This week went by too quick! I honestly can't really
remember what happened except for the fact that we had conference. I'm so proud
to be one of the 88,000 missionaries serving!
I will tell you that I had one great post conference experience!
We spent some time on the computers to print off talks, and
I had the chance to go on family search. I decided I'd check out my family tree
and see what was on there. As I went through my family's details, I felt the
Spirit so strong. Nothing I had felt before. I knew it was the Spirit of
Elijah, and that I need to continue to do family history work. I really want to
get into it, and I realized the importance of doing so. It's something I will
continue to work on. I'm so excited.
So we've been inviting everyone and their dog to attend
conference. Jose de Jesus came, and it was hilarious. We told him the President
of the church would speak. As soon as Pres. Eyring was talking about the
"President", Jose thought he was talking about Pres. Obama. He kept
asking, "Obama is coming? He's speaking?! He was so excited, but we had to
explain to him that President Monson was speaking, and that he's cool like
Obama as well. Is true!
That night, we saw Kristina and her boyfriend. They were so
excited for conference! They told us they went out to buy her boyfriend church
clothes so that they could attend! Cutest thing ever!!
We went to the Lacasse's home with them and the Mortensons
for Sunday morning session. It was so good! Sister Lacasse spoiled us with
snacks and stuff! Good thing Hermana Walton and I go running each day for our
exercise time! Yeah, I know. I'M ACTUALLY GOING RUNNING. I'm as surprised as
anyone else.
Lynon G Robbins: Courage is the form of virtue at every
turning point. Boldly defend your standards. We should always remember whose
disciples we are and which way we face.
D Todd Christofferson: The gospel opens the path to
what we can become.
Robert D. Hales: We won't fall nor fail if we build our
houses upon Christ.
Pres. Thomas S. Monson: Our homes should be a heaven on
Richard G. Scott: Fam prayer should be a non- negotiable
priority in life.
Carlos Godoy: We need to consider our options with the end
in mind. Are we willing to pay out price for our decisions? Just because things
are going well, doesn't mean we don't need to stop and see if there's anything
we need to change.
Allan F Packer: Fam history is more than just the past. It
includes the future. Don't fight the change- embrace it.
Hugo E Martinez: We're provided what we need to help reach
our divine potential.
David A Bednar: We do not receive prizes or bonus points in
a heavenly contest. We give & want to give that thing that has helped us to
other people.
That's why I'm a missionary! I wish more people knew that.
We do this because we love the people, and want the best for them!
I hope everyone has a great week! Feast on the words of the
prophet and his apostles! They're here to help guide us back to our path back
to our father in heaven!
Con amor,
Hermana Robles
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