Thursday, October 16, 2014

Improving Each and Every Day

Mon 10/13/2014


This Saturday marks my 4 months out! It's gone by quick, but at the same time, I feel that it hasn't been all that long. I know I'm always saying it, but I love being a missionary! I can't express it!

Like the title explains, I've been improving in different ways each day. This whole running thing? I'm actually liking it. I've seen myself improve each day. When it gets tough, I seriously tell myself "I can do hard things" . I can though! It's all about the mindset and attitude. That's how it works with everything.


It's great. I was telling Sister Haynes while we were on exchanges that I don't feel that I've given my all as a missionary unless I come home at the end of the night physically, mentally, and spiritually exhausted. She told me to pray and ask for that. I've done just that. Guess what's been happening to me this entire past week? I've felt exhausted in every possible way. I'm seeing improvement. It's great. I come home, we do our accountings, and plan our stuff out the next day. After we finish, I make it to bed, and just pass out 'til 6:10 the next morning for exercise. The Lord answers prayers. Even when they're "silly". I testify of that. Hahah


Kristina and her boyfriend came to church yesterday. So did Jose de Jesus. It was such a great meeting. Here's the best part. It was fast and testimony meeting. The testimonies were so good, and the Spirit was super strong. I looked over, and saw Kristina and her boyfriend Daniel crying. Daniel is the opposite of a crier. I was amazed to see him crying. I leaned over to him, and told him what he was feeling was the Spirit. He knows it is, and that it was his first time really feeling it. Witnessing him feel the Spirit for the first time made me feel it. It made my testimony of missionary work grow even more. This is what I love. Watching people feel the Spirit for the first time in their lives. He told Kristina that he feels this church is more true than any he's been to. Including his former church. We had actually taught the Restoration the night before, and he agreed to pray and read form the B.o.M. We're so excited for him. Kristina is such a great influence on him! . She's helping him a lot. We're actually going to a branch FHE with them tonight. Our members are so great with helping. 

We met this awesome man who we've been teaching. His name is Armando. He gave us great advice. Always to take time to make a churro. He offered to let us use his churro making machine so we can make some, but we told him we didn't have the time to. He told us we would someday look back and regret not making a churro, so sometimes, we need to take time to make some. Basically, that we need a pause and make time for those important little things that make life worthwhile. It was so nice of him.


We found out that Jose our Recent Convert watched conference! It brought so much happiness to us! Even though he now lives 3 hours away, he himself went and sought out the missionaries, and is seeking for their help to keep progressing. We actually get to see him tomorrow, since he'll be in town. I'm stoked.


I hope everyone has a great week! Seriously watch that Meet the Mormons movies. The money they make in the box office is what the church is donating to the Red Cross. Isn't that awesome? That's something I love about that church!

 Con amor,

Hermana Robles

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