Monday, February 9, 2015

Cuando Hay Amor...

Mon 2/9/2015 12:30 PM

P day came by so quick this week! I feel like we just had it less than a week ago! It's weird how quick time is going. The thought of hitting my halfway mark soon makes me cringe. But aside from that.. We had a great week!


Hermana Whipperman is such an amazing missionary! I am so impressed by her, and by how quick she is picking everything up! She's the daughter I wished to have! (On the mission). Ha. We have so much studies to get done, so that really cuts into our proselyting time, but when we go out, boy do we work. Our mission's rule is to talk to everyone. That's our companionship rule. We fear no man (; nor their dogs. Well, sometimes I fear their dogs, but we'll still go and talk to them! We've had great Gospel Conversations, and i find it so adorable how my companion thinks I'm this hero from doing well what a missionary should do. I noticed how much of an impact I have on her and her mission. How I set the example of how a missionary should be and what this mission is about. Therefor, I'm even more motivated to work harder and to do everything right. To use my best judgement and be the missionary I want her to be. We've learned a lot from each other, and our personalities are pretty alike. We have a great time together spreading the gospel. 


My testimony of the Book of Mormon had grown so much. I love this book with all my heart. I learn something new each time. Lately, I've really gotten guidance on what kind of daughter, leader, missionary and person I should and want to be. It's amazing the guidance I receive for my area, companionship, and life I receive. I wish I had focused even more on it before I became a missionary.


Something huge I've come to know is how much I've changed. It's weird to notice it about myself, but I have. I've strived to be more Christ like and do as he did. That is what we covenant or promise when we're baptized. To follow Christ's example. That means to do as he did and be as he was as well. I've let the Atonement change me. I may not be perfect, but the Atonement makes it sufficient. I've seen people with a different mindset and with different eyes. With more love and concern. I want to help these people out, and that's what I do as a missionary. 


Funny experience for the week. I love to ask people if we can help them or if we can do something for them. I asked a man this and he said, "Well, you can marry my son." So yeah. That was awkward. I had a good laugh about it, but I realized he was serious, which made it more awkward! Oh the life of a missionary!


So we won't have P-day until next Tuesday since Monday is a holiday.


I invite you all to go out of your way and do something nice to express your love for someone. Whether it's your spouse or self. Christ was the perfect example of love, and charity.
Happy Valentine's Day!

I love you all! I'll be spreadingthe love of Christ that day!
Con amor,

Hermana Robles

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