It's been such a great week. Each week on the mission gets
better by the second. I am so in love with the mission and the work. I cannot
believe how much time is flying, but I'm doing my best to enjoy every moment of
We've been working with this family. The Novelo family. We
were on exchanges this past week, and I was with a sister who doesn't speak
much Spanish. I was left to teach an entire lesson in Spanish, and I was fine
with it (: We taught the Intro to the Book of Mormon. The Spirit was so strong.
The sister I was with felt it, and she said she understood everything somehow.
Here's the funny part. Marco turned to me and asked, "When I become
Mormon, does that mean I need to stop doing the stuff I do now?" My comp
that day and I looked at each other wondering how to to let him down since we
assumed he was going to bring up things we didn't wanna hear. Suddenly, he
said, "So like using Facebook, and all of that?" He thought we
couldn't do those things! We explained to him that we're totally normal, and
that he could still be a normal human being. He was content. We explained that
the gospel just adds to his happiness and will help him become his better
Daniel and Kristina have still been coming to church. They
are so involved with church activities and everything. We went to a wedding
reception over the weekend, and Kristina told me, "i cannot wait to go
through the temple again" as we passed the temple. I am so excited to help
them reach that goal. Sadly, Daniel told us he doesn't know how to tell his
family that he's attending church with us, because he's afraid of their
reaction. If anyone has advice I could give him, please let me know about it!
Mom, what did you do?
Also, I'm so grateful for the card Aunt Ariela and Uncle
Cesar included in that package! It was so sweet!
Oh, Jose de Jesus came to church this past weekend! He loves
it! We're seeing progress with him! He loves listening to us and having us
over. he's slowly understanding the lessons. We learned that he's a visual
learner, so we have been doing object lessons and teaching him the lessons all
over. Es okay though (:
So I just wanna brag about how great out branch members are.
2 quick examples. We went to our Branch President's house for dinner, and as
soon as we stepped in, we said, "President! You need to go outside. The
sky looks so pretty!" His response, "But not as pretty as
Lacey." (His wife). I just love seeing the men in our branch treat their
wives so well, and with much respect.
Example number 2. We went to another member in our branch's
place for FHE last night. Dru and Ashleigh Lopez's family are the cutest! They
taught us the Restoration, and it was so good! The spirit was so strong, and
it's always possible to feel it when one goes to their home. Their cute little
5 year old boy Beckham recited James 1:5. It was the cutest thing, ever. Made
me realize how important it will be for my home to be centered on the gospel
some day. Every family in our branch teaches me what i want for my future
family. I love it. They're such great examples. Missionary work is hastening in
the homes. So family, I want you to know that i love you so much, and I'm
grateful that mom and dad have always managed to keep the Spirit in our home.
You've done great jobs, and I admire
i hope everyone has a great week!
Con amor,
Hermana Robles