Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Becoming a Mormon

Tue 10/28/2014 3:15 PM

It's been such a great week. Each week on the mission gets better by the second. I am so in love with the mission and the work. I cannot believe how much time is flying, but I'm doing my best to enjoy every moment of it. 


We've been working with this family. The Novelo family. We were on exchanges this past week, and I was with a sister who doesn't speak much Spanish. I was left to teach an entire lesson in Spanish, and I was fine with it (: We taught the Intro to the Book of Mormon. The Spirit was so strong. The sister I was with felt it, and she said she understood everything somehow. Here's the funny part. Marco turned to me and asked, "When I become Mormon, does that mean I need to stop doing the stuff I do now?" My comp that day and I looked at each other wondering how to to let him down since we assumed he was going to bring up things we didn't wanna hear. Suddenly, he said, "So like using Facebook, and all of that?" He thought we couldn't do those things! We explained to him that we're totally normal, and that he could still be a normal human being. He was content. We explained that the gospel just adds to his happiness and will help him become his better self. 


Daniel and Kristina have still been coming to church. They are so involved with church activities and everything. We went to a wedding reception over the weekend, and Kristina told me, "i cannot wait to go through the temple again" as we passed the temple. I am so excited to help them reach that goal. Sadly, Daniel told us he doesn't know how to tell his family that he's attending church with us, because he's afraid of their reaction. If anyone has advice I could give him, please let me know about it! Mom, what did you do?


Also, I'm so grateful for the card Aunt Ariela and Uncle Cesar included in that package! It was so sweet!


Oh, Jose de Jesus came to church this past weekend! He loves it! We're seeing progress with him! He loves listening to us and having us over. he's slowly understanding the lessons. We learned that he's a visual learner, so we have been doing object lessons and teaching him the lessons all over. Es okay though (:


So I just wanna brag about how great out branch members are. 2 quick examples. We went to our Branch President's house for dinner, and as soon as we stepped in, we said, "President! You need to go outside. The sky looks so pretty!" His response, "But not as pretty as Lacey." (His wife). I just love seeing the men in our branch treat their wives so well, and with much respect.


Example number 2. We went to another member in our branch's place for FHE last night. Dru and Ashleigh Lopez's family are the cutest! They taught us the Restoration, and it was so good! The spirit was so strong, and it's always possible to feel it when one goes to their home. Their cute little 5 year old boy Beckham recited James 1:5. It was the cutest thing, ever. Made me realize how important it will be for my home to be centered on the gospel some day. Every family in our branch teaches me what i want for my future family. I love it. They're such great examples. Missionary work is hastening in the homes. So family, I want you to know that i love you so much, and I'm grateful that mom and dad have always managed to keep the Spirit in our home. You've done great jobs, and I admire


i hope everyone has a great week!


Con amor,


Hermana Robles


Job Offers

Mon 10/20/2014 2:02 PM

Well, I got a job offer this week.
Who knew that would happen to missionaries.?

We went to visit Jose this Tuesday, and I met a nice man who so happens to work for broadcasting here in the Valley. Especially for Latinos. He knows Selena's dad. You know, the famous, "Bi-di-bi-di-bam-bam" "El chico del apartamento 10512" Selena. 

Anyway, he asked me what kind of stuff I was hoping to study after the mission since I explained what missionaries do to him. I told him Dentistry or broadcasting of some sort. Maybe something in the communication industry. Here's the real compliment. Apparently I'm "photogenic". i laughed my head off when he said that. If people haven't noticed from the pictures I already send home, I'm kinda.. Well, actually not. I got a good laugh. Poor sister Shook was on exchanges with me that day, so she had no idea with what was being said in Spanish. She just said, "No hablo Espanol." and smiled a lot. She's great. Long story short, I got a job offer for a co hosting position. It was interesting, but I had to turn it down. It was a cool experience! The only job I'm content with is being a servant of the Lord (:


So that sweet old churro man I was talking about last week.. So adorable! He's like our little mission grandpa! He still doesn't understand exactly what we do, but he counsels us a lot!

We got to watch Meet the Mormons! A member sent Pres. Mullen a copy of the movie, and we got to watch it in the gym during Specialized Training. It's funny. I prayed, and had asked God to allow me to feel of his love more, because i felt that I needed it especially that day. I like to think that by Pres. surprising us with it that it was an answer to my prayer (: The movie was so good! I recommend it to those who don't know what Mormons are about and do. It was so uplifting, and it shows that we're totally normal (:


I've seen my testimony continue to grow! I'm almost done with reading the B.o.M the second time around, and I've really seen my testimony for it grow. I love that book so darn much! It's helped me out with questions I have!


I've seen my heart grow more for those I serve! I love offering service! We decided to randomly go around and rake a ton of yards this weekend. That's where the pictures of us jumping in leaves came from. One of the people whose yards we raked caught us raking, and he was so grateful. I just love helping others!


Sorry for the short email, but I hope everyone has a great week!

 Serve someone in need (:

 Con amor,


Hermana Robles

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Improving Each and Every Day

Mon 10/13/2014


This Saturday marks my 4 months out! It's gone by quick, but at the same time, I feel that it hasn't been all that long. I know I'm always saying it, but I love being a missionary! I can't express it!

Like the title explains, I've been improving in different ways each day. This whole running thing? I'm actually liking it. I've seen myself improve each day. When it gets tough, I seriously tell myself "I can do hard things" . I can though! It's all about the mindset and attitude. That's how it works with everything.


It's great. I was telling Sister Haynes while we were on exchanges that I don't feel that I've given my all as a missionary unless I come home at the end of the night physically, mentally, and spiritually exhausted. She told me to pray and ask for that. I've done just that. Guess what's been happening to me this entire past week? I've felt exhausted in every possible way. I'm seeing improvement. It's great. I come home, we do our accountings, and plan our stuff out the next day. After we finish, I make it to bed, and just pass out 'til 6:10 the next morning for exercise. The Lord answers prayers. Even when they're "silly". I testify of that. Hahah


Kristina and her boyfriend came to church yesterday. So did Jose de Jesus. It was such a great meeting. Here's the best part. It was fast and testimony meeting. The testimonies were so good, and the Spirit was super strong. I looked over, and saw Kristina and her boyfriend Daniel crying. Daniel is the opposite of a crier. I was amazed to see him crying. I leaned over to him, and told him what he was feeling was the Spirit. He knows it is, and that it was his first time really feeling it. Witnessing him feel the Spirit for the first time made me feel it. It made my testimony of missionary work grow even more. This is what I love. Watching people feel the Spirit for the first time in their lives. He told Kristina that he feels this church is more true than any he's been to. Including his former church. We had actually taught the Restoration the night before, and he agreed to pray and read form the B.o.M. We're so excited for him. Kristina is such a great influence on him! . She's helping him a lot. We're actually going to a branch FHE with them tonight. Our members are so great with helping. 

We met this awesome man who we've been teaching. His name is Armando. He gave us great advice. Always to take time to make a churro. He offered to let us use his churro making machine so we can make some, but we told him we didn't have the time to. He told us we would someday look back and regret not making a churro, so sometimes, we need to take time to make some. Basically, that we need a pause and make time for those important little things that make life worthwhile. It was so nice of him.


We found out that Jose our Recent Convert watched conference! It brought so much happiness to us! Even though he now lives 3 hours away, he himself went and sought out the missionaries, and is seeking for their help to keep progressing. We actually get to see him tomorrow, since he'll be in town. I'm stoked.


I hope everyone has a great week! Seriously watch that Meet the Mormons movies. The money they make in the box office is what the church is donating to the Red Cross. Isn't that awesome? That's something I love about that church!

 Con amor,

Hermana Robles

Monday, October 6, 2014

Because I Have Been Given Much, I Too Must Give (9/29/2014 - 10/6/2014)

Mon 10/6/2014 1:41 PM

This week went by too quick! I honestly can't really remember what happened except for the fact that we had conference. I'm so proud to be one of the 88,000 missionaries serving!


I will tell you that I had one great post conference experience!

We spent some time on the computers to print off talks, and I had the chance to go on family search. I decided I'd check out my family tree and see what was on there. As I went through my family's details, I felt the Spirit so strong. Nothing I had felt before. I knew it was the Spirit of Elijah, and that I need to continue to do family history work. I really want to get into it, and I realized the importance of doing so. It's something I will continue to work on. I'm so excited.


So we've been inviting everyone and their dog to attend conference. Jose de Jesus came, and it was hilarious. We told him the President of the church would speak. As soon as Pres. Eyring was talking about the "President", Jose thought he was talking about Pres. Obama. He kept asking, "Obama is coming? He's speaking?! He was so excited, but we had to explain to him that President Monson was speaking, and that he's cool like Obama as well. Is true!


That night, we saw Kristina and her boyfriend. They were so excited for conference! They told us they went out to buy her boyfriend church clothes so that they could attend! Cutest thing ever!! 


We went to the Lacasse's home with them and the Mortensons for Sunday morning session. It was so good! Sister Lacasse spoiled us with snacks and stuff! Good thing Hermana Walton and I go running each day for our exercise time! Yeah, I know. I'M ACTUALLY GOING RUNNING. I'm as surprised as anyone else.


 I had so many of my questions answered during conference. What I got the most out of it was the fact that I can and need to improve. I want to become a better disciple of Christ, and I finally know how! I just love conference! Every talk was so good. I'll share a few thoughts that stood out to me about each talk.

Lynon G Robbins: Courage is the form of virtue at every turning point. Boldly defend your standards. We should always remember whose disciples we are and which way we face.


 D Todd Christofferson: The gospel opens the path to what we can become.


Robert D. Hales: We won't fall nor fail if we build our houses upon Christ.


Pres. Thomas S. Monson: Our homes should be a heaven on earth. 


Richard G. Scott: Fam prayer should be a non- negotiable priority in life.


Carlos Godoy: We need to consider our options with the end in mind. Are we willing to pay out price for our decisions? Just because things are going well, doesn't mean we don't need to stop and see if there's anything we need to change.


Allan F Packer: Fam history is more than just the past. It includes the future. Don't fight the change- embrace it.


Hugo E Martinez: We're provided what we need to help reach our divine potential.


David A Bednar: We do not receive prizes or bonus points in a heavenly contest. We give & want to give that thing that has helped us to other people. 

That's why I'm a missionary! I wish more people knew that. We do this because we love the people, and want the best for them!


I hope everyone has a great week! Feast on the words of the prophet and his apostles! They're here to help guide us back to our path back to our father in heaven!

Con amor,

Hermana Robles