The work is really hastening up in the North Spokane area,
and I am so privileged to be a part of it!
We have had a crazy busy week. We've been so exhausted, but
always came home so happy due to how hard we've been working ourselves off!
Good thing we're staying together another transfer in the same area (: We'll be
celebrating my halfway point, General conference, and birthday together, so I'm
very content (:
We just had 28 missionaries go home, and 3 new come in. The
mission is gradually decreasing as far as missionaries out here, so now we have
200 serving. Many areas got combined and huge changes occurred, but everything
in the Spanish work is the same. Our areas are already huge, that nothing
affected the Spanish work.
Our numbers have really increased this last week. WE HAD 8
INVESTIGATORS AT CHURCH. HOLLLLLA! We were so content about that, and our
lessons, Baptismal invites, and Gospel Conversations have really increased. Why
you may ask? Those are the results of talking to EVERYONE. Like I mentioned
before, we fear no man, and our comp motto is to talk to everyone. The cash
registers, workers, waiters, people at gas stations, EVERYONE. We do what we
like to call "Drive bys". Drive by lessons, gospel conversations,
baptismal invites. Yep. Super out of the ordinary, but I don't mind because i
know that no matter how ridiculous we may look, we are slowly touching lives
one way or another. We're not even weird about how we approach and start these
conversations, and it's awesome the miracles we've seen from it. It's how the
work hastens, and how we'll bring people closer to Christ which is our purpose.
I just remember in the beginning of the mission not thinking
I was ever capable of being able to help someone come closer to Christ; to talk
to strangers easily or be able to adjust to this new lifestyle. The Atonement
helped me with that. It's changed mer. Living the gospel fully has changed me,
and I am so grateful for not giving up, and thinking that I can do all things-
through Christ that is. That's how it will be after the mission (which i don't
want to think of anytime soon)
We just finished the Book of Mormon. Wow. I love the B.O.M
will ALL my heart. I have gained an even stronger testimony of it. This book is
so real! So true! I don't doubt anything about it. It's amazing how every
question I have can be and is answered as I read it. It is so powerful, and I
am so grateful for the tool it is in our lives. I remember taking it for
granted before I went on a mission, and I know I missed out on some great
blessings and counsel. The fact that I was able to finish it in a transfer
blows me away. I understood everything so clearly, and I learned that the
reason I never understood it before was because I wasn't reading it with real
intent or even trying to understand it. Also, because I didn't pray with full
intent to have help in understanding it. It all just clicks to me, and I always
want to be reading it and scrutinizing it. I LOVE THE BOOK OF MORMON.
So the Evaristos. We've been having great lessons with them!
They came to church yesterday, and watched Hna Whipperman give a talk in
Spanish. (May i just add how incredible my companion is?! She blows me away
every day by just trying so hard, and working herself off. Our companionship
just makes sense. I love her so much!) We went to lunch with their daughter,
and a great talk about the Strength of Youth! I found out they were able to
talk to mom on the phone and was able to fellowship them! How awesome that mom
and I could working on our together! So cool that she has been able to help me
with missionary work from back home! Maria told me that talking to mom made her
that they have been friends forever! So cool!
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