It's the last week of the transfer!
So uh, after that, I'm down to my last five weeks.
It's so sad.
Like, I saw a Christmas tree as soon as we stepped into
Wal-Mart "Gol-Mart" as grandma calls it, and it just brought so much
unhappiness to my face!
This is the last week of the transfer. I would be surprised
if Hermana Brown and I were split up, but then again, I wouldn't. President
does crazy things to those who are down to their last transfer. They're having
several missionaries and I who go home the same time as I do or before go to
the mission home this weekend for a departing missionaries' dinner/ last
testimony meeting. It's super weird especially because I still have about a
month left! But dang. It all still hasn't sunk in completely.
I pulled a total "Hermana Robles" moment this last
We were out trying a ton of people and got to some house. I
felt that I was on this roll because we were trying a ton of people all day. We
stepped up to a potential's house and we knocked. He answered, and I said the
best little line in Spanish. I felt on fire! He then looked over to my
companion, leaned in, and whispered, "What is she saying?" I realized
that this guy looked like a Latino and wasn't Latino! He only spoke English.
That would totally happen to me! he then accused me of "racial
profiling" him. We laughed and said he totally did the same thing to
Hermana Brown because it seemed that he assumed that she only spoke English. So
we all laughed it off, and made a return set appointment with him. But yeah. Of
course these things happen to me! It was embarrassing, but I wasn't surprised
whatsoever because I always pull things like these.
At MLC, we discussed a lot about changing the culture in
this mission. We want to continue to progress and it's so cool how much
everyone's wanting that for our mission. We want to be a mission that's
"on fire". There was a quote that I absolutely loved. It says,
"When you choose to follow Christ, you choose to be changed." I loved
it. It makes all the difference. God works with hearts that are willing to be
workable. he works with people who are willing to humble themselves down and
accept his will- whatever it may be. I've definitely noticed that a ton on my
We currently have 2 on dates for December 12th. Maribel and
I think a huge thing with that was the fact that we have
been exercising our faith and having it grow deeper. That our faith in the Lord
would precede miracles. We've been praying to have faith and that it'd grow. I
know I need to grow my faith, and so it humbled me down. Sometimes, it is hard
to have that occur. Satan wants us discouraged and to diminish our faith. He
totally sucks!
So Maribel. She's actually the wife of a Recent Convert
named Omar. They're a Part member family. They are just super cute! The branch
wanted us to teach her since the elders couldn't make it in to teach her since
Omar works like all the time. We went in on Tuesday and got to know her better
and she told us and see if she was interested. In the beginning, she wasn't,
but seeing the difference it made in her family, and seeing a difference in her
husband made all the difference especially since he received the Priesthood.
She told us she wants to be baptized, but once she came to know what we taught
was true.
We taught her the Restoration, and it was awesome, because
it's as if a lightbulb flicked on in her in her mind. It was so neat to watch
it all click for her. She loved that she understood it, and she recognized the
spirit. We've been focusing a ton on the last page in the Restoration pamphlet
a ton lately, and it's made all the difference. We then chose a date for her as
a goal, and she accepted.
Hermana Brown put Paul on date while we did exchanges with
other sisters this past weekend. I was so proud of her! She is progressing a
ton and growing! She's one heck of a missionary, so I'm excited for her and to
hear of all the miracles she gets to experience on her mission. I hope I've
been able to teach her a good thing or two. We hope we can be together my last
few weeks! Ah. This is so unreal!
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