General Conference is this upcoming weekend!
You know what that means? Um, it's the super bowl for
I'm so excited to watch uncle Israel sing on tv! Pretty sure
I'll be crying, 'cause that's the closest thing I'll get to see of family until
Christmas time. I like to think watching him sing is a total tender mercy. So
happy that he uses the talents God has given him for the best use (:
I'll be watching it at our Stake center, but I'll be
watching it at the Lacasse's house with the Mortensons and an LA Sunday
morning. Hna Lacasse will be making us lunch, so it's exciting. I just love our
members so darn much! They help us so much, and I can't express how much
gratitude i have for them!
We have been working a lot with Less Actives this past week,
and we've seen so many miracles through it! It's so cute. One of our LAs called
us the other night and asked for a scripture. He's been going through a hard
time and he said he needed a scripture to refer to. I read mom's fav scripture
to him. Joshua 1:9. She'd be proud to know I recited it without having to read
it out of the bible. We then had a good talk about how much the Lord loves him,
and that he's by his side always and especially through hard times. it helped
him, but it gets better. I grabbed Hna Walton and made her sing my favorite
hymn (I Stand All Amazed) to him with me. I'm a horrible singer, and I'd
never sing to anyone, but I actually did! Apparently he liked it, but I think
he was just being too nice. Hahah
I really love being as missionary! I've seen the gospel
bless lives as people have drawn closer to our father in heaven. I got to
experience that as I watched a family feel the Spirit after a long time. That
is what makes the sweat, tears, and stress worth it. There's nothing like
watching someone realize that the gospel blesses them and that no other worldly
thing would ever make them as happy as the gospel would. Sure some worldly
things might make them happy, but just for a period of time. The gospel blesses
and makes people happy for eternity! It's something I never want to lose.
Something amazing the mission has done for me is be able to
find out my self worth. I am a daughter of God, and I love him, but most
importantly- I KNOW He loves me. I'm a disciple of Christ, and I know that I
want to be more like him. Not just on my mission, but for the rest of my life.
I want to follow him, and radiate the love, charity, and meekness he holds for
us to those who surround me regardless of their beliefs. Everyone deserves to
feel of his great love, and I want to help them feel it. They each deserve to
know they're loved and are sons and daughters of a loving Heavenly Father. I know
what standards I hold, and I've come to know that someday I'll have the chance
to pick an eternal companion. I know that I'll be able to attract someone who
has the same values as I do. I shouldn't settle for less than a temple
marriage, or of what I know that I deserve. I love that the gospel helps one
see what they deserve and be able to really find themselves and realize their
divinity and worth.
This past week, I encountered this man. We tried speaking to
him, and the first thing he said was, "GO AWAY! GET OUR OF MY FACE!"
"You are devil worshipers!" I can't remember much more of the other
rude stuff he called my companion and I, but he threw out a lot of F-bombs, and
used them vulgarly. It was rude, and I won't lie. I cried. I wept a prayer for
him, and for his heart to be softened. I came to realize that even though he
was rude to us, he is a son of God and deserves to know he's loved. I hope the
next time he encounters missionaries, he gives them a chance, and listens to
the message we have to share.
Something really cool I'm sure many have heard about is that
LDS movie that's coming out. It's called Meet the Mormons. Apparently it's
really good. I invite you all to watch it and tell me how it went!
Con amor,
Hermana Robles