Tuesday, November 24, 2015

"Acción de Gracias" and Promises Fulfilled.

Tue 11/24/2015 12:55 PM

Such a great past week. Another happy week indeed.
This past week went by so quick, and yet so slow. 


We had this super crazy wind storm Tuesday night. It was ridiculous. Wouldn't have been surprised if we got hit by a tornado!

It was so insane. All of our appointments cancelled on us as the evening went on, and so we were just going to go out and try people until we received a text from the ZLs indicating us to not leave our houses because this storm was going to get worse. It was roaring outside, and it was insane to hear all this shaking and watching our screens shake. It was insane. I shot out a text to the sisters in our zone to see if they were okay, and I found out that one set completely lost their power, and so we had them drive to our place and spend the night. We did a ton of updating, watched fun little "mormon messages", made dinner, and I made us all frozen hot chocolate. We really did have a great night roughing this storm out. It was honestly a blast. I felt like I was in High School and having sleepovers all over again. There were moments where our lights dimmed on and off, so we thought we'd be powerless too, but luckily we weren't. However, we got to finally try out our couches that night (: 

We decided to do an exchange with the YSA sisters since they spent the time with us, and it'd be the best time for me to do it with them due to all the crazy meetings I've had and all the departing things I need to be taking care of within these next few weeks. 

I was with Sister Paget the following day in her area, and the first thing we did after studies was look for opportunities to serve people. It was insane because we drove out of our neighborhood, and saw HUGE Evergreen trees out in the middle of the streets, on cars, and all over yards. There were fences torn down, shingles ripped out of houses, and a trillion trampolines and basketball hoops  just scattered in the middle of streets. We went around and asked people if we could help them clean their yards, and what not. Everyone totally shut us down, so we went around for a bit, and just fixed basketball hoops that were knocked down. We felt like winners.

There were so many homes that were without power, and who still are! 

We were so lucky that our place was one of those rare exceptions. So many missionaries had no power, and it was so sad! Everyone helped them though.

Because of all that, no one has been home, or has had time to listen to us or anything, which totally sucked because we have tried so many people all week, but oh well!

I'm still grateful for the cold experience!


So Thanksgiving is this week! 

I feel that we just had Thanksgiving last month or so. It's insane.

We'll be with quite a few members, so we'll be well taken care of. We're excited!


Okay, so I'm so extremely excited for this weekend! 

James Branca is getting baptized on Saturday! (:

Happiest thing, ever!

Unfortunately, I won't be able to make it to his baptism, and it was so heartbreaking to have to tell him when he called me to personally invite me. 

He expressed so much gratitude towards me and thanked me for contacting him when his friend referred him to us. It was insane, because he's getting baptized! Bishop Neilson from the Cheney YSA ward will be baptizing him, and he is just so content. He had just had his baptismal interview that day, and he expressed how ecstatic he was. He told me his future goals, and how he wants to be married in the temple, and how he wished he could serve a mission, but just missed the age deadline. He told me to make sure I put his baptism on my "scoreboard", and I laughed so hard! I just love James! He became such a brother to me. I truly feel that I came to this mission to help him and find him. I just feel that I knew him before this life, and had to come to teach him and help him find the beauty of the gospel. He told me the happiness he's been feeling from fully living the gospel, and how he's gonna go and do baptisms at the temple after he's baptized. He actually is looking to move to Utah. Some of the best experiences and lessons I've taught on my mission were when we taught him. I truly felt that I was at my highest "game" as so to speak when I was teaching him. He is just converted. I had received an impression when we were teaching him, and having these awesome miraculous experiences that he was going to be baptized one day, and be a great leader in this church. I am just so excited for him. The talk I was able to have with him was just a very sacred moment I was able to have on my mission, and absolutely a cherry on top. The Lord just had to work a little more on him to help him be deeply rooted in to the gospel. 

Remember how I mentioned that President gave me a blessing last transfer after a hard week?

He mentioned that I would be able to see a fruit of my labor and experience someone I taught enter the waters of baptism before I went home. I honestly expected this to happen here in the valley, but it's happening in Cheney (: This helped my testimony on Priesthood blessings grow. It was incredible. 

Aside from that incredible experience and one of the happiest moments of my mission, I've been on this super weird obsession with singing and over playing the song Christmas Bells. Weird, because I usually refuse to listen to Christmas music before Thanksgiving. 

This Sunday, the church is launching a new Christmas Initiative called A Savior is Born. It's such a good one to share with friends and family regardless of religious standpoints! The site is christmas.mormon.org (:

 Time sure is passing by quicker each week, but I know these are the moments that count the most.

I love and am so grateful for you all, and I wish you all a Feliz Accion de Gracias!
Nos vemos muy pronto!

Con amor,


Hermana Robles

Thursday, November 19, 2015

"It's the Final Countdown!"

Mon 11/16/2015 4:18 PM

Everyone's been telling me to make that my title, so I followed it because I've totally lost my creativity on titles. I'm just worn out ha-ha.

I can't believe this. I'm down to my last month. It sucks. I'm so sad ha-ha. 

President and Sister Dymock had a special dinner/ testimony meeting for the departing missionaries last night. It was easily one of the most Spirit filled meetings I've had on my mission. The Spirit was felt super strong, and it was weird to see several missionaries I've served with and who had come out with me progress so much. All I really remember saying when I bore my testimony was, "I can't believe this is happening.." Then bore my testimony and the things I've learned from this beautiful journey. I think by the end of the meeting, it totally sank in that I'm actually leaving. A recurring theme in our testimonies that were borne was what Elder. Dale G. Renlund quoted in conference, 

"Twas I, but 'tis not I." It's incredible how living the gospel and constantly feeding our testimonies after all our trials and the successes has refined us. It's cool that for choosing to help others and bring them the fullness of the restored gospel in return ends up changing us and helping us conquer our old Goliaths. It's the hardest thing I've ever loved to do.

It's so heartbreaking, but I realized that the Lord has something else for me to learn and to help with when my mission draws to the end.

The cool thing about all this was that I got to see the transfer board and know my transfer call before getting the call.

For my last month, I'll be ending here in the valley, as the STL, and still companions with Hermana Brown (:

She's going to, "kill" me, so you could say she's excited. However, I feel so bad that she has to experience all this and having to prepare me to leave because she just began. Obviously she can handle it though. She's been such a huge support as I've been emotionally, spiritually and even so physically preparing myself for the next transition in my life. She's such a great friend.

Dad, this one's for you. 

The elders were teasing me about going to the U of U because they're cougar fans, and so after a happy little debate, one turned tot eh other and said,


We're going to engrave the BYU Cougar into her left cornea." I don't know. That totally cracked me up. I'll miss being a missionary..

 Yesterday, the Branch Presidency came up to me and asked me to give a talk about Enduring to the End On December 13th. Which so happens to be the last Sunday of my mission. I mean, I don't know.. I found it hilarious. I am super happy about staying! 

 This past week has been kind of tough emotionally. 

I feel that at this point, there isn't as much that I could possibly do to help this area grow and even so experience any fruits. It was sad to realize that, but I had this neat experience with prayer. I'd been praying constantly and devoutly to my Father in Heaven to help me feel accomplished and feel good about my performance. I've just been wanting to work so hard and feel like I've given all I could to the Lord. 

As I pleaded in prayer, I felt this super bold and strong thought come into my mind, "Hermana Robles, don't think about yourself, and put the missionaries who surround you first." I totally realized that I need to not just keep doing what I'm doing, but what I can do in order to feel adequate about my efforts is to continue to help the missionaries who surround me. I felt such a firm confirmation of that, and it totally made sense. 

I may not have helped many people enter the waters of baptism- or well, seen a result of that. However, I have been able to see fruits of helping other missionaries, and just feeling pure charity for them. I've formed so many incredible friendships, and maybe that's a big reason why I'm here.
Speaking of fruits, James is getting baptized November 28th. I'm super excited! I cannot wait to go down to Cheney and watch him be baptized. It's such a miracle!

 This next month will be quite the trip, and it'll be so good. I anticipate it. 

 We made tamales this week. From scratch!

 Also dad, I'm enrolled in my classes. Same with Institute. Just thought you'd like to know.

 We also got 3 new investigators this week, so that was happy.

 Hope you all have a great week!

Sorry for the short email.

 Nos vemos pronto!

Con amor,

Hermana Robles

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Last week of transfer

Mon 11/9/2015
It's the last week of the transfer!
So uh, after that, I'm down to my last five weeks. 

How do I know that? EVERYONE AND THEIR DOGS ARE TELLING ME. It's so sad.
Like, I saw a Christmas tree as soon as we stepped into Wal-Mart "Gol-Mart" as grandma calls it, and it just brought so much unhappiness to my face! 

This is the last week of the transfer. I would be surprised if Hermana Brown and I were split up, but then again, I wouldn't. President does crazy things to those who are down to their last transfer. They're having several missionaries and I who go home the same time as I do or before go to the mission home this weekend for a departing missionaries' dinner/ last testimony meeting. It's super weird especially because I still have about a month left! But dang. It all still hasn't sunk in completely.


I pulled a total "Hermana Robles" moment this last week. 

We were out trying a ton of people and got to some house. I felt that I was on this roll because we were trying a ton of people all day. We stepped up to a potential's house and we knocked. He answered, and I said the best little line in Spanish. I felt on fire! He then looked over to my companion, leaned in, and whispered, "What is she saying?" I realized that this guy looked like a Latino and wasn't Latino! He only spoke English. That would totally happen to me! he then accused me of "racial profiling" him. We laughed and said he totally did the same thing to Hermana Brown because it seemed that he assumed that she only spoke English. So we all laughed it off, and made a return set appointment with him. But yeah. Of course these things happen to me! It was embarrassing, but I wasn't surprised whatsoever because I always pull things like these.

At MLC, we discussed a lot about changing the culture in this mission. We want to continue to progress and it's so cool how much everyone's wanting that for our mission. We want to be a mission that's "on fire". There was a quote that I absolutely loved. It says, "When you choose to follow Christ, you choose to be changed." I loved it. It makes all the difference. God works with hearts that are willing to be workable. he works with people who are willing to humble themselves down and accept his will- whatever it may be. I've definitely noticed that a ton on my mission. 


We currently have 2 on dates for December 12th. Maribel and Paul. 

I think a huge thing with that was the fact that we have been exercising our faith and having it grow deeper. That our faith in the Lord would precede miracles. We've been praying to have faith and that it'd grow. I know I need to grow my faith, and so it humbled me down. Sometimes, it is hard to have that occur. Satan wants us discouraged and to diminish our faith. He totally sucks!


So Maribel. She's actually the wife of a Recent Convert named Omar. They're a Part member family. They are just super cute! The branch wanted us to teach her since the elders couldn't make it in to teach her since Omar works like all the time. We went in on Tuesday and got to know her better and she told us and see if she was interested. In the beginning, she wasn't, but seeing the difference it made in her family, and seeing a difference in her husband made all the difference especially since he received the Priesthood. She told us she wants to be baptized, but once she came to know what we taught was true. 

We taught her the Restoration, and it was awesome, because it's as if a lightbulb flicked on in her in her mind. It was so neat to watch it all click for her. She loved that she understood it, and she recognized the spirit. We've been focusing a ton on the last page in the Restoration pamphlet a ton lately, and it's made all the difference. We then chose a date for her as a goal, and she accepted.


Hermana Brown put Paul on date while we did exchanges with other sisters this past weekend. I was so proud of her! She is progressing a ton and growing! She's one heck of a missionary, so I'm excited for her and to hear of all the miracles she gets to experience on her mission. I hope I've been able to teach her a good thing or two. We hope we can be together my last few weeks! Ah. This is so unreal!


Otherwise, everything is great. I want to enjoy these last few weeks the best I can and live it super intense. I love being a missionary. I'll miss it so much!

I love you all.
Hope you have a great week!
Con amor,

Hermana Robles

Monday, November 9, 2015


Mon 11/2/2015 5:35 PM

Basically, that's mine and Hermana Brown's new favorite line.
I mean, who isn't and doesn't need him?!
Hence, why "A saint is a sinner who keeps on trying." is my favorite quote ever. Props to Elder Renlund.
We had quite the week. It's hard to believe it went by. It feels so unreal. I feel like each week is even quicker than the previous. I don't really like that.


Ricardo has been progressing. It's super neat. He absolutely LOVES the Book of Mormon. He reads it and several chapters each day. We've been meeting with him literally every day. It's been super neat. We just love him so much! We've watched the Atonement change him as he's read and likened the scriptures. It's been incredible. He's not a grumpy old man anymore (: He's become such a great friend to us. 

Our Branch Mission Leader went to pick him up yesterday for church, and he was dressed up, but he didn't wound up going because apparently he had an issue with tithing. He mentioned to him that he didn't wanna meet with us anymore, so we went after church and spoke to him. We cleared up the issue, and it was cool how much the Spirit filled our mouths and we said what needed to be. We taught him the principles behind the doctrine and it made sense to him. He's noticed a change within himself too. He knows it's because he's been meeting with us. He feared that because he doesn't know much that it'd be hard for him to progress and even so be baptized. We shared Mosiah 4: 9 with him and explained that sometimes, we don't have to know everything. That's the beauty of faith. Faith leads to action, which will down the road confirm those actions that were made. Hence, why faith in Jesus Christ is the first principle of the gospel. I felt like I was teaching grandpa Lino and I saw him like I saw both Grandpa Lino and Claudio. I totally lost it as I was explaining that to him. I feel that this experience is allowing me to prepare to teach Grandpa Lino and help him understand the gospel when I visit Peru the upcoming Summer. It's been a great experience. I feel so much charity for Don Ricardo. He's a kind man filled with so much hope, and I know that God has been working in his life to lead him to accepting the gospel. For him it's just been taking longer than others. God works in everyone in different ways. 

Funniest thing. After our lesson, we spoke to a less active that the Elders in one of the English wards are working with. He committed and promised he'd come to church this next week and as we were talking to him about the importance of attending church, Ricardo walked out of his room with a cigarette in hand. We looked at him in disappointment, and the less active went up to him and asked him for a cigarette, took it from his hand, and walked outside with it. Hahah so basically the less active took the shot for Ricardo. It all happened so abruptly and we all looked at each other and laughed our heads off. We told Ricardo that was a definite sign that he needed to quit. He agreed.


Halloween day we had an appointment with a referral we contacted the night before. We went over to teach the family, and they weren't home. We were driving on a main road-Pines, and I saw from the rear view mirror a person who was standing at a bus stop. I felt some weird connection to this person although I was just seeing the back of their head. It was weird. I kept driving, but a feeling that I needed to turn the car around kept nudging me. I've had such a hard time telling the difference between the Spirit or my own thoughts my entire mission. (Who doesn't have that problem, right?) but I chose to follow the thought and found myself saying aloud, "I feel that we should talk to that person, so I'm turning the car around and we're talking to them!" Hermana Brown expressed that she felt the exact same way, and so we parked the car and awkwardly walked up to the person from behind thinking that we would pass that person off to the English missionaries if they expressed any sort of interest or whatnot. We said hi to the person, and they say hi in response. I asked her what she was up to, her name, all those things, (because we finally found out she was a female) and she responded so shortly. I asked her where she was headed to, and she said work. I asked where she worked, and she said, "a place". That was when I realized that she had no interest in talking to us. She then turned to us and asked, "WHO ARE YOU?!" We looked at each other, smiled, and exclaimed, "We're the missionaries for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints!" It was seriously the best question, ever. We just began to teach her. It was cool! Her countenance totally changed and she softened up a ton. She smiled at everything we had to say, and when we asked her if she was interested, she said yes! We invited her to be baptized, and she said yes. We were ecstatic and asked her why she said yes, and she explained an awesome experience she had the previous day at work. She mentioned that some random guy went up to her and began to talk to her about Christ and on how she needed to follow him. It struck to her, and the fact that we randomly were talking to her sealed the deal. We told her that we felt prompted to talk to her, and that it certainly was no coincidence. She accepted a return appointment, AND she became our new investigator! We found out she was Latina. That seriously doesn't happen, ever! She just moved in to the valley, and was rockin' that "top button swag", so that topped it off (:


I felt super American this past week. I made caramel apples, ate a mean grilled cheese, discovered Rice Chex cereal, IN CHOCOLATE, and went into my first food coma. 'Merica. It was pretty gnarly. Just saying. It was a good week.


I've been doing well otherwise. Just doing what I need to be and digging even deeper into the scriptures and learning all neat sorts of things. We have MLC tomorrow, so I'm stoked for that. 

It's been getting super cold out here, but it's all relative!

 Well, love you all.
Nos vemos!

 Con amor,

Hermana Robles