Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Job Offers

Mon 10/20/2014 2:02 PM

Well, I got a job offer this week.
Who knew that would happen to missionaries.?

We went to visit Jose this Tuesday, and I met a nice man who so happens to work for broadcasting here in the Valley. Especially for Latinos. He knows Selena's dad. You know, the famous, "Bi-di-bi-di-bam-bam" "El chico del apartamento 10512" Selena. 

Anyway, he asked me what kind of stuff I was hoping to study after the mission since I explained what missionaries do to him. I told him Dentistry or broadcasting of some sort. Maybe something in the communication industry. Here's the real compliment. Apparently I'm "photogenic". i laughed my head off when he said that. If people haven't noticed from the pictures I already send home, I'm kinda.. Well, actually not. I got a good laugh. Poor sister Shook was on exchanges with me that day, so she had no idea with what was being said in Spanish. She just said, "No hablo Espanol." and smiled a lot. She's great. Long story short, I got a job offer for a co hosting position. It was interesting, but I had to turn it down. It was a cool experience! The only job I'm content with is being a servant of the Lord (:


So that sweet old churro man I was talking about last week.. So adorable! He's like our little mission grandpa! He still doesn't understand exactly what we do, but he counsels us a lot!

We got to watch Meet the Mormons! A member sent Pres. Mullen a copy of the movie, and we got to watch it in the gym during Specialized Training. It's funny. I prayed, and had asked God to allow me to feel of his love more, because i felt that I needed it especially that day. I like to think that by Pres. surprising us with it that it was an answer to my prayer (: The movie was so good! I recommend it to those who don't know what Mormons are about and do. It was so uplifting, and it shows that we're totally normal (:


I've seen my testimony continue to grow! I'm almost done with reading the B.o.M the second time around, and I've really seen my testimony for it grow. I love that book so darn much! It's helped me out with questions I have!


I've seen my heart grow more for those I serve! I love offering service! We decided to randomly go around and rake a ton of yards this weekend. That's where the pictures of us jumping in leaves came from. One of the people whose yards we raked caught us raking, and he was so grateful. I just love helping others!


Sorry for the short email, but I hope everyone has a great week!

 Serve someone in need (:

 Con amor,


Hermana Robles

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