Tuesday, July 21, 2015

The Recovery.

Mon 7/20/2015 12:30 PM

Cómo están?

So nothing too crazy happened throughout this week. I mean, my greenie and some members took over the area for several days, so I'm proud of her.


Both Dr. Lopez and President Dymock wanted me out for 5 whole days! FIVE! What is this?! It was just a little surgery.

So, I was just out for 4 and a half, and called it good (:

I felt so ineffective because all I got to do was lay, sleep, write in my journal, and watch LDS movies or anything of that sort. I watched Meet the Mormons like twice. Almost went on my 3rd time, but I realized something huge in the midst of all this.


Firstly, how amazing our members are to aid one another when someone's in need of help. I was with the Burnetts and McWhirks and rotated days. It was so great to be with them and counsel each other on different things. Our relationships certainly deepened. Their families spoiled me more than I deserved to be. 


Secondly, how I cannot let myself sit around and do nothing with my time when the time comes to go home. Time is such a precious gift that God has given us, and if we're wasting it by doing nothing productive and just sitting around, what does that say about our gratitude? I am so guilty of this. That's all I did before the mission. I could have done so much good in this world, but hey. We all learn from our mistakes, don't we? That's the beauty of the Atonement. 

However, I did have the chance to talk to the Hygienist and Dental Assistant about the gospel, as well as the Pharmacists and everyone we encountered while I was out. Sure I looked all bummy with my face swollen and my bummy clothes, but I think my name tag may have added some sort of power to it all. Just because I had to be on rest, doesn't give me an excuse to not be a missionary. The point is, we shouldn't be "sleeping through the Restoration". 


 I think the funniest thing was text my companion once I got out of surgery and said, "Tell President Obama I'm okay." When I meant to say "President Dymock". 


Thirdly, I think this small time was set apart for me to take a breather and figure out what to do with my future. It was highly needed. I was able to contemplate, study, and pray on what steps I need to make, and I'm a step closer on deciding on a few things. It's incredible how much God is willing to help us when we follow his commandments and simply ask and act. 


So Leo and Leoniel were baptized this past weekend! They had waited so long to do this, and they were finally able to do so. Coralia isn't in the picture anymore, but I can bet you 100 blessings, she's baptized by now as well. It was so great to watch Hno Candelario Lopez baptize them both. The Spirit was so strong!


Oh my gosh. So President Dymock is allowing the Spanish missionaries to take turns and do a Spanish temple session. We were the first ones to get to do it over the weekend. Everything was weird to listen to in Spanish. It was great! But I love that I got to be with the members from both the branches I served in. It was such a highlight. I couldn't stop grinning. I was able to gain guidance through that session. If I can remember correctly, D&C 88:116 was my answer. One of my new favorites. It's so important to trust God and his plan. 

Also, President and sister Dymock ask that you check out our mission FB page: Washington Spokane mission President Dymock.
We also have roommates now, so it's a "spiritual party".
Alright, eso es todo.

 I invite you all to really trust God, at whatever point your relationship is with him.
Love you all!
Happy Birthday Danny! I haven't forgotten!! <3

Con amor,


Hermana Robles

Monday, July 13, 2015

Frenados por el No 16

Anoche se hicieron las llamadas para los cambios.
Nos vamos a quedar juntos otro periodo mas (:
Es tan emocionante.
Presidente básicamente me dió mi cambio unos pocos días antes.
Por lo general, eso no sucede porque no se nos hace saber hasta los Domingos en la noche.
La semana pasada fue muy dura físicamente. He estado teniendo los peores dolores de muelas de toda mi vida. Al examinar mi boca, el otro día, encontré algo interesante al hacerlo con mayor detalle encontré  una nueva muela del juicio que estaba creciendo .. Se suponía que no debía preocuparme por extraer mis muelas del juicio hasta después de la misión, pero buen  'número 16 decidió crecer antes de tiempo. Ahí es donde el dolor comenzó a surtir efecto. Inmediatamente llamé a la hermana a cargo de la misión médica y llamé al dentista.

Presidente López de la rama en Español en el valle es un dentista, y así entré para un chequeo. Resulta que el buen # 16 necesita ser extraído lo antes posible. Hemos hecho una cita y me dio un montón de medicamentos para consumir antes de la cirugía.
Voy a ir a las 9:30 am de hoy  tiempo WA.  Dependiendo de cómo me siente Es posible que guarde cama por 4 a 7 días y estar al cuidado de algunos miembros. Tenemos los mejores miembros de la historia!  Varios de ellos han estado dispuestos a dejarme descansar en su casa y están tan al tanto de nosotras y dispuesto a ayudarnos en todo lo posible.
Hermana Flores tendrá una compañera mientras yo estoy fuera, y así muchos miembros han estado dispuestos a salir con ella, y creo que eso es lo que nuestras áreas necesitan para ganar el espíritu misionero. Habíamos estado orando para ayudar a nuestros barrios a ser incrementar su  entusiasmo por hacer trabajo misional y supongo que debo de entrar a cirugía oral para que esto ocurra. El dolor ha aumentado tanto en la semana. Ha sido insoportable. Gracias número 16.

Así que me enteré de la razón por la que me enteré tempranamente acerca de mi llamada de transferencia, se debió a los planes que tendría que hacer para que mi compañera se entrene en hacer su horario y toda la planificación que lleva liderar un compañerismo. Me siento  apenada, porque ella sigue siendo nueva,  y estará a cargo y responsable del área por completo, mientras me recupero. El Señor sabe que esto es lo que necesitaba para crecer, así que, de nuevo tal vez estoy más emocionado por ella en lugar de sentirme preocupada.
Este correo electrónico será breve ya que tengo que salir pronto a la cirugía.
Les voy a contar sobre lo más destacado de la semana!

José de Jesús pasó la entrevista, y fue bautizado el pasado sábado. Clara Walton condujo hasta  aquí para verlo y apoyarlo. El tiempo era limitado ya que era un bautismo tras otro, por lo que no llegó a tomarse fotos con él en ropas de blanco. Recuerdo verlo salir y caminar a la capilla, y viéndolo todo de blanco. Sentí el espíritu tan fuerte y lloré de gozo tocada por ese bello sentimiento de paz. Había esperado un año para este día, y al verlo entrar en las aguas del bautismo fue probablemente el día más feliz de mi misión. La forma en que lo encontramos fue el mayor milagro de mi misión.
 Él estaba brillando  ese dia  el servicio bautismo procedió. Él siguió sonriendo y levanto un pulgar hacia arriba. No esperaba que este día llegara, pero el Señor seguro que sí. José de Jesús totalmente parecía Elvis con su traje blanco puesto. Incluso la manera como tenia el cuello de la camisa al principio. Fue tan lindo y divertido todo fue tan especial.

Después de que fue bautizado, lo primero que dijo fue: "¿Estoy bien?" Es tan divertido! Dijo que se sentía tan bien! Es tan grandioso poder ver en blanco para ser bautizado a alguien a quien llegas a amr como Cristo amó. José de Jesús ha hecho que mi misión este casi cumplida, y ha sido una luz a la misma. Nada puede ganar a esa experiencia, y el verlo brillar después de que entró en las aguas del bautismo. Él recibió el don del Espíritu Santo el dia de ayer, y su siguiente paso será bautismos en el templo. Estoy tan feliz de poder asistir con él cuando esto suceda, por primera vez. Todo valió la pena, y fué el mayor honor el compartir el evangelio y llevarlo más cerca de Cristo. Él es un hombre que ha cambiado mucho, y testifico que es un fruto de la Expiación de Cristo. Lo sé con todo mi corazón.

Estoy muy emocionada por esta próxima transferencia. 3 más para ir! (:
Espero que todos tengan una gran semana. Les amo !

Con amor,

Hermana Robles

Held Back By Number Sixteen.

Mon 7/13/2015 9:56 AM

We're staying together another transfer (:

So exciting.

President basically told me my transfer call a few days prior.

Usually that doesn't happen because we don't find out 'til Sunday nights.

This past week was physically draining. I have been having the worst toothaches. I was examining my mouth the other day, and I found something interesting as I dug through. I FOUND A NEW TOOTH! My wisdom tooth grew in.. Apparently I wasn't supposed to get my wisdom teeth extracted until after the mission, but Good ol' number 16 decided to grow in beforehand. That's where the pain began to kick in. I immediately called the sister in charge of the mission medical and we called the dentist.

President Lopez from the Spanish branch in the valley is a dentist, and so I went in for a check up. Turns out good ol' wisdom tooth #16 needs to be extracted ASAP. WE set up and appointment and he gave me a ton of meds to consume prior to the surgery.

I'll be going in at 9:30 am today WA time. I'll be held back in bed for about 4-7 days. Depending on how I'm feeling. I'm going to be on bed rest, and be with some members. We have the best members ever! Several have been willing to let me rest in their home and are so alert of us and willing to help us in every possible way.

Sister Flores will need a companion while I'm out, and so many members have been willing to go out with her, and I think that's what our areas need to gain the missionary spirit. We had been praying to help our wards get more enthusiasm for doing missionary work, and I guess it's taking me going into oral surgery to make it happen. The pain has increased so much throughout the week. It's been unbearable. Thanks number 16.

So the reason I found out early about my transfer call was due to the plans I'd have to make so my companion figure out her schedule and preparing things. I feel so bad, because she's still a greenie, and I'm having her take over the area completely while I recover. The Lord knows this is what she needed to grow though, so then again maybe I'm more excited for her than feel bad.

This email will be short since I have to head out soon for the surgery.

I'll tell you about my highlight to the week though!

Jose de Jesus. He passed his interview, and was baptized this past Saturday. Clara Walton drove up to watch it and support him. Time was limited since it was a baptism after another, so we didn't get to take pictures with him in all white. I remember watching him step out and making his way into the chapel, and looking at him in all white. I felt the spirit soooo strong and cried being the crier I am. I had waited about a year for this day, and to watch him enter the waters of baptism was probably the happiest day of my mission. The way we found him was the biggest miracle of my mission. He was glowing s the baptism service proceeded. He kept smiling and threw me a thumbs up. I didn't expect this day to arrive, but the Lord sure did. Jose de Jesus totally looked like Elvis with his jumpsuit on. He even popped his collar. It was so funny He cracks me up.

After he was baptized, the first thing he said was, "Am I good?" He's so funny! He said he felt so good! It's so great to watch the one you come to love be dressed in white. Jose de Jesus has totally hanged my mission, and been such a light to it. Nothing beat that experience, and to watch him glow after he entered the waters of baptism. He received the gift of the Holy Ghost yesterday, and his next step will be baptisms at the temple. I'm so stoked to be able to attend with him when he goes through for the first time. It all paid off, and it was the greatest honor to teach him and bring him closer to Christ. He's a changed man, and I testify that it is a fruit of the Atonement. I know that with all my heart.

I'm so excited for this upcoming transfer. 3 more to go! (:

Hope you all have a great week. Love you!

Con amor,

Hermana Robles

Monday, July 6, 2015

Refinada y santificada através del Espiritu

Mon 7/6/2015 12:31 PM

Otra hermosa semana. Super caliente sin embargo. Las cosas no han cambiado mucho en ese aspecto, pero sin duda si ha habido un cambio muy fortalecedor en mi testimonio, nuestra zona, y así como también en la misión.

  Presidente y la hermana Dymock son simplemente maravillosos. Nos reunimos con ellos el día      después de su llegada a la misión. Nosotros fuimos el primer grupo que les conocimos. Tan pronto  como entrarón en la capilla donde todos estábamos reunidos, sentímos un sentimiento de amor por ellos. Es muy interesante. Yo ni siquiera tuve que decir nada pero sentí tanta caridad por ellos. Es genial cómo el Señor nos prepara para cambios drásticos en la vida. Estuvimos hablando con los Elderes del barrio en Español el día anterior, y todos recibimos esta fuerte impresión de que los Dymocks serán de gran impacto en el trabajo en Español aquí. Nos quedamos asombrados por ello.  Eso se solidificó para nosotros cuando comenzaron a hablarnos acerca de su familia. Tienen un yerno de México, y la hermana Dymock había ido a México a visitar a su hija la semana anterior. Ella expresó su amor por la cultura y la gente. También tienen un hijo sirviendo en Argentina.
Mientras ellos hablaban, dirigimos nuestra mirada a los Elderes de Español y supimos que harán algo grande por el trabajo en Español. Era tan gratificante! Hermana Dymock y yo ya somos mejores amigas. Estoy enseñándole Español. A ella le encanta. Estoy tan emocionada de tenerlos en nuestra misión. Ya hemos formado un vínculo especial, y sé que están aquí para tocar mi vida al igual que lo hicierón los Mullens. Soy muy afortunada de tener 2 Presidentes de misión y sus esposas. El trabajo en Español se va a acelerar mucho, y espero ser parte de ello dentro de las próximas 3 transferencias. Hablando de esto, tenemos cambios este domingo. Tengo la impresión de que voy a ir a trabajar en Inglés durante unos transferencias más, o me terminaré en un trio- de compañerismo. Tenemos otra hermana de habla Hispana que entrará la próxima semana, y vamos a estar necesitando una compañera más para ella, será interesante ver qué pasará. Sobre todo porque serán los primeros cambios del presidente Dymock. Sea cual sea el resultado, lo aceptaré, porque es la voluntad del Señor, y quiero alinear mi voluntad a la suya porque lo amo y confío en Él.

José de Jesús se va a bautizar este sábado! He estado esperando este día toda mi misión! Ha traído tanta alegría a mí! Presidente Dymock me dió permiso para salir de mi zona y poder estar allí, y él y la hermana Dymock estarán allí para apoyarlo también. Va a ser el día más grande. Clara Walton estará allí también, así que Casi no puedo esperar. Interesante cuánto Impacto puede tener tu entrenador en el resto de tu vida. ¡Oh, cómo la amo hasta la muerte ;-) . El Señor me ha estado bendiciendo con  puntos de inflexión durante estas últimas semanas. Me sentí tan refinada por el Espiritu debido a lo que nos pasó la semana pasada. Fué otro de esos días muy difíciles donde el enemigo trató de desanimarme. Tuvimos una lección establecida con alguien previamente. Fuimos a la casa y al tocar la puerta, Un hombre alto y delgado respondió. Honestamente, no puedo recordar su nombre. Era evidente que estaba de muy mal humor, y a medida que hablamos con él, me di cuenta de que él era uno de esos tipos de personas audaces y arrogantes. Me dije a mí misma que no estaba de humor para tratar con él y que esto iba a ser una pérdida de tiempo, sobre todo porque era obvio que él no estaba interesado. Estaba siendo muy mordaz conmigo sobre mi mensaje a él, y yo estaba molesta con él al instante. Entonces decidí que iba a ser del mismo modo con él y sólo aguantaria un poco y luego le diria lo que es la verdad. Este fue mi error. Estaba siendo audaz y prepotente. Entonces el hombre comenzó a ponerse frente a mi en mi cara y trato de silenciar rudamente. Nunca había sido tan bombardeada con malas palabras y groserias en mi vida. Me hizó sentir tan mal. No podía creer que este hombre estaba actuando de esa manera. Nadie había sido tan grosero conmigo. Sin embargo me disculpé y le dije que el por qué estábamos allí y cómo estábamos buscando a alguien más en la casa y que teníamos una cita establecida con aquella persona. Eso no cambio las cosas. Todavía estaba fastidiado solo por el hecho de que tenía misioneros SUD en su puerta tratando de hablar con él acerca de Dios cuando El era ateo. Ademas nos dijo que eramos un "desecho".

Como seguía tratando de ofenderme y desanimarme y refregarme en mi cara, yo constantemente oraba por paz y poder hallar caridad para ese hombre. Estuve tan herida, y yo sentí que mis ojos bañarse de lágrimas. La cosa más impresionante que me pasó entonces fué que mientras el trataba de hacerme dudar de Dios, Cristo, el Espíritu, y mi propio testimonio, mi molestia y el dolor al instante se convirtió en la caridad pura. Me senti conmovida a misericordia por este hombre! Fue un sentimiento tan fuerte de pena por El. Sabía que era el amor de Dios por él y que él (Dios) quería que yo vea a través de sus ojos, en vez de que lo vea con mis ojos humanos. Sonreí al chico mientras seguía agrediendome verbalmente y gritándome, y retorciendo mis palabras a su antojo. Entonces El Señor me dijo que compariera cómo me sentía. Así que le dije con amor que Dios lo ama, que lo amaba y que no iba a renunciar a él. Después de un fuerte testimonio expresado a El, El pobre hombre todavía estaba loco y fastidiado y no le importaba. Sin embargo fue una experiencia que fortaleció mis convicciones una vez más .

Refined Through the Fire- Sanctified Through the Spirit.

Mon 7/6/2015 12:31 PM

Another beautiful week.

 Super hot. Not much of a change in that aspect, but definitely a change within my testimony, and our area as well as mission.


President and Sister Dymock are just the best. We met with them the day after they arrived to the mission. We were the first group they met. As soon as they stepped into the chapel we were all meeting at, I felt an insane amount of love for them. It was so cool. I didn't even have to say anything to feel so much charity for them. It's really cool how the Lord prepares us for drastic changes. 
We were talking to the Spanish elders the day before, and we all received this strong impression that the Dymocks were going to make a huge impact on the Spanish work here. We were blown away by it.

That was solidified for us when they began to talk to us about their family. They have a son- in- law from Mexico, and Sister Dymock had just gone to visit her daughter and him the week before in Mexico. She expressed her love for the culture and people. They also have a son serving in Argentina. We looked at the elders during that, and we knew they were going to do something huge for the Spanish work. It was so cool! Sister Dymock and I are already bffs. I'm teaching her Spanish. She loves it. I am so excited to have them in our mission. We've already formed a special bond, and I know they're here to touch my life just like the Mullens did. I'm so lucky to have 2 mission Presidents and their wives. The Spanish work is going to hasten so much, and I hope to be a part of it within the next 3 transfers.


With that said, we have transfer calls this Sunday. I get the impression I'll be going to English work for a few transfers, or I'll wound up in a tri-panionship. We have another Spanish sister coming in next week, and we'll be uneven as far as Spanish sisters. It'll be interesting to see what happens. Especially since this is President Dymock's first transfer calls. Whatever the outcome is, I'll accept it, because it's the Lord's will, and I want to align mine to His because I love and trust Him.


Jose de Jesus is getting baptized this Saturday! I have been waiting for this day my entire mission! It's brought so much joy to me! President Dymock gave me permission to leave my area to be there, and he and Sister Dymock will be there to support him as well. It'll be the greatest day. Clara Walton will be there too, so I'm really looking forward to that. Crazy how much of an impact your trainer makes on your life. Oh how I love her to death.


The Lord has been blessing me with turning points the last few weeks. 

I felt so refined by what happened to us this last week. It was another one of those super trying days where Satan tried to bring me so low.

We had a lesson set up with someone. We went to the home and knocked on the door, and this tall slender man answered. I honestly can't remember his name. He was obviously in a bad mood, and as we talked to him, I could tell he was one of those bold and overbearing kinds of people. I thought to myself about how I wasn't in the mood to deal with it and how this was going to be a waste of time, especially since he was making it obvious that he wasn't interested. He was being super snappy with me about my approach to him, and I was instantly annoyed with him. I then decided I was going to be bold right back with him and just be straight up and tell him how it is. This was my mistake. I was being bold and overbearing. The man then began to get in my face and tell me off. I had never had so many F bombs and S words referred to me in my life. It hurt, so bad. I could not believe this man was acting the way he was. No one had ever been so rude to me. I apologized and told him why we were there and how we were looking for someone else in the home that we had an appointment set up with. That didn't do anything for him. He was still bugged by the fact that he had LDS missionaries on his door step trying to talk to him about God when he was Atheist and how we were a "waste". As he kept tearing me down and getting in my face, I constantly prayed for peace and charity for the man. I was so hurt, and I felt my eyes welt up with tears. The craziest thing then happened. As he tried to get me to doubt God, Christ, the Spirit, and my own testimony, my annoyance and hurt instantly turned into pure Charity. I loved this man! I felt it so strong for him. I knew it was God's love for him and that he wanted me to see him through his eyes rather than my human eyes. I smiled at the guy as he kept bashing on me and yelling at me, and twisting my words up. He told me to tell him how I felt. So I told him how it is. I told him that God loves him, that I loved him and I wasn't going to give up on him. After a strong testimony expressed, he was still mad and didn't care. It strengthened me.
Sister Robles.



Wednesday, July 1, 2015

A Prayer of Faith.

Tue 6/30/2015 12:28 PM

Prayer has been my best friend this last week. It is easily the greatest tool, ever.

I've had an array of choices and aid I've been in desperate need of, and I honestly had no idea how to solve a problem, or what to do. My first instinct was to get on my knees and offer heartfelt prayers, with the intention to walk by faith and act to receive and answer.


It is so crazy how well our Heavenly Father knows us. He knows us to the T- as if to say. He is super aware, and wants to help us. 


So first of all, I was humbled down a ton by the scorching, humid, crazy weather this past week. WA-SPO was on fire. Literally. I felt suffocated whenever I was outside, which was a lot. We wanted to talk to a ton of people, and so we decided to walk a lot. We didn't have water on us. Huge mistake. Never really knew what dehydration was like. Being exhausted, thirsty, and hot really humbled me down, because that's all it takes to make me grumpy. i decided that my attitude was what determined the effectiveness of our work that day, because if I was in a bad mood, it'd probably be contagious to my companion, and I needed her to be in a good mood so I could survive through. It was the hottest, and sweatiest week of my life. It was such a humbling struggle. I begged to endure through as I prayed. It's good to have the Lord on my side. 


I've been reminded of having to get things figured out for college by one of the sisters whose been out the same amount of time I have. She helped reality sink in, and I realized that I needed to figure out school and it's awful because it was stuck in the back of my mind as well as all the thoughts of home and the future that I packed up there. It unleashed those thoughts, so I needed to pray to lock them back up. Which led me to a conversation with President Mullen to be able to re-enroll at the U of U. It also made me realize I needed to make decisions on my return home date. It'll be before December 28th. That's all I can tell you at this point. Prayer helped me make that important decision. It's great how personal revelation can be revealed to us when we seek and are worthy to receive it. 


I also needed to pray to be able to contain myself because President and Sister Mullen go home tomorrow.


Missionaries usually have certain turning points in their missions that change them forever. I had another one of those this past week. 

My whole mission, I thought about how I'm supposed to change lives by helping people get baptized, or that I'm supposed to learn from others. I knew I had to help people come closer to Christ, but I didn't think that I would ever really impact someone so much. I also had been having a huge desire to figure out what my "talent" was. I could never claim to have one, because I never did anything too significant that I felt led me to claim to have one. This all changed for me within 10 minutes. 

We were at Sister Burnett's house this past week giving her some service. She asked us to help her sort out some clothes. So we did. She had a talk with my companion about clothing and styling. She gave her some advice and some of her clothes that she didn't need. She did such a genuine thing for her. My companion isn't huge into the whole "fashion" and "shopping" scene. I loved so much that she was able to get something to add to her wardrobe. We kept complimenting how good she looked when she tried all these new things on. Sis Burnett expressed to her how I am really into that stuff and that I was her tool for those things. How I could help her find the right clothes that would suit her, and teach her different hairstyles and such. I felt the Spirit testify to me that I've known I've had a talent all along- this. I felt my prayer answered. We all had such a touching conversation, and my companion expressed how she has always wanted to know how to match clothes, colors, do make up and all that, and that she had her prayer answered. It moved me to tears.

After we returned home and accounted that night, I was able to help her figure out some outfits and fix her hair all pretty. I always pray to love my companions and learn from them, and as I offered my service and the talent I discovered, I not only felt love, but my Heavenly Father's love for her as I served her. Service is the key to love.

We had a touching conversation the other night about how we've helped each other. Hna Flores has helped my heart, patience, and humility grow deeper. She has been an answer to my prayers. She helped me realize how I'm meant to be in this mission to help her. How the Lord knew that I was supposed to be her companion and teach her about these things and more that she'd been struggling with. The Spirit testified to the both of us of the truthfulness of that, and we cried it out- of happiness that it. I felt for once in my mission that I'm not here just to help the people around me, but to help my companion and self. I realized when you aid and love your companion first, everything else falls into place and works out better. We ought to put our companions first and love them, as well as express it. I know without a doubt that we're meant to be companions, and that a reason I was called here was for Hna Flores. I've been preparing myself throughout the past year with different companions to be ready to be companions with Hna Flores. I love her so much. It was the greatest answer to my prayer.


We had many other instances occur to where we had prayers answered. We were in the right places at the right time.


Our investigator Matthew is on date for July 25th. He recognized us as representatives of Christ. 


I love the mission so much. I could never trade it for anything. I love being on God's and Christ's team. It's the key to eternal happiness. 


So, I invite you all to love deeper. Deeper than you think you can. Charity is gained as we strive for this.


I hope you all have a great week!


Mucho amor,


Hermana Robles