Everyone's been telling me to make that my title, so I
followed it because I've totally lost my creativity on titles. I'm just worn
out ha-ha.
I can't believe this. I'm down to my last month. It sucks.
I'm so sad ha-ha.
President and Sister Dymock had a special dinner/ testimony
meeting for the departing missionaries last night. It was easily one of the
most Spirit filled meetings I've had on my mission. The Spirit was felt super
strong, and it was weird to see several missionaries I've served with and who
had come out with me progress so much. All I really remember saying when I bore
my testimony was, "I can't believe this is happening.." Then bore my
testimony and the things I've learned from this beautiful journey. I think by
the end of the meeting, it totally sank in that I'm actually leaving. A
recurring theme in our testimonies that were borne was what Elder. Dale G.
Renlund quoted in conference,
"Twas I, but 'tis not I." It's incredible how
living the gospel and constantly feeding our testimonies after all our trials
and the successes has refined us. It's cool that for choosing to help others
and bring them the fullness of the restored gospel in return ends up changing
us and helping us conquer our old Goliaths. It's the hardest thing I've ever loved
to do.
It's so heartbreaking, but I realized that the Lord has
something else for me to learn and to help with when my mission draws to the
The cool thing about all this was that I got to see the
transfer board and know my transfer call before getting the call.
For my last month, I'll be ending here in the valley, as the
STL, and still companions with Hermana Brown (:
She's going to, "kill" me, so you could say she's
excited. However, I feel so bad that she has to experience all this and having
to prepare me to leave because she just began. Obviously she can handle it
though. She's been such a huge support as I've been emotionally, spiritually
and even so physically preparing myself for the next transition in my life.
She's such a great friend.
Dad, this one's for you.
The elders were teasing me about going to the U of U because
they're cougar fans, and so after a happy little debate, one turned tot eh
other and said,
We're going to engrave the BYU Cougar into her left
cornea." I don't know. That totally cracked me up. I'll miss being a
I feel that at this point, there isn't as much that I could
possibly do to help this area grow and even so experience any fruits. It was
sad to realize that, but I had this neat experience with prayer. I'd been
praying constantly and devoutly to my Father in Heaven to help me feel
accomplished and feel good about my performance. I've just been wanting to work
so hard and feel like I've given all I could to the Lord.
As I pleaded in prayer, I felt this super bold and strong
thought come into my mind, "Hermana Robles, don't think about yourself,
and put the missionaries who surround you first." I totally realized that
I need to not just keep doing what I'm doing, but what I can do in order to
feel adequate about my efforts is to continue to help the missionaries who
surround me. I felt such a firm confirmation of that, and it totally made
I may not have helped many people enter the waters of
baptism- or well, seen a result of that. However, I have been able to see
fruits of helping other missionaries, and just feeling pure charity for them.
I've formed so many incredible friendships, and maybe that's a big reason why
I'm here.
Speaking of fruits, James is getting baptized November 28th.
I'm super excited! I cannot wait to go down to Cheney and watch him be
baptized. It's such a miracle!
Sorry for the short email.
Con amor,
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