Monday, June 22, 2015

Working Hard, or Hardly Complaining.

Knowing myself, I'm going to forget to mention this, so I'll do this first. I'm going to the temple June 30th, so that'll be my P-day rather than next Monday. Whew. Happy to get that out of the way.

So about my week. 

Well, let's see...


Jose de Jesus is getting baptized July 11th!!!!!!!!

This has to have been the happiest and greatest news of my week!!! I remember the day we contacted Jose de Jesus like it was yesterday.. It was the greatest miracle. Beauties of obeying promptings from the Spirit. So yeah. I'm super stoked about that.

Also, remember Leo and Leoniel? They're also getting baptized within a few weeks! I am so stoked for that! They moved into the Elders' area, so they've been teaching them and everything. That's okay though, because they're getting baptized!! I'm so excited about this.


Let's see. This last week I hit my year mark. I guess I can tell you about that. It was Weekly Planning day, so we were at home planning for a good 5 hrs. I guess the exciting thing about that was going out to dinner with the Spanish missionaries in the branch. We went to a Mexican restaurant. We had a great time. I love the missionaries we serve in the branch with. There's 3 sets of us in one little branch. It was so nice to see Hna Whipperman. I miss her to pieces. It was cute to see both my "daughters" engaged in conversation with each other. After that, we worked.


I realized I'm at the point where I should be making goals for myself for these next 6 months of my mission, and for what will happen right after, so that was really hard for me. I didn't wanna do it, but I knew if it didn't happen then, it'd never happen. So, I have a long list of goals sitting in my journal, waiting to be accomplished. I feel like reality is setting in slowly. I still shrug it off, so I think I'll continue to do that for another 6 months.

 Oh! We had crazy fires in Cheney this whole past week! So many houses got evacuated and everything! Luckily ours didn't. Perks of being a missionary I suppose. However, we had a whole day where our power was out, so that wasn't too fun. Actually, it kinda was. We kept falling over stuff because our flashlights weren't enough. It was hilarious. 


The Mullins leave next week. It's so sad! The nice thing is that they live in Utah, so we can see them whenever, but there's something about the fact that they won't be with us that makes it sad. I've learned so much about them. I just love how much they love and respect each other and their roles. They have been such a positive influence and example to me. I've taken a ton away from them. They gave us one last training this last week. Sis Mullen trained on Self mastery, which was so good! It's completely changed my perspective of so many things! President did on the key to happiness, and that's by living the gospel! When we have faith, repent often, renew our baptismal covenants through taking the sacrament each week, and endure to the end by making more covenants and fulfilling them, then we'll be eternally happy. The great thing is that it was Christ that made it possible. It's Christ who's our main source of happiness and peace. That's why us Latter Day Saints are so happy! Why we share this with everyone. So everyone can have a shot at that. I just love the gospel!


Okay, so out of that list of goals I made, one of them is to replace when I have the urge to complain about something with a blessing that I have. I have failed to recognize my blessings as much as I should, so I thought this was perfect! Part of self- mastery because if we intake and only recognize the things that bring our mood down, then we let it affect us and who we are and can be. Those little things lead to that. 

 Anyway, so we have this awful device called a "TiWi". It monitors our driving. Now I'm not saying I'm an awful nor superb driver, but I'm average. The darn TiWi has driven me crazy with it's constant reminders to "check my speed". It's like taken over my life. Because of that, I decided that each time TiWi freaks out at me, I list a blessing I have rather than complain, and BAM. My mood isn't killed. Who knew the solution was to recognize your blessings! I think it's been a great tactic. I've used it for any discouraging or upsetting situation. It's great! 


Aside from that, it's been a rewarding week. We've talked to sooo many people about the gospel this week. The YSA ward is so engaged. Like, we seriously have the greatest WML ever! So missionary focused. He's been an answer to my prayers. I'm stoked to see how the Summer in Cheney will work for the YSA ward! 

So a vast majority of my friends have emailed me about how they're on their last few transfers or are already finishing their missions. I can't believe Elder Fraley is home this week. Aw. Time is so crazy! I'm so blessed for it though!
I cannot believe the Lopez stopped by our house and visited the familia! It made me so happy that one of my favorite families I've met on my mission had the chance to visit home!! Such a huge tender mercy! (:

invite you all to recognize and countour blessings! Oh, and read John 15, because that has been the chapter of my week. It's also my favorite chapter in the Bible. Testifies of God's and Christ's love for us. It's super good!


Love you all!!


Con amor,


Hermana Robles

Monday, June 8, 2015

Summer and ...

Mon 6/8/2015 12:30 PM

From what I've seen and been told, so many changes occurred in everyone's lives this last week. Isn't time such a funny, bittersweet, blessing we have?

The Lord is so great.


This past week was filled with tender mercies from the Lord. I've recognized his hand in everything, and I've realized how easy it is to when you truly look to do so. We can see his hand in every aspect of our lives. We just have to decide whether or not we want to. 


The week flew. I think I've finally decided that it feels like December rather than November. Moving up! However, I do have moments where I feel like I'm stuck in the Summer 2014 time frame. 


So, let me tell you a little bit about my new companion! Her name is Hermana Flores. Super long name, so I like to cut it down to just Flores. Keeps me from getting my tongue tied. She's fresh out the MTC, and she has a huge heart. I love that, because I just love expressing my love to people. It's perfect! It must be a Latin thing (; Which leads me to this. President gave me a Native companion! The other Spanish sisters are jealous. In this mission, you don't just put two Spanish natives together when others are still trying to learn the language. I lucked out. I felt that my Spanish was diminishing just from one transfer of doing pure English work. It was a nice break. Anyway, she's from Gilbert, AZ. Her mom originally from Mexico. She graduated High School last Summer, and she just wants to work hard and give what she can offer to the Lord. I love that, because I've been praying for someone who wants that as a companion. Especially this transfer. 

She's so great. Such a kind person who I love and am happy to work with. We know we are together for a reason, and that we have much to learn from each other. She's convinced she's with me because we have the complete opposite personalities. She has what I call "quiet dignity". She's shy, and well.. I'm not. We balance each other out well. I am so blessed to be training her!


Funny little experience we had last week. We were doing our grocery shopping, and she turns to me and tells me that she needs some "chile". So I told her we'll go find some. As I was walking to the hot sauces (Tapatio, Cholula, Valentina, etc), she turned to me and told her she's a real Mexican and how she needed to buy actual Jalapenos. It was hilarious to me. I realized how much of a wimp I truly am when it comes to hot sauces, or spices. I mean, I can barely eat Hot Cheetos as it is! So yeah. We make each other laugh!

Let me tell you about Tom. 

Now this was the greatest miracle of the week. I still can't fathom it. After MLC (Mission Leadership Council), I went to pick up Hermana Flores who spent time with the Spanish sisters in the valley while I went to the meeting. We went to the mission office to get some supplies, and as we pulled p, we saw a man walking on the side of the street right next to the building. Before we talk to someone, I always tell Hna Flores, "We talk to everyone!", and we book it. She's still working on getting over her fear of talking to people, but hey, what missionary isn't? We went up to this man and said "hi". He was surprised that strangers were talking to him and asked if he knew us. I said, "You do now! I'm Sister Robles!" and shook his hand. Before I go on, it was pouring at that time (side note). This man introduced himself as Tom, and we talked about our purpose as missionaries. He began to sob, and poured out his problems to us. He asked if we could go into a bldg, and luckily the mission office was 15 steps away from us, so we went in there and it was super noisy. All the ZLs were in there with the Senior missionaries getting supplies for their zones and all that fun stuff. Amidst the noise, we spoke to Tom about the Atonement and the poor man weeped. He expressed how he has faith in Christ and how he's looking to expand that, but he feels so abandoned. The Spirit instantly told me to gather everyone and pray with him. So we did. All the missionaries gathered with us and Tom and he offered the most heartfelt prayer I have heard on my mission. I was moved to tears. The Spirit then prompted me to ask him if he wanted a Priesthood blessing, and so I asked him. he agreed. We got a few of the Elders together and they gave him one. It was such a testimony builder of the Priesthood. The Spirit was so strong, and these elders didn't even know what was going on in his life and still said exactly head on that he needed. 

After the blessing, Tom poured his heart out. He told us that he was on his way to permanently end his problems. To take his life away when he approached him. Because of Hna Flores and I, he received an answer to his prayer. His last prayer of what would have been his mortal life. He wanted to know if God was there and if he loved him, and we approached him right as he ended it. I testify that God is aware. He is so aware of all of us. This experience was the greatest tender mercy i've received. God lives. Christ lives. THE ATONEMENT IS SO REAL, and IT HEALS. 


I have such a testimony of this gospel that I cannot deny. I know it is so true with all my heart, and it blesses families, and brings us to great knowledge of our divinity and our destination as well as purpose in this life. I am so grateful for that!


So, President and I had a chat this week. He found out that Janessa is passing through WASPO on her way back home from a trip. Guess what he did? He gave me permission to have dinner with her and her family this upcoming week, and share a message with them!

I am soooo stoked! I get to teach my best friend on Thursday! Great wait to ring in my year mark (: So, that's a huge deal to me. I'm so excited.


I love you all, and hope you continue to see the Lord's hands in your lives!


Con amor,


Hna Robles

Transfer Time: Where the Anxiety Gets Real, and the Humor Flows.

Mon 6/1/2015 3:07 PM

Hello to a new transfer! The transfer where I hit my year mark. I can't believe that!

We got transfer calls last night. 
We certainly weren't expecting what went down to do so! 


So basically, we changed our minds mid-week when we found out a Spanish sister was coming out this transfer. That's when Sister Ellis and I realized we were getting split. Not only did that lead up to that conclusion, but I got a call from President Mullen.

Usually when Pres. calls, well, many people dread it. When I answered, he told me he needed to speak to me. I didn't wanna expect the worst, I mean, I forgot to invite a few people to be baptized this past week, but the Atonement should cover me! I promised to do better for the upcoming week! I was honestly nervous out of my mind! 

He asked me to help him with something. He asked me what my thoughts would be on him combining the Spanish work with English and having the Spanish sisters do both. He asked about previous areas I was in and if I thought it'd be something that could be done. So he basically told me to help him out with the Spanish transfer calls. Won't lie, I felt cool! I was nervous about it because I didn't wanna ruin anything about the work, but it'd be so good for the Spanish missionaries because they deserve to see their success in the English work that they've been doing too! Pres and I are buds. He asked me not to mention anything about it until after transfer calls, so here I am! Honestly, I didn't think it'd affect me since I figured I'd stay another transfer in English.


On that note, here's what's going on with me. I am staying in Cheney YSA, training a new missionary, and am a solo Sister Training Leader. I'm rather nervous, and I didn't think there could be any more responsibility added to me. When we "fear busted" with the new greenies this morning, President came up to me and told me he had a referral for me. He gave me this Latino name and the info, and I was so confused. Especially since the Spanish elders were covering the Southwest Spanish work. I asked him why he was giving me a Spanish referral when I was doing English work. His response: "Hermana, didn't you know you're doing Spanish and English work now?" So I found out I'm covering two areas. The Spanish branch, and the Cheney YSA work. So I'm back to sweeping the Southwest Spanish area on top of that. I'm hoping it doesn't get anymore crazier than that.. Knock on wood. I'll definitely have tons to manage, and be busy like crazy this transfer. I don't even know where to begin, but I can start off with a prayer and a tub of Fro-Yo to calm me down from the craziness. I have tons of meetings this upcoming week. New Missionary and Trainers' Meeting, MLC, ward meetings, and Elder Daniel Johnson of the 70 is coming to our mission. Good thing the Atonement can help me get through it! Actually, add an extra 10 oz to the cup of Fro-Yo I need..


Apart from all that craziness, we had a super great week!

So all in all, there was a ton of parties in Chi-Town this weekend. So many drunk people. Like, soooo many!

I've had some super humbling experiences this past week. We were in a tri-panionship. One of the sisters in our zone had her comp go back to Temple Square. She finished her time here, so she went back to her original mission. So we had to incorporate her things to ours, and help her find people to go out with her, and fix schedules around and living conditions. It was sudden,in the moment stuff, and we all got humbled down quite a bit!

We also had a crazy Saturday, filled with opposition and so much stress. The first thing we did was got down and prayed. Our numbers weren't what we hoped for in the beginning of the day, and we just felt the adversary dragging us down. To us, it's not a successful day if we don't teach at least 3 lessons each day. As the day was passing by, we had nothing. We were super discouraged, but miraculous things happen when you pray and act immediately to search for answers. We went out and worked, and got 6 lessons, and our numbers for everything spiralled up. It was incredible. The power of prayer really worked in our favor! God is SO aware of each of us. I also received a few answers to some important questions I've had lately, so that was comforting. My testimony and knowledge of personal revelation grew.


I'm heartbroken that I won't be with Sister Ellis, because we learned so much from each other, but God knows others need to teach us and that we need to teach them. I'm excited for this transfer!!


Have a great week everyone!! (:


Con amor/ Love,


Hermana/ Sister Robles 


A Forecast Of Gray Hairs and Gray Skies.

Tue 5/26/2015 12:31 PM

I've been in Washington about a year, and I have yet to keep up with their weather. 

Apparently, I still cannot dress for the correct weather. I find myself wearing thick sweaters on hot sunny days, and a thin short sleeved t-shirt on cold rainy days. 

This past week consisted of both. We have Alejandro (one of our members) giving us the forecast just about each day, and I came to realize that even Alejandro may be off, and we can't really trust him with his forecasts, which draws me to this.

Our forecast issues will soon be taken away, or so we hope. Why? Our mission is getting Ipads! So this won't happen until President Dymock (New mission Pres whose name I may have misspelled) comes to the mission in July. i don't really know how to feel about it, because I prefer to not use technology to get the work done. It'll be cool to have them to show videos to people on the streets whenever we wanted, but I guess I'm just "old schooled".


I'm super short on time, but we had a great week! Totally got poured on this past week. Those storms form UT moved their way to us, so we spent our memorial Day walking around deserted Cheney where everyone went back home for the holiday, getting poured on in hopes of talking to someone. We still managed to get 3 lessons yesterday, so that was nice (: Apparently it'll be 87 degrees this weekend! Hopefully sunny!


We have transfer calls this Sunday night. It's so crazy to me because I feel like Sister Ellis and I JUST became companions. I cannot believe how fast it flew, but we think we'll be together one more transfer. There's a new Spanish sister coming in July, so that's my cue to go back to the Spanish work. Which I'm half broken hearted about. 


I was thinking yesterday, and I realized how last memorial day Danny, Thiago, and a few of our friends went to the Donut Falls hike. I cannot believe how fast that went by. I can't believe several of my friends finish their missions within these upcoming months! I cannot believe it's almost June!


Oh, and I found 3 gray hairs in one day the other day. 


Hope you all have a great week! Ours was so good! We got 5 new investigators, and a ton of high numbers!

Love ya'll!


Sister Robles

The Key to Commitment.

Mon 5/18/2015 2:01 PM

Wish I could travel back to the past 11 months of my mission. Why? Because I just want to relieve through every single day and pretend that my mission will never end.


I'm at an exciting, yet heartbreaking point in my mission where I don't know how to feel about time. Everyone and everything is changing from what I'm hearing, so that's exciting to say the least! I wish I could see the change I've made from June of last year, to this point. That would be cool.


Communication has been a huge factor in my past week. I never realized how important it is. I know, that sounds kind of silly, but you could say I gained a "testimony" of doing so.? There's nothing to worry about, because I am doing so dandy! 


I think I've finally figured out the "WHY" to the reasons behind me bring transferred English and into Cheney. Sister Ellis. I love her so much, and it's amazing how I needed to be her companion at this exact time and place. We are seriously the same person. I'm not kidding. Same personality, and everything. Everything aside from the physical appearances, but you get the point. She is that sister I didn't have, and I think I understand what it's like to have a sister. I don't know if that even makes sense. Point is, that Heavenly Father knew we both had our own personal struggles and were facing different things at the precise time, that he needed us to help each other through. I have never seen the beauties of being so openly communicated with someone. Something we both learned is that we may get along super well, but sometimes we need to have that open communication to help each other out and strengthen one another. We both aren't too huge into talking about our own personal struggles that we realized we needed to in order to help one another become better and strengthened through the Atonement. It was incredible the events that led up to us both realizing that we just needed to help lift the other. Nothing drastic is happening with either of us, but we each have fears and weaknesses. After all, we aren't perfect. We created a safe environment where we could talk about everything and anything, and allow each other to help one another in overcoming those burdens we face throughout our lives as missionaries. At the end of the day, we evaluate how we did, and if we did our best to fulfill goals we had set to strengthen our companionship and relationship with one another since that's something that's so important to the both of us. We have seen a huge progress in not just ourselves and our personal weakness becoming strengths, but also in our work and respect for the Savior. I think i finally really understood the purpose of a companionship, and I realized how important it is to put your companion's needs above your own if you want to have the same done in return. A companionship is about strengthening the other person and working together to bear one another's burdens, and in fulfilling our purposes as individuals. It just clicked to me and I understood how that would pertain to not just my mission, but for what lies ahead. I also realized how mortified I am to enter that stage in my life where I get married and all those fun adult like things that we're supposed to confront. It doesn't mean I'm ready for that commitment too soon, so don't get too excited mom! 

I love my companion though. She is incredible, and I love how close we've become throughout the transfer and how powerful our testimonies are when they're combined together to testify of Christ and his restored gospel. We make a good team!


So aside from that great testimony builder we had, we had quite the week! 

We have this awesome investigator named Adam. He's a 7th Day Adventist, who is easily one of the most humble guys I've met! Super sincere, and full of love for everyone! We were doing Family History at the Library a few weeks ago where I had this strong impression that we needed to talk to this guy who was sitting off and studying. I didn't understand why, but we did it anyway. He was the nicest person ever! We talked to him about our purpose and everything, and he said he'd be into coming to activities! We invited him to FHE, and he came! Then, he came to Institute that Thurs and participated! He asked us to give him material he could study to prepare and he even prayed! Even though concepts he didn't understand were taught that day, he still participated! He even prayed in the end! He asked us who he could talk to because he had so many questions and was so intrigued! We told him he was talking to the right person-us! We had a lesson last Tues on the Restoration, and it was SO good! He was so humble and sincere in his prayer! We were so afraid to invite him to be baptized, but we did anyway, and he surprisingly said yes despite his claim to being biased at the moment! He's awesome!!

Ya'll have a great week!


Love you!


Sis Robles