amount for
myself. I just wanted him to progress and allow God to help him so badly. I
didn't understand why this was happening especially when it was for a good
cause, but in my heart I realized that I shouldn't doubt God's plan or question
His ways. I felt selfish. That he knew better, and knows what was best for
Dylan. At that point, I realized that I needed to repent, and accepted what was
happening. It hit me how powerful God is and how His way is always better. That
this is His work, not mine. I felt as if my Savior's arms were around,
comforting me and helping me recognize that we didn't do anything wrong, that
it was all okay, and that Dylan would be okay.
That night, we received a text from Dylan. He expressed that
he has a lot going on right now, and that he needed to take things slower. He
has a lot of personal things going on in his life, and it's just something that
he wants to take slowly, which we understand. The Lord just needs to work on
him a little bit more. We're here for him, not us.
He hasn't kept contact with us since..
James. Now he seriously became a brother to me. He's
progressed so much, but due to a few things, he's going to have to move. He
left yesterday for Oregon. He came to church for his 3rd time and after we had
a "Second Sunday Supper" after church, he took us off to the side,
and told us that meeting with us has really helped him. That we needed to help
his relationship with God grow, and we had done just that. He's felt and
noticed that more, thus why he wants to improve that, and the best way for that
to happen is by moving elsewhere. He told us that he knows the Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter Day Saints is true, and that he wants to find out his answer
for baptism. We just love him so much! We've been able to see the Spirit guide
us in every possible way to help him and guide him. It's been incredible. We
gained so much charity for him, and we're just so excited to find out about his
baptism. We were sad that we couldn't be there to teach him and watch him get
baptized, but we realized that other missionaries may need him in their lives
and need this experience more than we may, which we accepted. He also told us
he was taking us Salsa dancing after he's baptized. Total inside joke, but it
was hilarious. He was such a miracle. When we bore our testimonies to him, he
bore one to us, and he totally cried. It was so tender. We're excited for him.
He has a bright future, and it makes all the difference in our lives when we
could help our investigators realize that.
We realized this past week that a ton of our investigators
are in it for the wrong reasons, so we've passed them off.
I'll try to briefly explain the whole car door
So we went to a lesson I had to each in all Spanish. We
didn't have any Spanish speaking members available to join this family we were
going to teach. When we arrived, the father invited his brother in. Let's say
he thought he was looking for something we weren't. Awkward because poor Sis
Ballif didn't speak any Spanish, so she didn't really know what was going on.
She did however, know how to read body language, which I'm grateful for. As I
was teaching the Restoration, homeboy was just asking irrelevant questions on
my personal life. Haha don't know how many times I had to express that my
purpose as a missionary doesn't align to whatever his intentions were. Normally
I wouldn't mention something like this, but it was hilarious. So I'm teaching
about Joseph Smith and I asked him what he thought that Joseph did to receive
an answer from God. his response, "Pray, but that's what I've been doing.
I mean, I'm praying to find the right girl, and I know you're here for a
reason.." and I'll end it at that. No further need to explain more. I
expressed that just like he prayed for answers to his prayers, Joseph did just
that, and shot straight into reciting the First Vision. After the lesson, I
felt so uncomfortable, and his brother expressed that he knew his brother was
attempting to flirt. We expressed it's not our purpose, and so now we're
handing him off. So here's the best part. I was complaining about it to Sis.
Ballif on the way out and filling her in on what happened that whole lesson. i
was so annoyed, and as I was talking to her, I yanked the car door open so
hard, and the edge of the door hit me straight in the eye. If I were any
taller, it woulda knocked my eye out! So that was a humbling experience for me,
and everyone thinks Sis Ballif and I duked it our in comp inventory or
something. So there's a laugh for ya!
We're so heartbroken that our progressing investigators
left, but we realized that it's all due to the Lord's will, and he knows them
best. It was such a privilege to be able to view them as God would, and love
them as He would. It makes all the difference when you view them with eternal,
spiritual eyes, rather than our physical mortal eyes. You grow to learn what
charity is about, and I can testify of the truthfulness of that from the bottom
of my heart.
I love you all so much!
En realidad. Have a great week. I'm praying for you all.
Con amor,