Knowing myself, I'm going to forget to mention this, so I'll
do this first. I'm going to the temple June 30th, so that'll be my P-day rather
than next Monday. Whew. Happy to get that out of the way.
So about my week.
Well, let's see...
Jose de Jesus is getting baptized July 11th!!!!!!!!
This has to have been the happiest and greatest news of my
week!!! I remember the day we contacted Jose de Jesus like it was yesterday..
It was the greatest miracle. Beauties of obeying promptings from the Spirit. So
yeah. I'm super stoked about that.
Let's see. This last week I hit my year mark. I guess I can
tell you about that. It was Weekly Planning day, so we were at home planning
for a good 5 hrs. I guess the exciting thing about that was going out to dinner
with the Spanish missionaries in the branch. We went to a Mexican restaurant.
We had a great time. I love the missionaries we serve in the branch with.
There's 3 sets of us in one little branch. It was so nice to see Hna Whipperman.
I miss her to pieces. It was cute to see both my "daughters" engaged
in conversation with each other. After that, we worked.
I realized I'm at the point where I should be making goals
for myself for these next 6 months of my mission, and for what will happen
right after, so that was really hard for me. I didn't wanna do it, but I knew
if it didn't happen then, it'd never happen. So, I have a long list of goals
sitting in my journal, waiting to be accomplished. I feel like reality is
setting in slowly. I still shrug it off, so I think I'll continue to do that
for another 6 months.
The Mullins leave next week. It's so sad! The nice thing is
that they live in Utah, so we can see them whenever, but there's something
about the fact that they won't be with us that makes it sad. I've learned so
much about them. I just love how much they love and respect each other and
their roles. They have been such a positive influence and example to me. I've
taken a ton away from them. They gave us one last training this last week. Sis
Mullen trained on Self mastery, which was so good! It's completely changed my
perspective of so many things! President did on the key to happiness, and
that's by living the gospel! When we have faith, repent often, renew our
baptismal covenants through taking the sacrament each week, and endure to the
end by making more covenants and fulfilling them, then we'll be eternally
happy. The great thing is that it was Christ that made it possible. It's Christ
who's our main source of happiness and peace. That's why us Latter Day Saints
are so happy! Why we share this with everyone. So everyone can have a shot at
that. I just love the gospel!
Okay, so out of that list of goals I made, one of them is to
replace when I have the urge to complain about something with a blessing that I
have. I have failed to recognize my blessings as much as I should, so I thought
this was perfect! Part of self- mastery because if we intake and only recognize
the things that bring our mood down, then we let it affect us and who we are
and can be. Those little things lead to that.
Aside from that, it's been a rewarding week. We've talked to
sooo many people about the gospel this week. The YSA ward is so engaged. Like,
we seriously have the greatest WML ever! So missionary focused. He's been an
answer to my prayers. I'm stoked to see how the Summer in Cheney will work for
the YSA ward!
So a vast majority of my friends have emailed me about how
they're on their last few transfers or are already finishing their missions. I
can't believe Elder Fraley is home this week. Aw. Time is so crazy! I'm so
blessed for it though!
I cannot believe the Lopez stopped by our house and visited the familia! It made me so happy that one of my favorite families I've met on my mission had the chance to visit home!! Such a huge tender mercy! (:
Love you all!!
Con amor,
Hermana Robles